Self-Week Referral Process
Who is a good referral?
Need to have some nonvisual skills.
Must be physically able to complete a week of training.
Must be open to learning new nonvisual techniques.
The Activities Coordinator or Director of the Education and Training Team identifies dates of Self-Week.
Counselor, VRT, and/or RTS identify appropriate clients. VRT/RTS contact the counselor to discuss if appropriate before referring.
Client completes the application form (staff will assist if necessary).
After the cutoff date, the education team will review applications and determine appropriate participants. A client may be excluded, if he/she cannot take care of their own hygiene, medication or be able to meet their own basic needs.
Education Team contacts the clients that have been selected and notify the counselor and VRT at least two weeks prior to the start of Self-Week.
Counselor determines if the IPE needs to be amended. Services necessary to participate in Self Week include maintenance, transportation, rehab technology and disability related skills training. If IPE needs to be amended, the Counselor will contact the client to ensure this is completed prior to Self-Week.
Education team will arrange transportation and notify the client of the details as soon as arranged.
Education team will send a list of items to bring to each client at least one week prior to the start of Self-Week.
Client participates in Self-Week.
At conclusion of Self-Week, the Education Team will enter case notes in eFORCE for each client and check appropriate boxes of services that were provided. (maintenance, transportation, rehab technology, disability related skills training, etc.)
Counselor/VRT will follow up with the client to discuss their experience at Self-Week and suggest attending the Orientation Center, if appropriate.