If you are working in the building, your computer should generally remind you to change your password when it needs to be changed. However, if you are working remotely, your computer will likely not remind you to change your password. So while this tip sheet is useful for everyone, please pay extra close attention if you work remotely even some of the time.


Why we need to change passwords


To meet security requirements for the State, network passwords must be changed regularly. .  On our network, your password will expire on day 34 if you have not made a point to change it.  Once it expires, you will not be able to log in to the VPN and access any network resources � Email, eForce, H: drive.  And, the password can expire while you are connected and working.  When this happens, you will begin to see many �prompts� to enter your username and password in various applications such as eForce and Outlook.



Changing Your Network Password Before it expires


To avoid all of this, we strongly encourage you to MANUALLY CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD EVERY 30 DAYS.  .  We strongly recommend setting a recurring reminder in Outlook to help you remember to do this. Instructions on how to do this are at the bottom of this document. Here are the steps you should take to change your password on a laptop( on a desktop skip to step 4)

1.         On your laptop, power it up and log in to Windows using your current password.

2.         Establish a wireless connection so you have internet connectivity

3.         Connect to the IDB network via the FortiClient SSLVPN

4.         Press Control + Alt + Delete

5.         Choose �Change Password�

6.         Type the old password in

7.         Type the new password in

8.         Type the new password again to confirm

9.         Choose the Arrow button for �OK�

You should be prompted that the password has changed.

Immediately, after doing this, you should change your password on your iPhone to match.  If you don�t update the password on the iPhone right away, the iPhone will attempt to connect to the Exchange server and will �lock your account� after 3 failed attempts.


Changing Your Password on the iPhone

1.         At the Home screen, choose Settings

2.         In Settings, choose Mail, Contacts, Calendars

3.         In Mail, Contacts, Calendars, choose Exchange

4.         Next choose your Exchange account.  This will have your email address listed.

5.         In Account, delete the old password and type in the new one � the same one you used for your Windows/network login

6.         Choose Done. 

It may take a few moments to update this change.  Once it has updated, there will be checkmarks listed on the right hand side of the Account screen.  Your iPhone password has changed to match your Windows/network password. If you are using VoiceOver, it will say verifying.” If the password is entered correctly, you will return to the list of accounts. If it was not entered correctly, you will see an error message saying that it was unable to verify. If you get this error, try re-entering your password.


How to Create a Recurring Reminder in Outlook (for changing your network password)


1.  In Outlook, open the Calendar folder.  Keyboard shortcut is Control + 2

2.  Press Control + N for New Appointment

3.  In the Appointment, type the subject such as �Change Network Password�.

4.  In the Appointment Ribbon, click on the Recurrence button or Press Control + G.

5.  In the Appointment Recurrence dialog box, define the recurrence pattern you want to set.  For example, a good option for changing your network password could be �Monthly� on the 28th day of each month.  The recurrence pattern is up to you but you should change your password every 30 days.

6.  After defining the recurrence pattern, choose OK.

7.  In the Appointment window, click Save and Close or press Alt + S.


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