IDB Rehabilitation Manual - Authorizations - Equipment
How To: Log Equipment Details


The Technology Specialist or a designated support staff person is responsible for entering information related to equipment purchased for VR and IL clients. Once the order has been placed, the authorization reminder will appear on the Technology Specialist’s eFORCE home page. The authorization reminder will remain on her eFORCE home page until the necessary fields on the Edit Equipment Details screen have been completed. Once the information for the equipment has been entered, print the Equipment Receipt. The person who delivers the equipment to the client will direct the client to sign the Equipment Receipt acknowledging receipt and agreeing to terms listed. To print an Equipment Receipt, choose the Equipment Receipt button on the Equipment Detail screen.

Completing the Edit Equipment Screen

The Technology Specialist or a designated support staff person can use the following steps to open and complete the Edit Equipment screen.

Step 1

Open eFORCE.

The program opens to your home page.

Step 2

Review the authorizations listed under the My Authorization Reminders heading.

Step 3

Note the Authorization ID number for the first reminder listed.

Step 4

Click on the first Authorization List link in the list. The Case Authorizations screen for the client will open:

Step 5

Choose the Details button that corresponds to the authorization ID number you noted in step 3.

The Equipment Detail screen opens. Each item ordered will be listed as a link on this screen. When you choose the link, the Edit Equipment screen will open where you can enter details, such as brand, model, and serial number, for the equipment.

Step 6

Choose the item link to open the Edit Equipment screen.

The Edit Equipment screen opens.

Step 7

Complete these fields on the Edit Equipment Detail screen:…. At minimum you must complete the Received Date to indicate that the order has been received.

Note: The person who delivers the equipment will complete the Delivered Date and the Delivered By fields.

Step 8

Choose the Submit button.

The Edit Equipment screen closes, and the Equipment Detail screen opens.

Note: When you choose the Submit button, the counselor will receive a tickler indicating the equipment is ready to be delivered.

Step 9

Repeat steps 6 through 8 for each item listed on the Equipment Detail screen.

Step 10

When you have finished providing information for each item, choose the Print Receipt button.

A report window will open.

Step 11

Print the Equipment Receipt by choosing the Print icon on the toolbar.

Note: Do not use the Print command on the File menu or the Ctrl-P keystroke to open the Print dialog box to print, unless you need to change printer settings.

Step 12

When printing is complete, close the report window by pressing Ctrl-W.

Place the printed Equipment Receipt with the equipment.



Added November 28, 2023 under

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