Orientation Center Student Case Transfer Guidelines


Orientation Center VR Counselor (OC-VRC) — for the purpose of this document, this term refers to the VR counselor in Des Moines who is managing the cases of clients attending the Orientation Center Clients. The responsibilities of this counselor are the same as those of other VR counselors.

Transferring VR Counselor (T-VRC) — for the purpose of this document, this term refers to the VR counselor who will be transferring the case of an Orientation Center Student to the Orientation Center VR Counselor.

Orientation Center Students - All clients who are expected to participate in the full Orientation Center Program (not those clients participating in assessments or short term programs such as LEAP programs or Senior Orientation) will be transferred to the Orientation Center VR Counselor. Exceptions to this rule should be discussed with the VR Program Administrator and documented in the client’s case file. The T-VRC will discuss the case transfer with the individual and his/her parent(s) or legal guardian, as appropriate, before transferring the case to the OC-VRC.

Purpose of this pilot service delivery method

The purpose of having clients transfer to the OC-VRC is similar to the reasons a case is transferred when clients move or attend college in locations outside of their original home county. These reasons include frequency of contact, availability, rapport building, support, assessment, and more effective case management.

Clients will have more frequent contact with the VR counselor – clients are very busy during the OC program day as are VR counselors. By having a counselor in the building, clients will be able to connect with the OC-VRC through Center and agency events, between classes as needed, and during the OC center lunch hours and as arranged by the client and counselor. In addition, the counselor will be able to observe client interactions and behaviors, program participation, and manage counselor responsibilities regarding case management more efficiently.

The OC-VRC will partner with the client and the T-VRC to ensure a seamless transfer of the client’s VR case.

Referral to the OC-VRC

  1. The T-VRC sends email to the OC-VRC This email should include the following:

    1. Client name

    2. Client job goal

    3. Copy of the Orientation Center Assessment

    4. Pertinent information (client information that may affect training)

      1. Example: Client has a history of Alcohol dependency and may need supports while in training; or Client has a history of anxiety and will need more frequent check-ins to review coping strategies.

  2. T-VRC copies email and enters into eFORCE.

  3. T-VRC ensures OC-VRC is able to participate in the client’s tour and any follow up meetings until the client’s start date in the Orientation Center.

Referral/Transfer Meeting

As part of the transfer to the Orientation Center VR Counselor, the Transferring VR Counselor and the Orientation Center Director will schedule a meeting to discuss the case. (This meeting may be a part of the client’s tour day if it is known that the client will be attending the OC.)  The meeting may also include other rehabilitation professionals who are familiar with the client (rehabilitation teacher, rehabilitation technology specialist, etc.). The T-VRC should be prepared to provide a description of the individual’s disability/barriers to employment and the impact on the client’s functioning, a social summary, education information, relevant work experience, if any, and a summary of daily living skills.  If possible, a date for transfer from the T-VRC to the OC-VRC should be established at the meeting.

**The T-VRC will discuss the case transfer with the client, and legal guardian as appropriate, before transferring the case to the OC-VRC. 

Procedures for Transfer to the OC-VRC

Once the client has been accepted into the Orientation Center Program, the T-VRC should follow this procedure:

  1. Make an entry in the case file summarizing the referral meeting, indicating the response of the client, and guardian as appropriate;

  2. Obtain any necessary Releases of information to current providers (mental health, medical, legal, etc.;

  3. Request Support staff to send the Client Transfer Letter, indicating the OC-VRC’s contact information and case transfer in the case management system.

**The T-VRC will remain available for consultation as needed.

Responsibilities of the OC-VRC

  1. The counselor will meet with the new student within the first week of their Orientation Center training.

  2. The counselor will observe/visit the OC student in classes as needed to build rapport and to understand student progress, performance, interactions and assist in developing strategies to address any concerns related to training or developing employability skills.

  3. The counselor will participate in progress meetings with the OC director and any necessary OC staff. The VR counselor will encourage/help prepare-students to conduct their own progress meetings.

  4. The counselor will meet with each OC student a minimum of three times per quarter to discuss training progress and future plans related to the pursuit of his/her employment goals.

  5. The counselor will partner with OC student to identify and take advantage of community resources and learning opportunities in the DSM area that would enhance their Orientation Center training.

  6. The counselor will partner with OC student to identify next-steps and to make plans for life after Orientation Center training. This includes connecting with education programs, training programs, employers, employment specialists, necessary supports, etc. Focus would be for the outgoing student to actively and consistently engage their new skills to immediately move forward with pursuit of their vocational and life goals.

  7. The OC-VRC will partner with the appropriate VR counselor to transition into their next living environment, training program, or employment setting.

  8. Procedures for transferring a VR case will be followed once the student has exited/graduated from the OC program.

  9. OC-VRC will remain available for consultation following the transfer of the client’s case.

Orientation Center Student Case Transfer Procedures

Added February 9, 2024 under

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