Day 3 — February 15, 2024

Administrative Training


System Roles 2

Administrator Permissions 3

Product Administrator Permissions 4

Main Menu 4

Tracking Inbox Detail for Administrators: 4

Organizational Hierarchies - Offices 5

Hierarchy Setup 5

Manage Users 6

Manage Groups 7

Dashboard View 8

Passwords 8

Staff Setup 9

Budget Setup 9

Adding the Budget to an Office 10

System Data and Settings 11

Online Help 11

Reports/Interfaces 11

The purpose of this training is to provide trainees with a broad overview of the Vocational Rehabilitation Case Management System for the Administrator.

The Administration section supports configuration of Role Permissions and Security, System Settings, User Management, access to System Reference Data, Scheduler Jobs, Licensing Status, System Logs, Environment Compatibility, and a listing of the purchased modules with the number of licenses.

Review basic system navigation.

System Roles:

To view the roles, navigate to Tracking Inbox, when the menu expands click on Role. Clicking on any of the roles listed will display the specific permissions assigned to that role such as Create, Read, Update, Delete and Search on specific data within the system.

1. Administrator

2. Product Administrator

3. Supervisor

4. Case Manager

5. Support Staff

6. Fiscal Clerk

7. Teacher/Instructor

Administrator Permissions


System Data & Settings



Review Configuration section

Product Administrator Permissions

Administration > System Data & Settings


Main Menu

Tracking Inbox Detail for Administrators:

Every major category of data has its own Tracking Inbox’ and it is located in the left menu. The tracking inbox for the Vocational Rehabilitation Case Management will appear differently to the user based on their role.

The Tracking Inbox allows the user to navigate throughout the system accessing different information.

The Tracking Inbox Consists of:

Organizational Hierarchies - Offices

Skip these steps as the office is already set up in the system; review only.

Organizational hierarchies are designed to allow for user access based on the user’s location within an organization’s structure. The system hierarchy is configured according to the organization’s hierarchical structure, and users are then permitted access to data at specific levels of that hierarchy. The hierarchical level to which an employee is assigned determines what data that employee can access.

The full details of this process will be covered in the User Guide following training.

Hierarchy Setup

Skip these steps as the office is already set up in the system; review only.

Offices are based on the active nodes of the organizational hierarchy. Administrators are able to select the office and update the information for that office, the office supervisor information must be entered correctly in order for features of the Vocational Rehab application to work correctly.

The key information that you must setup for each office is:

1. Navigate to the Tracking Inbox and click the Office Icon in the menu.

2. When the Tracking Inbox screen opens the Office tab will be bolded (highlighted)

3. Click +New in the top bar

4. The Office Form will display and can be filled out and saved

Manage Users

The administrator is responsible for creating, maintaining, and removing user accounts. As a part of maintaining accounts, you can modify usernames, passwords, localization information, and dashboard preferences. User accounts allow users to log into the system and use the various functions to which they have been granted access.

There are two ways to do this:

1. The Administration Tab then navigate to System Users when the menu expands


2. Management then navigate to Manage Profiles

For training purposes we will go through the second option as it is the most common.

1. Navigate to Management then when the menu expands click on Manage Profiles.

2. Click the +New Profile at the top of the screen

3. The profile form will display with a header that reads ‘Identification Information’

4. Fill out the required information

5. There is a Password Expiration field, leave this blank unless the user will only be with the department for a specific period of time.

6. Choose the default role.

7. For blind users ensure that Accessibility Enhancements is set to Yes.

8. Once the user profile has been created navigate back to Management on the left menu

9. Again, select Manage Profiles and locate the user you just created.

10. When the user profile displays click the Hierarchy tab at the top of the screen

11. When the Hierarchy screen displays ensure the checkbox for Iowa Department for the Blind is checked and click Save.

12. Navigate back to the user profile (you can use the breadcrumbs at the top of the screen and click Profile’)

13. From this screen additional roles can be selected for a user, passwords can be updated/changed, accounts can be made Active, Locked, Unlocked and Accessibility Enhancements can be changed to Yes or No.

Also, from this screen Groups can be selected. Groups allow elevated permissions or reduced permissions for users depending on which Group is selected.

15. To assign a user to a group, expand the multi-select and check the appropriate box and when done select Done. The options include:

Additional Groups within the system include:

Manage Groups

Groups allow permissions and preferences to be applied to multiple users. For example, if a case was assigned to a group instead of an individual user, all users added to the group would have access to that case in the list of cases on their tracking inboxes. Anyone in the group can manage and update the case when required. Just as with users, when a group is created, permissions are assigned to the group via roles. Therefore, when a user is acting as a member of the group, the user is restricted to the access and permissions assigned to that group.

1. Navigate to Administration and click on System Groups; the system groups will display.

Skip these steps for training as groups are already created within the system; review only.

2. To add a new group, click the New Group button

3. Click on the Roles tab and check the boxes next to the roles to be included in the group and click save.

Data object permissions are set via roles. When a role is added to a group, all users added to a group will receive all data object permissions for the roles that are included in the group.

Home Screen Preferences can be added for a Group:

Skip these steps as the preferences are already set up in the system; review only.

End users are able to update their home screen preferences under their account section; these preferences determine what appears on their home screens.

Users are also able to use a group’s preferences in lieu of setting their own individual home screen preferences.

1. Navigate to Administration and select System Groups.

2. Click the Group Name

3. Click the Preferences tab

4. Update the Preferences as desired and click Save.

The definitions of the preferences will be provided in the Administrative User Guide.

Dashboard View

If a user complains about having My Pages’, My Query’, etc. on their dashboard/home page and they do not want it there an Admin can change the user preferences:

1. Navigate to Administration

2. Select System Users

3. Locate the user account and select the pencil and paper (edit) icon.

4. When the user profile displays select Preferences’ at the top of the screen.

5. When the preferences screen displays select Use Group Preference’

6. Click Save.

The dashboard view can be modified for each user individually or by group through this page.


The default minimum password requirements are as follows:

Password requirements can still be customized by navigating to:

1. Administration

2. Authentication

3. Local Authentication

Changing Passwords

To change a password for a user, you must be logged in as an Administrator, not Product Administrator. Then navigate to:

1. Management

2. Manage Users

All users will display on the Manager Profiles screen, navigate to the user who needs to have the password changed, select them.

Once the Profile page displays, Navigate to the Account Information section and select the pencil icon (JAWS may announce this as ‘Signature’ or Password’) and select Change Password.

This will open a box with Change Password at the top.

1. Enter the New Password in the New Password field.

2. Enter the same password in the Confirm New Password field.

3. Unless the user is expected to only be in the system for a specific amount of time do not enter a password expiration date.

4. Click save. The users password is now reset.

Staff Setup

The Staff tab allows the administrator to add staff to each Office and select what Counties and Programs that staff member works with. Once an office has been setup, the Staff tab will become available for that office.

1. Click the Staff tab that now displays near the top of the screen.

2. The Staff Listing will display.

3. Click +New in the top bar.

4. The Staff form will display

5. From the Staff screen select the Role of the staff member being added to that office, the roles are

6. Then select the User from the drop-down.

7. Select the County from the multi-select.

8. Select the Program from the multi-select.

9. Click Save.

10. Once the Staff has been added to the office they will display in the Staff Listing under Office.

A second way to do this:

1. Navigate to the Tracking Inbox.

2. Select Office

3. At the top of the form select the Staff tab

4. Click +New and the staff form will display; select the role the staff is in the drop-down, select the user in the drop-down. Select the county the staff works within and select the program they are associated with.

5. Select Save.

6. If the staff member is also a supervisor they will need to be added to the Office tab.

7. Navigate back to the Office tab at the top of the screen.

8. Office will display.

9. Select the Search Supervisor link; the multi select will display.

10. Find the supervisor and check the box next to their name. When finished click on Done.

11. Scroll to the bottom and click Save.

Budget Setup (Fiscal Staff)

Budget allows you to create budget records by Federal FY and Program.

Each Budget record that is created is assigned a unique identifier, Budget Number of the form BDG-XX-CCYY-99999.

You can have more than one Budget record with the same Federal FY and Budget Type, Start and End dates allow individual records to be active at different times for different purposes. Multiples can be active at the same time, or only one, that is under the control of the VR Administrator.

Budgets can now be established and made available for all offices, limited to specific offices associated with the budget (all staff associated within each office can access it), and to only specific staff within associated offices.

Encumbered Amount (this is the already planned or obligated amount of funds from that budget) will display after the budget record is saved and will show a sum of all Encumbered Amounts.

Paid Amount will display after the budget record is saved and will show a sum of all Paid Amounts.

Remaining Amount will display after the budget record is saved and is the Budget Amount minus Encumbered Amount from the Budget tab.

The Budget Record has two child objects associated with it:

You will be able to add the office information using the Office tab once the Budget Record is created, and the Staff Budget once the Office Budget has been created.

1. To set up the budget navigate to the Tracking Inbox and click on Budget.

2. When the Tracking Inbox displays, the Budget tab is bolded in the top ribbon. The Budgets will be displayed (if none have been created the page under the column headers will be blank).

3. Click the +New button near the top of the screen.

4. The Budget form will display.

5. Enter in the required information and click Save.

Once a Budget has been saved, a Banner will be displayed on the page. It includes the Budget Number and related identifier information, along with information that helps support the effort of distributing the available budget to offices/office staff.

Adding the Budget to an Office

Brief run through depending on time

The Office Budget tab is used to set up budgets for individual offices for each Budget record that has been set to use a Distribution Type of Office or Office & Staff. When the Distribution Type is None the Office tab will not be visible.

1. Click the Office Tab next to the Budget tab at the top of the screen. The Office form will display.

2. Enter the required information and click Save.

System Data and Settings

The Reference Data Lists (RDOs) are located in the Administration tab on the left menu.

This can be accessed by Product Administrator and Administrator.

1. Navigate to the Administration tab on the menu.

2. Click Reference Data Lists.

3. The Reference Data will display.

Online Help

The Help module provides searchable help topics to users and administrators. Help pages contain an overview of the basic case management system functions, such as navigating, searching, and data entry. Users have the ability to navigate the Content tree as well as to open, read, and search for Help content.


Search IDB Intranet Accounting Procedures BEP Procedures Center & VRT Procedures ETT Procedures IL Procedures Library Procedures Tech Procedures IDB Policy and Procedure Home IDB Building Evacuation Plan AT Overview VR Intranet Home VR Forms VR Policies and Guidelines
IDB Policies and Procedures