Client Authorizations
The client’s Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE) or ILRP/Waiver plan lists the services that the Counselor or Teacher and the client determined where needed in order for the client to achieve his or her employment or independent living goal. Very often, those services require that the Department purchase goods, pay for services, or provide financial support for that individual. Counselors, Teachers, and Orientation Center staff may issue letters or purchase orders to the client or a vendor authorizing payment for the good or service provided to the client. These authorizations must include a dollar limit (amount not to exceed) and effective dates for the authorization. Depending on the type of authorization, additional information is required. (More information about the types of authorizations and required information is available in the Choosing a Template chapter.)
In most instances, the good or service for which payment is authorized must be tied to a current service listed on the client’s IPE or IL plan. The only exception is if an authorization is made for services or goods needed to determine eligibility, such as an eye exam. In ALL instances, the authorizer must prepare a case note for the authorization justifying the expense.
Authorization Process
An authorization proceeds through a series of stages: creation, approval, delivery, and payment. Different people are responsible for the authorization at different stages. For example, a Counselor is responsible for determining the need for the item authorized; a Support Staff person is responsible for entering the authorization information into eFORCE and mailing or issuing the authorization letter or purchase order; Bonnie will approve or deny an authorization; vendors or clients are responsible for submitting bills to the Department, and Accounting staff issue warrants and log payment of the authorization.
Authorizations on eFORCE
The eFORCE authorization screens have been designed to allow all staff involved in the authorization process to both review information relevant to them and to enter their data that is associated with an authorization. In other words, the authorizations features in eFORCE allow staff to both create and track all client authorizations.
Choose a chapter or topic from the contents below for more information on creating, entering data for, and tracking client authorizations.
Chapter: How To: Create Authorizations
Topic: Determining Need
Topic: Reviewing the Client’s IPE
Topic: Preparing the Case Note and Authorization Data for eFORCE Entry
Topic: Entering VR Authorization Data into eFORCE
Topic: Entering IL Authorization Data into eFORCE
Topic: Printing & Distributing the Authorization
Topic: Working with the Vendor List
Topic: Creating “Group” Authorizations.
Chapter: Editing an Authorization
Topic: Reassigning an Authorization.
Topic: Correcting or Updating an Authorization.
Topic: Voiding an Authorization.
Topic: Reviewing the Authorization History.
Topic: Printing an Authorization.
Chapter: Providing Budget Codes for IL Authorizations (IL Teacher Supervisor Only!)
Topic: Coding and Reassigning an Authorization.
Topic: Reassigning an Authorization for Editing or Follow-Up.
Topic: Printing an Authorization.
Topic: Running the Expense Summary Report.
Chapter: Reviewing VR Authorizations for Approval (VR Counselor Supervisor Only!)
Topic: Reviewing and Approving an Authorization.
Topic: Reassigning an Authorization for Editing or Follow-Up.
Topic: Printing an Authorization.
Topic: Running the Expense Summary Report.
Topic: Logging Equipment Details and Printing the Equipment Receipt.
Topic: Logging Equipment Delivery.
Topic: Obtaining a Blank Equipment Receipt.
Chapter: Completing and Submitting Maintenance Vouchers
Topic: Guidelines on Completing the Maintenance Voucher.
Topic: Obtaining a Blank Maintenance Voucher.
Topic: Entering & Processing a Handwritten Maintenance Voucher.
Topic: Printing a Completed Maintenance Voucher from eFORCE.
Topic: Samples of Completed Maintenance Vouchers.
Chapter: Filling Aids and Devices Orders (Aids & Devices Storekeeper Only!)
Chapter: Accounting Procedures (Accounting Staff Only!)
Topic: Processing and Obtaining Warrants.
Topic: Recording a Payment in eFORCE.
Topic: Verifying Equipment Received.
Topic: Processing Maintenance Vouchers.
Topic: Running the Expense Summary Report.
Chapter: Working with Authorization Reports
Reference & Guidelines Chapters
eFORCE Authorization Screens Overview - Graphics Version.
eFORCE Authorization Screens Overview - Text Only Version.
Authorization Dictation Guidelines
Choosing a Template.
Authorization Item - Services Guidelines
Frequently Asked Questions.