IDB Rehab Manual - Authorizations: Creating Authorization

    Authorizations - Frequently Asked Questions



Here are some answers to frequently asked questions about authorizations. The information is grouped by topic.


Rehabilitation Technology Services - Do’s and Don�ts

Choose Rehabilitation Technology as the service in a case note documenting work site assessments, technology training, technology assessments, etc.

Do not choose Rehabilitation Technology as the service for any authorization. Instead, choose either Training Tools or Occupational Tools as appropriate.

Occupational Tools vs. Training Tools
When writing authorizations, select:

Occupational Tools when the client is actively looking for work or is employed and needs the item to secure or retain employment.

Training Tools when the client is not employed and is involved in a training program, such as Orientation Center training, college or university, community college and/or business, vocational/trade or technical school, basic academic remedial or literacy training, job readiness training, etc. and needs the item to participate in that training program.

Why is the Service I want to use not in the Service list in the New Item screen?

Only those services that you selected on the authorization case note will be listed in the Service field. Go back to the case note and select the correct service.� If the service is not listed as an option on the case note screen, then the service is either not listed on the IPE OR the service has expired or is set to begin at a future date. Either a new IPE or an amendment are required.


NEW! Internal Memo to Accounting
Please follow these instructions when creating an internal memo authorization that you want to go to Accounting

When creating an authorization to which you want to charge one of the Department’s accounts or your Department issued P-card, do the following:

1. Use the Internal Memo template.
2. In the Vendor field, select the vendor that represent that account*:

  • Office Max
  • Staples Credit Plan - Des Moines
  • Graybar Electric Co. Inc. - Chicago
  • Hewlett-Packard Company - Chicago
  • Short’s Travel
  • Asap Software Express (for Office software)
  • Wal-Mart - Louisville (for charges to the Wal-Mart card)
  • Hobby Lobby (for charges to the Hobby Lobby card)

3. Complete the remaining fields as usual. When submitted the authorization will automatically be routed to Joyce in Accounting.

*Previously, you were directed to select Accounting as the vendor. Now, choose the actual vendor from which you want to purchase an item.

Which template do I use?

Go to the Choosing a Template chapter for more information.

Why is the case note for this authorization not listed in the Case Note Justification box?

The most recent authorization case note will be listed in the Case Note Justification field by default. If the case note you want to use is not listed, verify that the Authorization option is selected in the Type field on the Case Note screen.

What information goes in the Special Instructions / Custom Text field?

Use the Special Instructions / Custom Text field to provide information on the letter or purchase order that is specific to this authorization. Some examples include:

  • a college student ID on a tuition authorization.
  • the defray” statement on maintenance authorizations.
  • The account or credit card the item was charged on an Internal Memo authorization.

Do not including shipping and mailing information in the Special Instructions / Custom Text field, including instruction that you or the client will be picking up the item. Enter that information in the Ship To field.

How do I complete an authorization for the Office Pro software?

1. Complete the case note as usual.

2. Choose the Internal Memo template.

3. Select Asap Software Express as the Vendor.

4. Enter Curtis Chong in the Attention field.

5. Complete remaining fields as necessary. Enter the delivery information in the Ship To field. In the Custom Text field indicate that the item should be charged to the client’s plan. When finished, submit for approval as usual.

6. Once approved, print the memo for the case file. Then, reassign the authorization to LindaT. Linda will complete the order and reassign to Cara when finished.


The Support Staff person’s initials are not showing on the printed letter. Why?

The Support Staff initials print on the letter only when the Delivery Method, Date Sent, and Sent By fields have been completed on the Authorization screen.



How do I decide whether to check the Monthly Maintenance or One-Time Maintenance option on the Maintenance Voucher?

When you check the Monthly Maintenance option, Accounting will hold the voucher until the last week of the month preceding the month for which the maintenance is written. For example, if you give Accounting a maintenance voucher for November and check the Monthly Maintenance option, they will hold the voucher until the last week of October. At that time, they will send it over to DAS to obtain the check.

When you check the One-Time Maintenance option on the voucher, Accounting will send it over to DAS to obtain the check right away.


Supported Employment & Authorizations

Supported Employment funds can be used for clients who:

  • Have or are in the process of developing a Supported Employment IPE or;
  • Are being assessed to determine whether supported employment is appropriate - whether they currently have a standard IPE or in the process of developing an IPE.

For your clients who have a supported employment IPE or who are being assessed for supported employment, continue to select the appropriate service for the item or service being authorized. (For example, you should specify Maintenance, Training Tools, Job Placement, On-the-Job Training, etc.) However, be sure to note in the first sentence of the authorization case note that this is a supported employment case or supported employment is being assessed.

Iowa Self Employment (was Entrepreneurs with Disabilities) & Authorizations

If your client is participating in the Iowa Self Employment (was EWD) program, please note this in the first sentence of the authorization case note.

How do I create an IL authorization for a client without a case?

Authorizations must be tied to a case, whether it is for a VR or IL client. Create a case for the IL client.

I have the same authorization to complete for several clients. How do I enter that into eFORCE?

Go to the Creating “Group” Authorizations topic in the How To: Create Authorizations chapter for instructions.


Questions or Corrections

Who do I contact if I have a question or concern?

For eFORCE errors or suggestions, contact Lisa Gard.

For procedural issues or concerns, contact Shan Sasser or Laurie Merryman.




Added November 28, 2023 under

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