Glossary of Terms
COE: Certificate of Eligibility
Counselor/Case Manager: A VR Counselor or IL Teacher. This is because IL Teachers, while we call them teachers, have case manager duties similar to a counselor.
Fiscal Clerk: Accounting staff
ILOB: Independent Living Older Blind
ILYB: Independent Living Younger Blind
Instructor/Teacher: Center Instructors, Youth Service Workers, VR Teachers, YATP Teachers
OOS: Order of Selection. This is not something we currently use but is part of the VR process.
Potentially Eligible: Program type used to provide Pre-ETS services to individuals who have not applied for or established a a VR program
Program: The programs available in the system are ILOB, ILYB, VR and Potentially Eligible. These are like case types in the old system.
Provider: A provider is what we used to call a Vendor in the old system. It is an entity that is providing goods or services authorized for a client. Use the provider tracking inbox (Tracking Inbox > Provider > +New Provider) Unlike in the old system, vendors are filtered by the services they are able to provide. For example, Walmart is not able to provide graduate school training. Vendors that were obsolete or have not been used in several years have not been migrated to the new system to make finding providers easier.
Role: Your role is the type of work you do within the system. Roles incluede Counselor/Case Manager, Instructor/Teacher, Support Staff, Fiscal Clerk, Supervisor, and Administrator.
Tracking Inbox: The system contains many tracking inboxes that can be used to view pending tasks and complete common tasks. The specific tracking inboxes that a user will see in their left hand navigation bar will depend on their role
UAT: User Acceptance Testing, refers to our testing and training version of the case management system and the process used to test it.
Work Request: System feature used to make internal referals or request completion of tasks from colleagues