Recording Countable Services to Business

Who has to track services to business?

Each WIOA partner providing service to business is required to track business services for common performance measures. This includes:

Why do services to businesses need to be recorded?

WIOA legislation requires we report our effectiveness in serving employers.

When will tracking services to business in the Business Services online form begin?

This must begin today if you are not already doing this.

What services to business are countable?

All services recorded are provided to a business or employees of a business and not necessarily on behalf of or for a participant. There are seven (7) categories of business services:

How will services to business be tracked?

IDB worked with core partners and the IWD Labor Market Information (LMI) to create an online form that will record business services.


The online form requires the following information:

  1. Name of staff member entering information

  2. Agency providing the business service

  3. Employer Identification:

Each agency in each region will have an identified business services contact with a back-up responsible for entering business services data into the online form. It is recommended that services be entered weekly. A cumulative report is sent to each partner agency monthly to review progress and address issues for strategic planning.


Employer Information and Supports

Establishments who received staff-assisted services designed to educate them about and engage them in the local job market/economy and the range of services available through the local One-Stop delivery
system. Establishment information services may be provided in a variety of service interventions including orientation sessions, workshops, or other business consultations (e.g., initial site visits). Information and support services that are delivered to establishments through mass mailings or communications, cold” calling or other follow-up contacts, and regular establishment newsletters, brochures, or publications are not reportable services under this category.

These services include, but are not limited, to providing information on:

Workforce Recruitment Assistance

Establishments who received workforce recruitment assistance from staff or remotely through electronic technologies. Activities include, but are not limited to, assisting employers to meet their human capital and skilled workforce needs by:

Strategic Planning/Economic Development Activities

Establishments who were engaged in either workforce investment strategic planning or business growth and economic development strategic planning. These activities could include, but are not limited to,

Untapped Labor Pools Activities

Establishments who established pipeline activities in partnership with the public workforce system. Activities include, but are not limited to,

Training Services

Establishments who received publicly- funded training assistance, including customized training, on-the-job training, transitional job training, and incumbent worker training.

Incumbent Worker Training

Establishments who received publicly funded incumbent worker training assistance.

Rapid Response/Business Downsizing Assistance

Establishments who received an initial on-site visit or contact to either (a) discuss the range of rapid response services and other assistance available to workers and employers affected by layoff, plant
closures, or natural disasters, or (b), as required by WIOA section 3(51) (A), plan a layoff response following notification of a current or projected permanent closure or mass layoff, including natural or other disasters.

Planning Layoff Response

Establishments who received Rapid Response/Business Downsizing Assistance AND received an initial on-site visit or contact, as required by WIOA section 3(51)(A), to plan a layoff response following notification of a current or projected permanent closure or mass layoff, including natural or other disasters.

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