34CFR Section 361.48 requires the Department for the Blind to develop and maintain current policies covering the nature and scope and the criteria under which each service is provided.
A. Nature and Scope
The Department will provide vocational and other training services including personal and vocational adjustment training, Adult Orientation and Adjustment Center training, books, tools, and other training materials except that no training or training services and institutions of higher education (universities, colleges, community/junior colleges, vocational schools, technical institutes, or hospital schools of nursing) may be paid by the Department unless maximum efforts have been made to secure grant assistance in whole or in part from other sources. The Department will strongly encourage individuals to attend the Adult Orientation and Adjustment Center to increase their blindness skills and develop a positive attitude about the capabilities of persons who are blind.
B. Criteria
The eligible individual, with guidance from the counselor, will exercise informed choice to determine which specific services will be needed to achieve the employment outcome. Specific services to individuals may vary widely since each person’s needs will be unique. Comparable benefits will be explored and in cases such as college tuition, students must apply for financial aid before the Department will provide this training. College students must maintain a 2.5 grade point average and a competitive class schedule for the Department to continue ongoing tuition support. Services will be provided in the most integrated setting possible consistent with the individual’s informed choice.
Revised: 08/10/01