~Entering Eligibility Data into eFORCE
While the counselor may enter eligibility data into eFORCE, support staff are responsible for ensuring the data is entered into eFORCE and for filing necessary documents into the client’s paper case file.
Recording eligibility requires:
1. Updating the Client Data page.
2. Completing and Printing the Case Eligibility page.
3. Completing and Printing the Eligibility case note.
Updating the Client Data Page
The following details the steps to update and verify information on the Client Data page.
Step 1
Open the applicant’s record in eFORCE.
Step 2
Choose the Client Data link in the Navigation bar.
The Client Data page opens.
Step 3
Ensure either the Blind or Visually Impaired option is selected in the Blind Code combo box.
If a code does not appear in the Blind Code field and one has not been provided, contact the counselor for the code.
If the “Blind” option is listed in the Blind code and a date does not appear in the Blind Journal Date field, enter today’s date.
Step 4
Update remaining fields as necessary.
The counselor may note new medical information in the eligibility case note. If so, update fields as appropriate.
Tip: To show the Health Assessment fields, choose the Health Assessment link.
Step 5
Choose the Submit button.
If you have entered information correctly, a note will appear at the top of the page indicating that the disability changes have been saved.
Next Steps
The next step in documenting eligibility is to complete the Case Eligibility page. You will also print the page for filing into the paper case file.
Completing and Printing the Case Eligibility Page
Using eligibility information from the counselor’s dictation or other source (e.g. e-mail), complete the following steps to enter data on the client’s Case Eligibility page.
Step 1
With the applicant’s record open in eFORCE, choose the Client Summary link in the Navigation bar.
Step 2
Choose the Case Number link on the Client Summary page.
The Case Summary page will open.
Step 3
Choose the Eligibility link in the Navigation bar.
The Case Eligibility page opens.
Step 4
Under section I, check the option that reflects criteria the counselor used to determine eligibility.
Guidelines for this section:
This is a required field. (Refer to the Department’s policy on Presumed Eligibility for additional information.)
Step 5
Under section II, enter information about the applicant’s visual impairment.
Guidelines for this section:
If the Primary Impairment and Secondary Impairment fields are blank, choose the Pull from Application button.
Step 6
Under sections III and IV, check the areas limited by the applicant’s disability.
Guidelines for this section:
For eligible individuals, the response “Yes” should always be selected for the question “Is the Individual significantly disabled and expected to require multiple vocational rehabilitation services over an extended period of time?”
Step 7
Under section V, enter the analysis provided by the counselor.
Guidelines for this section: If individual is not legally blind, this section should begin with the statement: “Functional blindness” and an explanation why the individual is eligible for services. If individual is legally blind, begin this section by stating: “Legally Blind”.
Step 8
Under the section VI. Eligibility heading:
- Enter the determination date in the Date of Eligibility Determination field.
- Check the Case Status 10 option.
Guidelines for this section:
Step 9
Choose the Spell Check button.
The text from the eligibility fields will be copied into Microsoft Word.
If spelling errors are found, the Spelling dialog box will prompt you to choose a correction or ignore the word.
If no errors are found, a dialog box will indicate that “Spellchecking has been completed.” Choose the OK button to return to the Case Eligibility page.
Step 10
Choose the Submit button.
If you have not entered information into required fields, a dialog box will indicate which fields need data. (A red asterisk will appear next to the field on the page.) Complete the fields as required. Then, choose the Submit button again.
If you have entered information correctly, a note will appear at the top of the page indicating that the case eligibility information has been saved.
Step 11
Print the Case Eligibility page by choosing the Print command on the File menu or by choosing the Print button on the toolbar.
Step 12
Obtain counselor’s signature, and file into the paper case file under the Certification/Medical Data. (Note: The Certification of Eligibility should ALWAYS be on top in this section.)
Next Steps
The next step in documenting eligibility is to complete the Eligibility Case Note. You will also print the case not page for filing into the paper case file.
Completing and Printing the Eligibility Case Note
The last step in recording eligibility data is to enter the eligibility case note and print it for filing into the client’s case file.
Step 1
On the Case Eligibility page, choose the New Case Note link.
A blank case note page will open in a new window.
Step 2
In the Date field, enter same date entered into the Date of Eligibility Determination field on Eligibility screen.
Step 3
In the Author field, enter the counselor’s first name and initial of last name.
Step 4
Enter “Eligibility - Move from Status 02 to 10” in the Subject field.
Step 5
Enter the eligibility note into the Narrative field.
Step 6
Do not check the Client Contacted check box.
Step 7
Choose the Spell Check button.
The text from the case note fields will be copied into Microsoft Word.
If spelling errors are found, the Spelling dialog box will prompt you to choose a correction or ignore the word.
If no errors are found, a dialog box will indicate that “Spellchecking has been completed.” Choose the OK button to return to the case note window.
Step 8
Choose the Submit button.
The case note window will close. The case notes page will open. The eligibility case note will appear in the case note list.
Step 9
Choose the Print link for the eligibility case note.
A Case Note page will open in a separate window.
Step 10
Print the Case Note by choosing the Print command on the File menu or by choosing the Print button on the toolbar.
Step 11
Close the Case Note window by choosing the Close command on the File menu.
Step 12
File the printed eligibility case note in the paper case file under the Case Recording tab.
Return to Determining and Recording Eligibility.