IDB: Policy on Assessing Vocational Rehabilitation Needs

 Monitoring Service Delivery

In order to ensure that the Department continues to provide services to consumers in a timely manner without undue delays or interruptions in the provisions of services, service delivery will be monitored.

The Program Manager for Field Operations and the Vocational Rehabilitation Supervisor will approve all case service material on a daily basis. This will include application, eligibility decisions, IPE Development, case notes, medicals, authorizations, status changes, and correspondence.

The Program Manager for Field Operations and the Vocational Rehabilitation Supervisor will gather information for each counselor�s yearly performance review and will annually review an estimated 10 percent or more of each counselor�s case list. Time frames from referral to application, eligibility, and IPE development will be reviewed as well as the frequency of client contacts.

The Department will strive to maintain a standard for maintaining contact with a consumer at a minimum of at least once every 90 days and to review each Individualized Plan for Employment yearly.

Policy Issued: 05/21/03

Monitoring Service Delivery

Added November 28, 2023 under

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