IDB: Policy on Transportation
Policy on Transportation

34CFR Section 361.48 requires the Department for the Blind to develop and maintain current policies covering the nature and scope and the criteria under which each service is provided.

A. Nature and Scope

The Department will provide transportation services in connection with the rendering of any vocational rehabilitation service. Transportation means travel and related expenses that are necessary to enable an applicant or eligible individual to participate in a vocational rehabilitation service including expenses for training in the use of public transportation, vehicles, and systems.

B. Criteria

Transportation will be provided only in support of other core services. Joint planning between the individual and counselor will be used to determine the amount of transportation to be provided. Consideration will be given to the following items: the availability and accessibility of public transportation, car pooling, ride sharing, and reimbursement of vehicle mileage via the most direct route. In those instances where cost may exceed the least expensive mode of transportation, exceptions may be made on an individual basis. Comparable services and benefits will be used to the maximum extent appropriate.


Revised: 08/10/01

Return to Status 10 - Chapter Contents.

A. Nature and Scope

Added November 28, 2023 under

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