Logo: Iowa Department for the Blind; Opportunities for IndependenceLogo: Iowa Department for the Blind; Opportunities for Independence

Vocational Rehabilitation Policy Manual

Pre-employment Transition Services


  1. Contents

Pre-Employment Transition Services, Coordination and Planning for Students with Disabilities 4

Required Services and Statewide Availability 5

Instruction in Self-Advocacy 5

Workplace Readiness Training 6

Job Exploration Counseling 6

Counseling on Opportunities for Enrollment in Comprehensive Transition or Post-Secondary Education Program 7

Work-Based Learning Experiences 8

Additional Services Required To Participate in Pre-Employment Transition Services Providing Auxiliary Aids and Other Accommodations and Services Under Pre-ETS 8

Reasonable Accommodation/Auxiliary Aids and Services 9

Provision of Other Necessary Support Services 11

Outreach and Collaboration Responsibilities 12

Provision of Pre-Employment Transition Services to Students with Disabilities 13

Pre-Employment Transition Services Referral Process 13

Provision of Pre-Employment Transition Services 15

Provision of Pre-Employment Transition Services Using the VR Case Type 17

Initiating Vocational Rehabilitation Services After Beginning Pre-Employment Transition Services 18

Financial Responsibility for Pre-Employment Transition Services Participation 18

Financial Responsibility Using the Pre-ETS Case Type 18

Financial Responsibility Using the VR Case Type 18

Discontinuation of Pre-Employment Transitioning Services and/or Closure of Service Records 19

Discontinuation of Services 19

Pre-employment transition services shall be discontinued once an individual no longer satisfies the definition of a student with a disability,” regardless of whether those services were being provided consistent with a Pre-ETS Agreement or an Individualized Plan for Employment. 19

Closure of the Service Record 20

Pre-Employment Transition Services, Coordination and Planning for Students with Disabilities

In July 2014, the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) was signed into law. WIOA requires a vocational rehabilitation (VR) agency to reserve a minimum of 15% of its federal funds to provide pre-employment transition services (Pre-ETS) to students with disabilities who need them, and are eligible or potentially eligible for VR services. This section includes guidance for providing these services statewide in collaboration with state and local education agencies.

Target Population

Pre-employment transition services are provided to students with disabilities” who are:

A Student with a Disability” is one who meets all of the following criteria:

  1. Is at least 14 but no more than 21 years of age (has not yet reached 22nd birthday).

  2. Has a disability, and has submitted the required qualifying medical documentation signed by a medical provider or a copy of IEP or 504 Plan.

  3. Has documentation confirming enrollment as a student in an educational program, including:

    1. Secondary school, including home school and alternative school programs (e.g., those housed within the juvenile justice system)

    2. Post-secondary education programs approved by a state’s Higher Education Commission

    3. Adult basic educational programs which lead to a recognized educational credential (e.g., High School Equivalency Diploma (HSED) or high school diploma)

    4. State, nationally, or industry recognized certificate programs leading to a credential (e.g. Certified Nursing Assistant, Phlebotomy Technician, Microsoft Certification, Automotive Service Excellence Certification).

Documentation of enrollment may include an IEP, 504 Plan, report card, college acceptance letter, college registration receipt, or other documentation from the educational program.

Required Services and Statewide Availability

The primary purpose of Pre-Employment Transition Services provided or coordinated by the Department is to help students begin to identify career interests and to learn skills in preparation for transition to employment and/or post-secondary education. The Department will make every effort to provide or coordinate the following services to ensure statewide availability. IDB partners with the Iowa Educational Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired (IESBVI) which employs Teachers of the Visually Impaired (TVI) who are contracted by the local area education agency to work with students who are blind or have low vision and school personnel in area schools and alternative educational sites to ensure identification of students who may benefit from Pre-ETS. IDB provides information to local area education agencies and school districts to provide information regarding pre-employment transition services available to students with disabilities.

Description of Required Services — Pre-employment transition services may be provided in a group or generalized classroom setting and/or an individualized setting and are limited to any or all of the services outlined below:

Instruction in Self-Advocacy

Instruction in Self-Advocacy may include, but is not limited to:

Workplace Readiness Training

Workplace Readiness Training to develop social skills and independent living skills necessary for employment may include, but is not limited to:

Job Exploration Counseling

Counseling on Opportunities for Enrollment in Comprehensive Transition or Post-Secondary Education Program

Counseling on Opportunities for Enrollment in Comprehensive Transition or Post-Secondary Education Program may include, but is not limited to:

Work-Based Learning Experiences

Work-Based Learning Experiences may include opportunities that are available in school, after school, or outside the traditional school setting; however, they must be provided in an integrated setting in the community to the maximum extent possible. IDB and community partners should seek every opportunity to provide work-based learning experiences in integrated settings before providing these services in non-integrated settings. Services may include, but are not limited to:

Additional Services Required To Participate in Pre-Employment Transition Services – Providing Auxiliary Aids and Other Accommodations and Services Under Pre-ETS

IDB will ensure that no qualified student with a disability is denied the benefit of pre-employment transition services on the basis of the individual’s disability. Therefore, if a student with a disability requires reasonable accommodations/auxiliary aid or service to access or participate in any of the required pre-employment transition services, IDB may pay for such costs when no other public entity is required to provide such aid or service.

Reasonable Accommodation/Auxiliary Aids and Services

Accommodations, aids and services for students who are blind, have low vision and are deaf-blind, including:

Accommodations, aids and services for students who are deaf-blind, including:

Non-adapted or adapted equipment or devices, when needed for a student during participation in pre-employment transition services.

IDB will retain ownership of the equipment or device and require its return at the conclusion of the pre-employment transition service for which it was provided, so that it may be available for use by other students during pre-employment transition services.

Pre-ETS funds may not be used to modify a student’s personal equipment or devices, or to provide personal equipment or devices of which students would retain ownership.

Auxiliary aids and services do not include:

Vocational Rehabilitation Technology Services:

Assistive/rehabilitation technology assessments to determine whether modified equipment or devices are needed for a student to participate in Pre-ETS can be provided, but this assessment is not considered a pre-employment transition service.

Assistive/rehabilitation technology training may be provided, but this training is not considered a pre-employment transition service. Therefore, if the student has a Potentially Eligible case this training may not be provided.

If a student will need a great deal of assistive technology due to disability, it may be best for this student to have a regular VR case and not a potentially eligible case.

Provision of Other Necessary Support Services

Funding of services needed shall be determined in collaboration with the local school system and other resources.

Potentially Eligible Case Type – When a student requires a personal device to participate in services, IDB may loan the device, contingent on availability. This loan will be documented in the case file, and the student will be required to return the device when no longer required for participation in services.

VR Case Type – When a student has an Individualized Plan for Employment and requires a personal device or other goods and services (e.g. uniforms, maintenance and transportation, or bus pass) to participate in any of the five required pre-employment transition services, they may be purchased using traditional vocational rehabilitation funding, consistent with the IPE. IDB may also loan the device, if available.

Outreach and Collaboration Responsibilities

IDB managers, counselors, and Business Service Representatives will make every effort to develop and maintain cooperative working relationships with state and local secondary education staff (including alternative school programs), post-secondary education staff, state operated programs, and workforce development partners (i.e., American Job Centers/IowaWORKS, AEL, etc.) to coordinate pre-employment transition services.

Outreach and Coordination activities include, but are not limited to:

School officials continue to be responsible for providing a free and appropriate public education to include transition services required under IDEA.

Provision of Pre-Employment Transition Services to Students with Disabilities

Pre-ETS services provision to students with disabilities shall be:

In the event that the VR program has implemented an order of selection, students with disabilities would not be exempt from any of the order of selection requirements for VR services. A student with a disability who needs individualized VR services, in addition to pre-employment transition services, must apply and be determined eligible for the VR program and have an approved IPE.

Pre-Employment Transition Services Referral Process

To ensure that requests for pre-employment transition services are accepted, assigned, and registered in eFORCE promptly, referrals of students with disabilities shall be managed as indicated below:

A referral may be submitted by school personnel, family members, guardians, or other interested persons via an online referral form, paper referral form, or phone call. Referral information should include:

Social security number (optional, not included when the online referral process is used, and may also be collected on Pre-ETS Student Information and Consent Form.)

Date of birth

Race and ethnicity


Ten-digit state student identification number for high school students (may be found on student’s Individualized Education Plan, if available)

Start date of Pre-ETS services

Services to be provided

IDB staff shall establish referral procedures with school officials to assure that:

When a student is referred for IDB-VR services by sources other than the school, the vocational rehabilitation counselor will notify the appropriate school personnel of the referral upon obtaining the appropriate authorization for release of information to promote information sharing and collaboration.

Within no more than 14 working days of the receipt of a referral, IDB staff will provide the individual with the following documents and a cover letter requesting required documentation if not already provided:

Student information shall remain in referral (Status 00) until all required documentation (i.e. enrollment, disability, and the Pre-ETS Student Information and Consent Form signed by the student and, if student is a minor or in high school, the parent/legal guardian) is received.

If all required documentation is not provided or the student or parent/legal guardian does not respond to a minimum of three documented IDB-VR contacts, the referral may be closed and the student notified accordingly.

When a referral for pre-employment transition services is received for a student who will soon no longer qualify for pre-employment transition services or who may be automatically eligible for VR services, consult with local management regarding how best to process the referral.

Provision of Pre-Employment Transition Services

Pre-employment transition services will be provided to students with disabilities with records of service on either a Pre-ETS caseload or a VR caseload type in eFORCE. Provision of services shall be managed as follows:

Provision of Pre-Employment Transition Services Using the Pre-ETS Case Type

Initiating Pre-ETS Case — When all required documentation listed in is received, IDB-VR staff will:

Enter student’s information in eFORCE.

At this point, eFORCE will generate a 5-digit Unique Identifier for the student, which will be used when reporting Pre-ETS service delivery, as required by federal law.

Initial Pre-ETS Discussion — The assigned counselor will make every effort to discuss Pre-ETS with the student within no more than 30 working days of receiving the required documentation of disability and enrollment and the signed Student Information and Consent Form.

The counselor will discuss service options with the student, in either an individual or group setting, at the school, the IDB office, or a mutually agreed upon location in the community or via phone conversation as appropriate.

During the initial discussion, the IDB-VR counselor will identify appropriate pre-employment transition services and providers, consistent with the student’s informed choice and which may be completed before the student no longer qualifies for pre-employment transition services.

Pre-ETS Agreement Preparation — As soon as pre-employment transition services and providers are identified, the assigned counselor will prepare a Pre-Employment Transition Services Agreement , which:

Pre-ETS Agreement Implementation — The Pre-Employment Transition Services Agreement, signed by student and parent/legal guardian as appropriate, must be received and signed by an IDB representative before future services are authorized. Once all required signatures have been obtained, the assigned counselor shall:

Pre-ETS Agreement Continuation — As long as the student qualifies to receive pre-employment transition services, the Agreement will be effective and new Agreements may be written, as additional services are identified through ongoing coordination activities with the education providers and other interested parties.

Provision of Pre-Employment Transition Services Using the VR Case Type

When a student with a disability has an Individualized Plan for Employment, provision of pre-employment transition services will be included on the Individualized Plan for Employment.

The IPE goal and appropriate services, including pre-employment transition services should be coordinated with a student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) or 504 plan.

Initiating Vocational Rehabilitation Services After Beginning Pre-Employment Transition Services

Students with disabilities are not required to apply or be determined eligible for vocational rehabilitation services before receiving pre-employment transition services. Students who have provided adequate documentation of their disability and enrollment in a recognized education program shall not have their participation in pre-employment transition services delayed by the process of applying for vocational rehabilitation services. Students assigned IDB-VR counselors will discuss vocational rehabilitation services with them and their parent/legal guardian, and encourage interested students to apply by the time they have two years remaining in high school to facilitate a smooth transition into vocational rehabilitation services.

Students who do not apply for vocational rehabilitation services may continue to receive pre-employment transition services under the Potentially Eligible case type as long as they continue to satisfy the definition of a student with a disability.” The IDB-VR counselor will continue to discuss the benefits of applying for vocational rehabilitation services until the student is no longer eligible for Pre-ETS services.

Financial Responsibility for Pre-Employment Transition Services Participation

Financial Responsibility Using the Potentially Eligible Case Type

The possibility of a family contribution will not apply when the student participates in pre-employment transition services or when the student requires reasonable accommodations/auxiliary aids and other necessary support services to participate.

Financial Responsibility Using the VR Case Type

When pre-employment transition services or reasonable accommodation/ auxiliary aids and services are included in the IPE, the possibility of a family contribution does not apply to the provision of those services. However, the possibility of a family contribution does apply to all other services included on the IPE.

Discontinuation of Pre-Employment Transitioning Services and/or Closure of Service Records

Discontinuation of Services

Pre-employment transition services shall be discontinued once an individual no longer satisfies the definition of a student with a disability,” regardless of whether those services were being provided consistent with a Pre-ETS Agreement or an Individualized Plan for Employment.

Potentially Eligible Case Type:

At the time of service discontinuation, the IDB-VR counselor should make every attempt to contact the individual to notify them.

Documentation of discontinuation of services should be provided through the appropriate IDB-VR discontinuation letter, which includes information about how to apply for vocational rehabilitation services.

The record of services shall be closed in eFORCE when services have been discontinued.

VR Case Type:

Pre-employment transition services shall cease to be provided under an IPE once the individual no longer meets the definition of a student with a disability.” All other VR services may continue as planned. The VR counselor will work with the individual to update the VR plan to include any additional VR services required for the individual to meet their employment goal.

Closure of the Service Record

Potentially Eligible Case Type — The records of services for students receiving pre-employment transition services under the potentially eligible case type shall be closed when the individual:

VR Case Type — When closing the record of a student receiving pre-employment transition services as part of an Individualized Plan for Employment, refer to IDB procedures manual for closing a VR case.

Pre-ETS Policy and Procedures

Added February 9, 2024 under

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