Client Name: Date: ______
Staff Person Assigned:
Transition: Yes_____ No ____ Support
Referral and Application
Has the individual completed and signed (with parent/guardian if
applicable) the Application Release for Services (34 CFR 361.41
Has the individual expressed an intention of obtaining employment
as the result of IDB services? (34 CFR 361.42 (4)
Reviewer Comments:
Eligibility (34 CFR 361.42 (a)(1)& (2)
and 361.41(b)(1) (100% compliance Required)
Does the case record contain acceptable documentation to support
that the individual has a visual impairment?
Does the case record contain acceptable documentation that the
individual’s impairment results in a substantial impediment to
Does the case record contain acceptable documentation that the
individual requires VR services to secure, retain, advance in or regain
Was the determination of eligibility made within the required
timeframes, including extensions if needed?
If the decision was not made within the required timeframes were
there exceptional and unforeseen circumstances delaying the eligibility
Was the client given an opportunity to meet and discuss the
eligibility decision?
If the individual has a physical or mental impairment, is there
acceptable documentation to support the impairment?
Was the eligibility certificate signed by the VR
Reviewer Comments:
Disability Determination and Presumptive
Eligibility 34 CFR361.47(a)(4) and 361.42 (A)(B) (ii) (100%
Is the significance of disability decision supported by the
documentation in the service record?
Was the individual presumed eligible? (Only for SSA
Reviewer Comments:
Individual Plan for Employment
Was the Plan developed within the required timeframes, including
extensions if needed? High school - 34 CFR 361.22 (a) (2) Other: 34 CFR
If the Plan was not developed within the required timeframes,
were there exceptional and unforeseen circumstances delaying the
Does the IPE include the specific employment outcome chosen by
the individual?
34 CFR 361.46 (a) (1)
Does the service record documentation support the chosen
employment goal with or without a reasonable accommodation? 34 CFR
361.47 (7)
Is the employment goal consistent with the individual’s unique
strengths, resources, priorities, concerns, abilities, capabilities,
interests and informed choice? (361.46(a)(1)
Does the IPE include a timeline for the completion of the
employment outcome? (361.46(a)(3))
Was the original IPE and any amendments approved by and signed by
the client and the VR Counselor, and parent/guardian if applicable?
(361.45(d)(3)(i) and (ii))
Does the IPE include the specific rehabilitation services
necessary to achieve the employment outcome? (361.46(a)(2) and (2)
Were timelines identified on the IPE for the initiation of
services listed on the IPE? 34.CFR361.46.(a)(3)
Does the IPE identify the entities that will provide the
necessary services? 34CFR361.46(a)(4)
For Supported Employment IPEs, is the individual MSD?
34CFR361.5(53)(i) & 361.46(b)
For Supported Employment IPEs, is the ongoing support (or natural
support) and long-term funding source identified? (361.46(b)(1) thru
The IPE was developed and implemented in a manner that allows the
individual to exercise informed choice (34CFR361.45((d)(2)
Was the level of contact between the VR Staff and the Client in
compliance with Agency policy and appropriate based on the individual’s
needs and vocational goal?
Was the IPE reviewed annually by the client and the VR Counselor?
Prior to providing any VR service were comparable services and
benefits explored? 361.53(a)
Is the employment in a competitive integrated employment setting
for the maximum number of hours based on the unique strengths, etc., and
informed choice of the individual? 361.46((b)(7)
In the event that the services delivered led to a referral in a
non-integrated setting, a justification is provided that documents the
reason for the service to prepare the individual for competitive
integrated employment. 34CFR361.361.47(a)(8)
In the event that the client is voicing an interest in subminimum
wage employment, extended evaluation services/”sheltered employment”,
were pre-employment transition services provided with opportunities in
the competitive employment environment?
If the individual is a student in transition receiving special
education services, was the information in the IEP considered in the
development of the IPE? 34CFR361.46(d)
Were pre-employment transition services provided to the
Were the authorizations for service completed in according to
policy requirements? 2
CFR Part 200 Subpart
D and 2
CFR 200.302 Financial Management
Does the service record demonstrate the progressive employment
through career pathway, sector partnerships or STEM
Reviewer Comments:
Reviewer Signature or Initials
Client Name: Date: ______
Staff Person Assigned:
Transition: Yes_____ No ____ Support
Case Termination
Is the justification for case termination documented in the
service record? 34CFR361.47(a)(2)and (3)
If the individual was terminated prior to a decision of
eligibility or was ineligible the reason was because the individual
declined or was unavailable for services and VR staff made reasonable
attempts to reach and encourage the individual. Is there evidence in the
case record that supports this reason? (34CFR36.44)
If a determination was made that the individual could not benefit
from VR services in terms of an employment outcomes because of the
severity of the disability, was trial work used? (34CFR361.42(e )
Was the individual fully consulted prior to the decision to close
the case? (34CFR361.43(a )
Reviewer Comments:
Successful Closures
Is the outcome consistent with the individual’s strengths,
resources, priorities, concerns, abilities, capabilities, interests and
informed choice? (34CFR361.56 (a)
Does the file information support that the client and VR
Counselor considered the outcome to be satisfactory and agree that the
client is performing well in employment? 34CFR 361.56 (c )
Did services provided under the IPE contribute to the achievement
of the employment outcome? 34 CFR 361.47 (a) (14)
Is the employment outcome in an integrated setting and the client
is earning at least minimum wage or commensurate wage where appropriate?
34 CFR 361.5(16)
Is there documentation to support the closure (wage report, check
stubs, etc.)
Reviewer Comments:
Reviewer Signature or Initials
Client Name: Date: ______
Staff Person Assigned:
Transition: Yes_____ No ____ Support
Measureable Skills Gains / Credential
Is the individual enrolled in a program leading toward a
Credential or Employment?
Is there documentation of enrollment into the program in the case
Is an MSG documented for each program year the individual is
Is supporting documentation for each program year in the case
file? (MSG Data Validation Tool)
Is there supporting documentation of credential earned?
(Credential Attainment Documentation Tool)
Is the individual exited out of programs once no longer enrolled
in a program leading toward a Credential or Employment?
Reviewer Comments:
Reviewer Signature or Initials