To reserve a vehicle, one must have an Agile account setup with DAS Fleet or use IDBs Universal Account. To apply for a Personal Agile Account, please click or copy this link and paste it in your browser’s UR.

You may also use IDBs Universal Account to reserve a vehicle if you do not wish to apply for your Personal Agile Account. To login Universal Account, please use:

Username: Blind

Password: blind1

If you decide you will use your personal Agile account, it is important that you send a copy of all reservation confirmations to Accounting for tracking purposes. Please forward a copy of your reservation to:, if you are using your personal account.

Once you have your account setup, please follow these steps:

Step 1. Login to Agile Account

Step 2. Click on Make Reservation — upper left corner

Step 3. Click one of the two radio buttons

Who is this request for?

Checkbox Checked with solid fillThis request is for me

Checkbox Checked with solid fillThis request (search for Driver)

Step 4. Select the name of the driver and click Next

Step 5. Select the Usage Type

  1. Daily — In-State

  2. Daily — Out of State

  3. Outside — In State

  4. Outside - Out of State

  5. Outside — International

Step 6. Supply your schedule information

  1. Pick-up Date and time

  2. Return Date and time.

Step 7. Select Location where you will pick up the vehicle. Please indicate if this is at the DAS Fleet Kiosk or at an Outside Rental company.

Step 8. Select what size of vehicle you wish to reserve

  1. Compact Sedan

  2. Mid-size Sedan

  3. Full-size Sedan

  4. Small SUV

  5. Small SUV 4WD

  6. Mini Passenger Van

Step 9. Number of Occupants

Step 10. Select Agency: Department for the Blind

Step 11. Enter your eDAS Code

****Please see a separate list of our eDAS codes for more information****

Step 12. Enter your destination

Step 13. Enter the Purpose for your trip.

If for a staff, please enter the staff’s name.

If for a client, please choose one of the following:

  1. Vocational Rehabilitation - VR

  2. YATP

  3. LEAP activities

  4. Orientation Center, etc.

Step 14. If you are making the reservation, please also enter your name in the Alternate Driver field.

***This last step will give us the information we need to if we have any questions***

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