Purpose: (Specific purpose of the meeting)
Employment goal identified:
Current knowledge, skills, abilities, interest, related experience:
Current situation (family support, access to transportation, education background, religious factors, health concerns:
Motivation towards this goal:
Wage and hours expectations:
Labor Market Information (LMI)
Skills/abilities/education required:
Essential functions of the job:
Wage and hours for the area:
Career pathway (growth in career field):
Other career choices explored:
If necessary, is individual willing to move for more opportunities?
Training needed to achieve goal (travel skills, accessing public transportation, computer skills):
Supports that may be required to be successful (transportation, job coach, etc):
Intervention: (Description of services provided by the counselor: assessments/research, informed choice, required services, criteria for review, rights/responsibilities, CAP, ROIs signed, plan for getting client response, etc)
Counselor next steps:
Client next steps:
Date of next meeting: