IDB: Policy on VR Services to Family Members
Policy on Vocational Rehabilitation Services to Family Members

34CFR Section 361.48 requires the Department for the Blind to develop and maintain current policies covering the nature and scope and the criteria under which each service is provided.

A. Nature and Scope

The Department will provide vocational rehabilitation services to family members of an applicant or eligible individual, if necessary, to enable the applicant or eligible individual to achieve an employment outcome. Family member for purposes of receiving vocational rehabilitation services means an individual who is either a relative or guardian of an applicant or eligible individual or lives in the same household as an applicant or eligible individual; who has a substantial interest in the well- being of that individual; and, whose receipt of vocational rehabilitation services is necessary to enable the applicant or eligible individual to achieve an employment outcome.

B. Criteria

The Department will provide these services to family members only in support of other core vocational rehabilitation services. The Department may assist other family members in securing benefits and services if the lack of those services is impeding the individual’s rehabilitation. Comparable services and benefits will be used to the maximum extent possible.


Revised: 08/10/01

Return to Status 10 - Chapter Contents.

A. Nature and Scope

Added November 28, 2023 under

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