In accordance with 34 CFR §361.48, allowable services under the VR program (including pre-employment transition services) are documented in the Case Service Report (RSA-911). For purposes of the WIOA Annual Report (ETA-9169), VR services are designated as Career Services, Training Services, or Other Services. The implementing regulations do not explicitly describe which VR services are allowed to be provided prior to eligibility, without an Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) (other than pre-employment transition services for potentially eligible students with disabilities) or once an individual has developed an IPE.
VR services can be provided by VR agency staff (in-house), through Agency Purchase (authorizations), and/or through comparable benefits. The provision of these services must be documented in the case record where appropriate (e.g., IPE, case notes, supporting documentation) and reflected in the RSA-911 quarterly report, through timely and accurate input into the case management system (i.e., eFORCE) throughout the life of the client’s case with required data entry at various stages during the rehabilitation process. IDB staff must accurately document the services that were provided to a client in the quarter in with they were provided, following this guidance.
Service Provision Allowability
Prior to Application and After IPE
Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS)
Job Exploration Counseling
Work Based Learning Experiences
Counseling on Enrollment Opportunities PSE
Workplace Readiness Training
Instruction in Self Advocacy
Note: Auxiliary Aids and services provided prior to application are reported as one of the five required Pre-ETS. Also, all Pre-ETS are considered Career Services except WBLE which is a Training Service.
After Application and Prior to IPE
Career Services
Assessment Services
Benefits Counseling
Information and Referral Services
VR Counseling and Guidance
Training Services
Disability Related Skills Training
Other Services
Interpreter Services
Personal Assistance Services
Reader Services
Rehabilitation Technology
After IPE — VR Program Participant (as identified on the IPE)
Career Services
Assessment Services
Benefits Counseling
Customized Employment Services
Diagnosis and Treatment of Impairments
Extended Services
Information and Referral Services
Job Placement Assistance
Job Search Assistance
Pre-ETS Counseling on Enrollment Opportunities PS
Pre-ETS Instruction in Self Advocacy
Pre-ETS Job Exploration Counseling
Pre-ETS Workplace Readiness Training
Short Term Job Supports
Supported Employment Services
VR Counseling and Guidance
Training Services
Basic Academic Remedial or Literacy Training
Customized Training
Disability Related Skills Training
Four Year College or University Training
Graduate College or University Training
Job Readiness Training
Junior or Community College Training
Miscellaneous Training
Occupational or Vocational Training
On the Job Training (OJT)
Pre-ETS Work Based Learning Experiences
Randolph Sheppard Entrepreneurial Training
Registered Apprenticeship Training
Work Based Learning Experience
If a VR service is needed in support of a pre-ETS service, it must be identified on the IPE. The following services can be used as pre-ets support services: pre-ETS assessment, pre-ETS Maintenance, pre-ETS transportation, add in the other ones.
Other Services
Interpreter Services
Other Services
Personal Assistance Services
Reader Services
Rehabilitation Technology
Technical Assistance Services
Note: All VR services (Career, Training and Other) can be provided to a VR program participant if it is accurately identified in the IPE.
Service Definitions
Assessment Services
Definition: Assessment means services provided and activities performed to determine an individual’s eligibility for VR services, to assign an individual to a priority category of a State VR agency that operates under an order of selection, and/or to determine the nature and scope of VR services to be included in the IPE. Include here trial work experiences and extended evaluation. Assessments to determine eligibility, assignment of a priority category or the nature or scope of services to be included on the IPE include, but are not limited to psychological assessments, audio logical evaluations, dental and medical exams and other assessments of personality, interests, interpersonal skills, intelligence and related functional capacities, educational achievements, work experience, vocational aptitudes, personal and social adjustments, and employment opportunities of the individual and the medical, psychiatric, psychological, and other pertinent vocational, educational, cultural, social, recreational, and environmental factors that affect the employment and rehabilitation needs of the individual.
Purpose(s): to determine eligibility for services. Examples include:
Eye Reports — Copies of Records
Vision Exam (acuities and field loss)
Functional Vision Assessment
Individual Education Program
Learning Media Assessments
Career Exploration - Non CRP
Medical Assessments
Psychiatric Assessments
Psychological Assessments
Vocational Assessments
Purpose(s): to determine an employment goal and services needed as part of the IPE. Examples include:
All current documentation already gathered to determine eligibility
Independent Living Assessment
Job Seeking Skills Assessment
Work site assessments
Job shadowing assessment (as part of Discovery typically)
Career exploration
Basic Academic Remedial or Literacy Training
Definition: Literacy training or training provided to remediate basic academic skills that are needed to function on the job in the competitive labor market.
Purpose: to assist a client who needs to strengthen their academic skills before enrolling in college-level courses. Examples:
College Prep Courses
College Prep Math and Reading programs
Drake Literacy Program
Adult basic education programs
Benefits Counseling
Definition: Assistance provided to an individual who is interested in becoming employed, but is uncertain of the impact work income will have on any disability benefits and entitlements being received, and/or is not aware of benefits, such as access to healthcare, that might be available to support any work attempt.
This typically involves an analysis of an individual’s current benefits, such as SSDI and SSI, the individual’s financial situation, and the effect different income levels from work will have on the individual’s future financial situation. This assistance is intended to provide the individual an opportunity to make an informed choice regarding the pursuit of employment. Ongoing assistance may also be provided as the individual decides on employment goals, searches for jobs, and becomes employed.
Purpose: to assist an individual to understand how different options for going to work will affect their federal and state benefits and to provide information to an individual about benefits that may be available to them. Examples include:
Work Incentive Summary
Benefit Analysis
Providing counseling to a client who fears losing benefits
Providing information regarding ways income impacts SSI/SSDI benefits
PASS Plan Intake, Development and Assistance
Student Earned Income Exclusion
Self-Employment Benefit Consultation
Customized Employment Services
Definition: Services that involve a blend of flexible strategies that result in the provision of individually negotiated and designed services, supports, and job opportunities for an individual and that lead to an employment outcome of customized employment, including self-employment. A key factor in deciding if a service is a customized employment service is the presence of employer negotiation, including customizing a job description based on current unidentified and unmet needs of the employer and the needs of the employee; developing a set of job duties or tasks; developing a work schedule (including determining hours worked); determining a job location; developing a job arrangement (such as job carving, job sharing, or a split schedule); or determining specifics of supervision.
Purpose: operational purpose will be added as we use this service. Examples include:
Customized employment
Examples will be added as this service is used
Customized Training
Definition: A training program designed to meet the special requirements of an employer who has entered into an agreement with a service delivery area to hire individuals who are trained to the employer’s specifications.
Purpose: to provide ready-to-work individuals with the skills they need to secure employment, with competitive wages.
Examples will be added as this service is used
Diagnosis and Treatment of Impairments
Definition: Diagnosis and treatment of impairments means:
Corrective surgery or therapeutic treatment that is likely, within a reasonable period of time, to correct or modify substantially a physical or mental impairment that constitutes a substantial impediment to employment;
Diagnosis and treatment for mental and emotional disorders by qualified personnel who meet State licensure laws;
Nursing services;
Necessary hospitalization (either inpatient or outpatient care) in connection with surgery or treatment;
Drugs and supplies;
Prescription of prosthetics and/or orthotics related to the individual’s diagnosed disability and is necessary for the achievement of the employment outcome;
Prescription of eyeglasses and visual services, including visual training, related to the individual’s diagnosed disability and necessary for the achievement of the employment outcome;
Physical therapy;
Occupational therapy;
Speech or hearing therapy;
Mental health services;
Treatment of either acute or chronic medical complications and emergencies that are associated with or arise out of the provision of physical and mental restoration services or that are inherent in the condition under treatment;
Special services for the treatment of individuals with end-stage renal disease, including transplantation, dialysis, artificial kidneys, and supplies;
Other medical or medically related rehabilitation services; and
Medical care for acute conditions arising during rehabilitation and constituting a barrier to the achievement of an employment outcome is also included in this category.
Purpose: to assist an individual to prepare, enter, and be successful in employment. Examples include:
Audiological exam
Purchase of Hearing Aids
Purchase of Eyeglasses
Substance Abuse Counseling
Mental Health Counseling
Copies of Medical Records
Medical Diagnosis for Treatment
Medication & Other Medical Supplies
Treatment/ Therapy/ Surgery
Purpose: to assist an individual to be successful in employment. Examples include:
Purchase of Hearing Aids
Purchase of Eye Glasses
Disability Related Skills Training
Definition: Disability-related augmentative skills training includes but is not limited to: orientation and mobility; rehabilitation teaching; training in the use of low vision aids; Braille; speech reading; sign language; and cognitive training/retraining.
Purpose: to assist a client to adjust to the functional limitations of his or her impairment. Examples include:
Orientation Center training
Independent living skills
Orientation and mobility training
Use of public transportation training
Sign language classes (for individuals who are deaf-blind)
Extended Services
Definition: Ongoing support services and other appropriate services that are needed to support and maintain a youth with a most significant disability.
Purpose: VR agencies report Extended Services provided to youth with the most significant disabilities (14 through 24), provided by VR agency staff or through VR agency purchase, prior to exiting from the VR program.
Examples will be added as this service is used
Four Year College or University Training
Definition: Full-time or part-time academic training leading to a baccalaureate degree, a certificate, or other recognized educational credential. Such training may be provided by a four-year college or university or technical college.
Purpose: to assist an individual improve educationally. Examples include:
B.A., B.S., B.S.N., B.S.W.
Books & Supplies
Courses with Flexible Scheduling –Tuition
Tools, Equipment & Supplies
Tuition and Fees
Room and Board
Graduate College or University Training
Definition: Full-time or part-time academic training leading to a degree recognized as being beyond a baccalaureate degree, such as a Master of Science, Arts (M.S. or M.A.) or Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) or Doctor of Jurisprudence (J.D.). Such training would be provided by a college or university.
Purpose: to assist an individual improve academically and meet the educational requirements necessary for their employment goal.. Examples include:
M.S., M.A., M.S.N., M.B.A., Ph.D., Ed.D., J.D.
Books & Supplies
Courses with Flexible Scheduling –Tuition
Tools, Equipment & Supplies
Tuition and Fees
Room and Board
Interpreter Services
Definition: Interpreter services are sign language or oral interpretation services for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing and tactile interpretation services for individuals who are deaf-blind. Specially trained individuals perform sign language or oral interpretation. Also include here real-time captioning services for persons who are deaf or hard of hearing. Do not include language interpretation in this category, but in “other services”.
Purpose: to assure participation and success in VR services. Examples include:
Interpreter Services for a student while in the Orientation Center.
Interpreter Services for an individual for the purpose of obtaining or maintaining employment.
Communication Access Real-time Translation (CART) services.
Job Placement Assistance
Definition: Job placement assistance is a referral to a specific job resulting in an interview, whether or not the individual obtained the job.
Purpose: to assist an individual in getting an interview related to the employment goal (not self-employment or job retention) Examples include:
Employer Development by IDB staff
Employer Consultation regarding accommodations
Job Readiness Training
Definition: Training provided to prepare an individual for the world of work (e.g., appropriate work behaviors, getting to work on time, appropriate dress and grooming, increasing productivity).
Purpose: to prepare clients to get, keep and excel in employment and to help them develop good work habits that facilitate their ongoing success.
Job Seeking Skills Training
Basic employability skills training (effective communication, problem solving, resume building, and interviewing.
Role-playing exercises (hand-shakes, answering the phone appropriately)
Orientation Center training
Independent living skills
Orientation and mobility training
Use of public transportation training
Sign language classes (for individuals who are deaf-blind)
Job Search Assistance
Definition: Job search activities support and assist an individual in searching for an appropriate job. Job search assistance may include help in resume preparation, identifying appropriate job opportunities, developing interview skills, and making contacts with companies on behalf of the client.
Purpose: to assist a client in the job search. Examples include:
Job shadowing assessment
Career exploration
Job seeking skills training
Placement services not leading to an interview
Resume preparation
Job matching
Interviewing skills and mock interviews
Junior or Community College Training
Definition: Full-time or part-time academic training above the high school level leading to an associate degree, a certificate, or other recognized educational credential. Such training may be provided by a community college, junior college, or technical college.
Purpose: to assist an individual improve educationally. Examples include:
A.A., A.G.S., A.S.
Books & Supplies
Courses with Flexible Scheduling –Tuition
Tools, Equipment & Supplies
Tuition and Fees
Room and Board
Definition: Maintenance means monetary support provided for those expenses such as food, shelter and clothing that are in excess of the normal expenses of the individual, and that are necessitated by the individual’s participation in an assessment for determining eligibility and VR needs or while receiving services under an IPE. Examples of maintenance expenses include, but are not limited to:
Cost of uniforms or other suitable clothing required for an individual’s job placement or job seeking activities;
Cost of short-term expenses, such as food and shelter, that is required in order for an individual to participate in assessment or vocational training at a site that is not within commuting distance of an individual’s home;
Initial one-time costs, such as security deposits or charges for the initiation of utilities, that are required in order for an individual to relocate for a job placement; and
Cost of an individual’s participation in enrichment activities related to that individual’s training program.
Guidance: Maintenance services must be provided in connection with other rehabilitation services. Maintenance is never the only service provided to a client. Payments are not made for the purpose of guaranteeing clients and/or their families a particular standard of living. Maintenance is not welfare. Therefore, a client living in their own residence (house or apartment), will not receive maintenance for living expenses they would normally incur if they were not involved in a rehabilitation program. Assisting clients in achieving a standard of living equal to or in excess of normal living requirements is to be accomplished through the extension of effective rehabilitation services, not through making cash payments from case service funds. Individuals who receive or are eligible for either SSI or SSDI cash benefits are expected to use those funds for their normal living expenses, but not for payment of VR services. Before use of VR funds are committed to maintenance payments, comparable services or benefits, community and client resources must be exhausted. Rates are per current State of Iowa travel policy
Payment for short-term meals and lodging while participating in physical restoration services, i.e. surgery and treatment out of town
Cost of uniforms or other suitable clothing required for an individual’s job seeking activities, i.e. scrubs for students in a nursing program
Cost of short-term expenses, such as food and shelter, that is required in order for an individual to participate in vocational training at a site that is not within commuting distance of an individual’s home/apartment.
Cost of an individual’s participation in enrichment activities related to that individual’s training program.
Miscellaneous Training
Definition: Any training not recorded in one of the other categories listed, including GED or high school training leading to a diploma, or courses taken at four-year, junior or community colleges not leading to a certificate or diploma.
Purpose: to assist a client in gaining necessary skills or diplomas to prepare for the workforce. Examples include:
Books & Supplies
HiSet Testing
High School training
Receive adult basic education.
Conference Training or Continuing Education classes for a profession
Occupational or Vocational Training
Definition: Occupational, vocational, or job skill training provided by a community college and/or business, vocational/trade or technical school to prepare students for gainful employment in a recognized occupation, not leading to an academic degree. This would include selected courses or programs of study at a community college, four-year college, university, technical college or proprietary schools or programs.
Purpose: to assist an individual improve vocationally through career and technical programs and meet the educational requirements for their employment goal. Examples include:
A.A.S., A.S.N., C.N.A., LPN, RN
Occupations such as: court reporting, auto mechanics, welding, construction trades, medical assistance, cosmetology and secretarial work.
Vocational Certificates
ASL or other language classes not leading to a degree
Learn a specific skill (such as keyboarding).
Books & Supplies
Occupational Skills Training
REACH Program
STRIVE Program
Project SEARCH
Job Corps (Career technical training programs)
BEP — Business Enterprise Program training
Room and Board
Tools, Equipment & Supplies
Tuition and Fees
On the Job Training (OJT)
Definition: Training in specific job skills by a prospective employer. Generally the trainee is paid during this training and will remain in the same or a similar job upon successful completion.
Purpose: to provide a client training for a specific job or job type through development of an OJT agreement between the trainee and employee following the completion of a job analysis. Examples include:
Unpaid OJT
OJT Trainee (stipend)
Paid OJT
Reimbursement of wages to an employer
Personal Attendant Services
Definition: Personal attendant services are those personal services that an attendant performs for an individual with a disability including, but not limited to bathing, feeding, dressing, providing mobility and transportation, etc in multiple settings to include home, work and training facilities/school.
Purpose: to assist an individual with on-the-job or related daily living activities that the individual would typically perform if they did not have a disability. The individual must be actively involved in a program or other VR services necessary for the achievement of an employment outcome. Examples include:
Health maintenance: certain nursing tasks delegated by a registered nurse or supervised by a nurse.
Assistance with dressing and undressing.
Assistance with hygiene, including showering/bathing/brushing teeth/shaving/applying make-up, management of bowel and bladder activities.
Assistance with transferring and weight shifting.
Pre-Employment Transition Services
Job Exploration Counseling
Definition: Job Exploration Counseling, or Career counseling can include a wide variety of professional activities which help individuals with career-related issues. Career counselors work with youth seeking to explore career options, experienced professionals contemplating a career change, parents who want to return to the world of work after taking time to raise their child, or people seeking employment. Career counseling is also offered in various settings, including in groups and individually, in person or virtually1.
Purpose: to foster motivation, consideration of opportunities and informed decision-making. Specific to youth, real-world activities ensure that students recognize the relevance of a high school and post-school education to their futures, both in college and/or the workplace. Job exploration counseling activities can be done in conjunction with private, for-profit, public or nonprofit businesses in your community and/or through web-based resources2. Examples include:
The student’s vocational interest inventory results
The labor market
In-demand industries and occupations,
Non-traditional employment options,
Administration of vocational interest inventories, and
Identification of career pathways of interest to the students.
Work Based Learning Experiences
Definition: an educational approach or instructional methodology that uses the workplace or real work to provide students with the knowledge and skills that will help them connect school experiences to real-life work activities and future career opportunities. It is essential that direct employer or community involvement be a component of the WBL to ensure in-depth student engagement. These opportunities are meant to engage, motivate and augment the learning process. These WBL opportunities can be done in conjunction with private, for-profit, public or nonprofit businesses in your community and/or through web-based resources. In addition, work-based learning requires in-depth engagement of youth and an evaluation of acquired work relevant skills.
Purpose: to engage, motivate and augment the learning process. These WBL opportunities can be done in conjunction with private, for-profit, public or nonprofit businesses in your community and/or through web-based resources. In addition, work-based learning requires in-depth engagement of youth and an evaluation of acquired work relevant skills. Examples include:
Job shadowing
Career mentorship
Career related competitions
Informational interviews
Paid internships
Non-paid internships
Service learning
Student-led enterprises
Simulated workplace experience
Paid work experience
Non-paid work experience
Workplace tours/field trips
Counseling on Enrollment Opportunities for Postsecondary Education
Definition: Counseling on enrollment opportunities for post-secondary education will help students understand the options that are available after graduation, which option is right for them and the processes and steps to take (e.g., how to apply for admission).
Purpose: to include information on course offerings, career options, the types of academic and occupational training needed to succeed in the workplace, and postsecondary opportunities associated with career fields or pathways. Examples include:
Advising students and parents or representatives on academic curricula c
College application and admissions processes
Completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
Providing information on or access to resources that may support a student’s success in education and training, including support services for students with disabilities.
Workplace Readiness Training
Definition: Workplace readiness traits describe a number of commonly expected skills that employers seek from most employees. Work readiness skills are a set of skills and behaviors that are necessary for any job. Work readiness skills are sometimes called soft skills, employability skills, or job readiness skills.
Purpose: to help employees learn how to interact with supervisors and co-workers. They help reinforce the importance of timeliness and build an understanding of how we are perceived by others. Examples include:
Teaching financial literacy skills;
Providing instruction in job-seeking skills;
O & M
Communication and interpersonal skills;
Independent living skills;
Summer and weekend programs at the Iowa Department for the Blind that focus on these skills;
Classes at adult education programs or Workforce Development locations
Instruction in Self Advocacy
Definition: Self-advocacy refers to: an individual’s ability to effectively communicate, convey, negotiate, or assert his/her own interests and/or desires. Self-determination means that individuals with disabilities have the freedom to plan their own lives, pursue the things that are important to them and to experience the same life opportunities as other people in their communities1. It means taking the responsibility for communicating one’s needs and desires in a straightforward manner to others. The development of self-advocacy skills should be started at an early age.
Purpose: to enhance the self-advocacy skills that will be needed in education, workplace, and community settings. Examples include:
self -awareness
disability understanding
disability disclosure
decision making
set goals
evaluate options
identify independence
request & utilize accommodations
know your rights & responsibilities
know how to request & accept help
intrinsic motivation
taking a leadership role
in support plans
listen to others opinions
problem solving
monitor progress
positive self-talk
Randolph Sheppard Entrepreneurial Training
Definition: Training for establishing a small business or individualized training through the Randolph-Sheppard program and included on the IPE.
Purpose: to assist a client in gaining skills required to be successful as a vending facility operator. Examples include:
Hadley Institute’s BEP Online Training Program
Preventing Sexual Harassment Online Training
Respectful Workplace Training
Hadley Institute’s Accounting for Small Business, Taxes for Small Business, and Business Ethics Classes
Accounting Orientation
Vending Machine Orientation
Three week OJT with Licensed Blind Vendor
120-day OJT at established business
Reader Services
Definition: Reader services are for individuals who cannot read print because of blindness or other disability. Reader services include, in addition to reading aloud, transcription of printed information into Braille or sound recordings if the individual requests such transcription. Reader services are generally for individuals who are blind or deaf-blind, but may also include individuals unable to read because of serious neurological disorders, specific learning disabilities, or other physical or mental impairments.
Purpose: to assist individuals in accessing print materials needed to participate in academic training or vocational needs. Examples include:
Costs of Learning Ally and BookShare
Note Taker, Recorder
Research assistance
Lab assistance
Oral Reading
Assistance with software/computer programs which are not compatible with screen-reading/magnification software.
Registered Apprenticeship Training
Definition: An apprenticeship program is a work-based employment and training program that combines hands-on, on-the-job work experience in a skilled occupation with related classroom instruction. Structured apprenticeship programs generally have minimum requirements for the duration of on-the job work experience and classroom instruction, and/or could utilize competency-based elements but should have mechanisms in place to ensure quality and consistency of skills acquisition. Other elements that distinguish apprenticeship programs from other work-based efforts including co-op education, on-the-job training, and internships are the following: includes supervision and structured mentoring; provides for wage increases as an apprentice’s skills increase; is based on an employer-employee relationship; and provides an industry recognized certificate of completion of the program
Purpose: to provide on-the-job training and soft skills clients need to become skilled workers. Registered apprenticeship programs are found at: Examples include:
Tools, Equipment & Supplies
Training Fees / Dues
Rehabilitation Technology
Definition: Rehabilitation technology means the systematic application of technologies, engineering methodologies, or scientific principles to meet the needs of, and address the barriers confronted by, individuals with disabilities in areas that include education, rehabilitation, employment, transportation, independent living, recreation, home and vehicular modification, other assistive devices including, but not limited to hearing aids, low vision aids and wheelchairs. Rehabilitation technology includes rehabilitation engineering, assistive technology devices, and assistive technology services
Purpose: to assist an individual in learning and using assistive technology for the purpose of employment, education and training. Examples include:
Technology demonstrations
Technology assessment
Technology recommendations
Training in assistive technology
Purchase of assistive technology
Purchase of aids and devices used in performing alternative techniques of blindness
Development of an assistive technology device (i.e. jigs)
Providing technical assistance to employers or other service providers.
Short Term Job Supports
Definition: Support services provided to an individual who has been placed in employment in order to stabilize the placement and enhance job retention. Such services include short-term job coaching for persons who do not have a supported employment goal consistent with the employment goal on the IPE.
Purpose: to provide job coaching to an individual who does not have supported employment service. Example include:
Job Coaching
Supported Employment Services
Definition: On-going support services and other appropriate services needed to support and maintain an individual with a most significant disability in supported employment for a period of time generally not to exceed 18 months. Such services, such as job coaching, are for individuals who have supported employment and long-term supports identified on the IPEs. On-the-job support services with a supported employment goal are funded using Title VI, Part B and Title I funds.
Purpose: to provide job coaching to an individual with a most significant disability. Examples include:
Job development w/ supported job coach
Employer development-supported services
Supported job coaching-assessment
Supported job coaching-stabilization
Supported job coaching- 45 Day
Supported job coaching - 90 Day
Supported Employment - Non CRP
Supported Job Coaching - Non CRP
Technical Assistance Services
Definition: Technical assistance and other consultation services provided to conduct market analyses, to develop business plans, and to provide resources to individuals in the pursuit of self-employment, telecommuting and small business operation outcomes.
Purpose: to assist an individual who is pursuing self-employment or telecommuting or establishing a small business operation as an employment outcome. Examples include:
ISE financial assistance
ISE technical assistance
Development of a business plan
Small Business Administration assistance with conducting market analyses
Definition: Transportation, including adequate training in the use of public transportation vehicles and systems, means travel and related expenses that are necessary to enable an applicant or eligible individual to participate in a VR service
Purpose(s): to provide transportation to and from an assessment for the purpose of determining eligibility or to determine an employment goal and services needed as part of the IPE. Examples include:
Payment of a driver to and from an eye exam.
Payment of a taxi cab company to and from and eye exam.
Mileage to a family member for providing transportation to and from a vocational assessment.
Mileage to a family member for providing transportation to and from IDB in order to provide assessment /information about available services.
VR Counseling and Guidance
Definition: Vocational rehabilitation counseling and guidance includes information and support services to assist an individual in exercising informed choice and is distinct from the case management relationship that exists between the counselor and the individual during the VR process.
Purpose: to assist a client through verbal interaction to deal effectively with important issues or concerns related to VR, which differentiates it from other types of counseling routinely provided during the VR process. Counseling techniques may vary based on an individual’s needs and the Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor (VRC)’s approach. Guidance means the VRC gives information and acts as a coordinator, advocate or mediator. Examples include:
Roles and responsibilities and expectations of the individual and the VRC
Explanation of services, policies, procedures and decisions affecting the individual
Comparable benefits available to the individual
Transportation, housing and leisure time needs
Availability of support services
Counselor’s assessment of an individual’s, functional abilities and limitations, impediments to employment, and motivational level
Employer expectations, salary expectations
Understanding and following medical-advice
Personal adjustment counseling
Information and Referral Services
Definition: Information and referral services are provided to individuals who need services from other agencies (e.g., cooperative agreements) not available through the VR program.
Purpose: to provide the client with information about services outside of IDB, can be used in all statuses as part of the VR plan. Examples include:
HUD/housing services
Benefits Planners
Social Security offices
IESBVI (Iowa Educational Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired)
Workforce Development offices
Re-entry Counselors
ASK Family Resources
Disability Rights Iowa
Benefits Counseling
Definition: Assistance provided to an individual who is interested in becoming employed, but is uncertain of the impact work income will have on any disability benefits and entitlements being received, and/or is not aware of benefits, such as access to healthcare, that might be available to support any work attempt. This typically involves an analysis of an individual’s current benefits, such as SSDI and SSI, the individual’s financial situation, and the effect different income levels from work will have on the individual’s future financial situation. This assistance is intended to provide the individual an opportunity to make an informed choice regarding the pursuit of employment. Ongoing assistance may also be provided as the individual decides on employment goals, searches for jobs, and becomes employed.
Purpose: to assist an individual to understand how different options for going to work will affect their federal and state benefits and to provide information to an individual about benefits that may be available to them. Examples include:
Work Incentive Summary
Benefit Analysis
Providing counseling to a client who fears losing benefits
Providing information regarding ways income impacts SSI/SSDI benefits
PASS Plan Intake, Development and Assistance
Student Earned Income Exclusion
Self-Employment Benefit Consultation
Work Based Learning Experience
Definition: An option to report all of the adult and “other” type of work based learning experience. These opportunities are provided in an integrated environment in the community to the maximum extent possible and may be paid or unpaid.
Purpose: to engage, motivate and augment the learning process. These WBL opportunities can be done in conjunction with private, for-profit, public or nonprofit businesses in your community and/or through web-based resources. Examples include:
Short-term employment
Other work-based learning experiences not elsewhere classified