Day 1 — February 13, 2024
Vocational Rehabilitation Non-Admin Training
Create a Program for a Client 7
Generate Eligibility Letters 10
Entering Employment through the Program Form 12
Create an Authorization ON a Plan 13
Create an Authorization from the Tracking Inbox (not on a plan) 16
Return an Authorization for Revisions (as a Supervisor) 18
Authorization is Canceled (Case Manager or Supervisor) 18
Applying Payments to an Authorization 18
Adding Post Exit Information 22
Training overview:
The purpose of this training is to provide trainees with a broad overview of the Vocational Rehabilitation Case Management System. Not all categories will have activities due to time constraints.
FORMS ARE A TOP DOWN or show and hide functionality. Many fields are populated based on what was populated previously.
Example: Program Information from — choose program type first and this will determine what form expands.
In some cases JAWS will announce the pencil icon as ‘signature’ or ‘password’ depending on the screen and it may announce the magnifier as ‘search’.
System Roles
1. Administrator
Superuser of the system
Ability to complete deployments
Minimal individuals will have this role
Has access to almost everything in the system
Can Add new users
Can add/modify permissions for other roles in system
Update Reference Tables
2. Product Administrator
Less permissions than Administrator but still elevated permissions
Ability to Generate Federal Reports
3. Supervisor
Elevated permissions of Case Manager
Approves Certificate of Eligibility, Plans, etc.
Approves Authorizations
Ability to Generate Federal Reports
4. Case Manager
Create Intake of Referrals/Clients
Complete Certificate of Eligibility
Create Plans
Create Authorizations
Complete additional forms throughout the life of the client’s program
5. Support Staff
Create Intake of Referral/Clients
Review Plans (workflow)
Update Plans when sent to client
Review Authorizations
Ability to Generate Federal Reports
6. Fiscal Clerk
Review Authorizations
Create/approve payment transactions
7. Teacher/Instructor
Ability to access Client information associated with their program type
Submit Client Documents
Create Client Notes
Walk through the following:
Home screen > Left Menu
Discuss what is located on the home screen for the users.
Home — takes the user back to the main dashboard/home
Queues — all role based; some roles have more queues than others
Intake — Referral and Client Intake ‘Application’
Tracking Inbox - Every major category of data has its own Tracking Inbox and it is located in the left menu. The tracking inbox for the Vocational Rehabilitation Case Management will appear differently to the user based on their role.
Bulk Update — Available to Administrators and Supervisors; Bulk Update Authorizations Open 90 Days with No Open Payments and Bulk Update – Release from OOS
Search — Allows user to search for different data
Federal Reports — Available to Administrators, Supervisors, Fiscal Clerks
Reporting — Available to Administrators and Supervisors
Administration- Available to Administrators
Management — Allows user to manage their information
Quick Links
Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
0*Net Online
IDB Policy and Procedure
Queues are used to display relevant records to the specific user and alert them to which records need to be processed, assigned, or other actions.
Not all roles can access all queues.
Navigate to the queues listing on the left menu to view the different queues.
The different queues available are:
Services Billed 30+ Days — Available to Administrator, Product Administrator, Supervisor, Counselor, Support Staff, Fiscal Clerk
Payments Pending Review — Available to Administrator, Product Administrator, Supervisor, Support Staff, Fiscal Clerk
Payments Ready to Pay — Available to Administrator, Fiscal Clerk
Payments Returned for Revisions — Available to Administrator, Product Administrator, Supervisor, Support Staff, Fiscal Clerk, Teacher
Payments Submitted — Available to Fiscal Clerk
Authorizations Pending Review — Available to Administrator, Supervisor
Authorizations Returned for Revisions — Available to Supervisor, Support Staff, Teacher
Referral Deadline Approaching — Available to Counselor
Client Upcoming Eligibility — Available to Supervisor, Counselor
Annual Review Approaching — Available to Supervisor
Clients Turning 22 — Available to Counselor
Plans in Progress — Available to Counselor
Clients Plan Expiring — Available to Counselor
Clients Turning 55 — Available to Counselor
Plan Completion Deadlines — Available to Supervisor
Plans Pending Approval — Available to Supervisor
Clients — Available to Supervisor, Counselor, Support Staff, Teacher
Open Programs — Available to Administrator, Supervisor, Counselor, Teacher
Plans Pending Review — Available to Support Staff
COE Pending Approval — Available to Supervisor
COE in Progress — Available to Counselor
Open Tasks Assigned to Me — Available to Administrator, Product Administrator, Supervisor, Counselor, Support Staff, Teacher
Tasks Created by Me — Available to Administrator, Product Administrator, Supervisor, Counselor, Support Staff, Teacher
Standard Search
An ad hoc search interface that provides multiple search operators for each field within an object.
Work Request
Roles — all roles can search with the exception of external users such as the clients through the portal (TBD)
System automatically saves last search within the same session; ability to re-run ‘last search’
Advanced Search
Allows users to define search criteria, configure search result format, save searches, and share searches with other users in the same role. Saved searches may also be displayed as a link on the dashboard.
Roles — all roles can search with the exception of clients through the portal (TBD)
Search Criteria Tab
Configure search results using Data Object, Data Element, Operator, and Value
Criteria can include values for Data Element, Organizational Unit, and Assignments
Columns Tab
Add and organize the columns that are displayed in the search results
Display Options Tab
Search results can be opened in Excel and/or Word (if enabled), for additional data analysis
Properties Tab
Searches can be saved
Searches can be shared with users/groups with the same role that search was created with
Choose a Data Object to search on (Example: Client)
Choose the Data Element to be searched for the Data Object (Example: Case Manager)
Choose the Operator (Example: Equal To)
Choose the Value (Example: Counselor, Amanda or any Case Manager name)
Click Search
Tracking Inbox
Every major category of data has its own ‘Tracking Inbox’ and it is located in the left menu. The tracking inbox for the Vocational Rehabilitation Case Management will appear differently to the user based on their role.
The Tracking Inbox allows the user to navigate throughout the system accessing different information.
The Tracking Inbox Consists of:
RSA17 — For Supervisors
Work Request
Create a Referral
Click Intake on the left menu and choose New Referral
This will take you to the ‘Client’ screen
The Client field will show = No
Fill in the required fields and click Save.
Note: The referral requires less information than a client. You cannot progress through different forms until a referral is converted to a client (this will be covered in the Client portion).
Referral Source is not available when an individual is in a Referral status (Client = No on client form). The referral source becomes available only once a referral has been converted to a client (Client = Yes on client form). The referral source is only available on the program form.
Create a Client
There are two ways to create a Client.
Convert a Referral to a Client OR
Click Intake on the left menu and choose New Client
To convert a referral to client locate a referral via search.
Click the referral record
Screen will open and near the top is a Convert to Client button
Click the button
This will change the record from a referral to a client and more fields will be required
Fill out all of the required information, keeping in mind to work the form from the top down especially when populating the address. Fill in the street address, followed by city, followed by state, then county. If working backward the form may allow for information that is incorrect.
Once all the information is populated click save.
To create a client not from a referral
Click intake on the left menu and choose New Client
The form will display for a Client and Client field = Yes.
Fill out all of the required information, keeping in mind to work the form from the top down especially when populating the address. Fill in the street address, followed by city, followed by state, then county. If working backward the form may allow for information that is incorrect.
Once all the information is populated click save.
Note: When entering State and County, type multiple letters to filter down list. Race and Language fields are multi-select meaning more than one answer is acceptable.
Once Client is created tabs display at top of screen - tab order once client is created
The program the client is assigned to.
If the client has had multiple programs they will display on the Program listing
Client Contact
Contact information for the client; can be a friend, family member, authorized representative, etc.
Education information for the client; education level, institute, start and end dates (this is not the same education collected at initial IPE or the education tab once the program has been created
Client Document
Any document needed by the client/for the client can be uploaded
Client Note
Any notes associated with the client; application, interviews, etc.
Create a Program for a Client
When Program +New is selected only the program type needs to be selected in order for the form to display. The other fields, although display as required are not required until the full form displays.
Different Program types have different requirements. If a client is over the age of 22 the Potentially Eligible program type will not display.
Potentially Eligible clients will have the program, address, client contact, education, client document and client note however, once their program is created, they will not have a Plan tab or any of the tabs associated with other programs. Potentially Eligible program types will have their program, program note and program document.
Potentially Eligible program types can be converted to a Vocational Rehabilitation program by selecting the Create Vocational Rehabilitation Program button on the program form.
1. Once your client has been created
2. Select Program tab and click +New to create the program
3. Choose program type (for training = Vocational Rehabilitation)
For this example, choose Vocational Rehabilitation so we can see all the tabs and full workflow. Fill out the required information.
Page refreshes and displays new tabs along the top:
Certificate of Eligibility
Program Note
Work Request
Program Document (or ‘More’ depending on size of screen)
Note: Plan tab will only display after the Certificate of Eligibility has been created and is in a status of Draft Pending Approval.
1. Click the Disability tab, currently skipping over the Authorization tab
2. The date will auto-populate
3. The disability level is calculated based on what is chosen in each of the functional capacity areas. Note: if Other is chosen then a text box appears to enter additional information.
4. Click the different arrows to expand the sections and choose the appropriate options for your client
5. Complete the Eye report information. If the client has an eye report then enter the diagnosing doctor information and the diagnosis.
6. Click Save
7. The Disability form will refresh and display; go over form
Note: At any point we can click on the Workflow button at the right hand top of the screen and see where this individual is in the process. If we click it now, it will show that this client is still in the process of VR applicant. Click the workflow again to close it.
8. At the top of the screen where the breadcrumbs are click Program.
Certificate of Eligibility
1. Navigate to a client and click on their program.
2. When the program screen displays click on the Certificate of Eligibility tab at the top of the screen.
3. The Certificate of Eligibility form will display with a COE Status = Draft.
4. Fill out the fields.
Note: When Establish Eligibility is set to Yes, fields that were not required become required.
5. Once all fields are completed, the Send to Supervisor for Review drop down must be populated.
6. Click Save.
7. The screen will refresh and the COE Status will change to Draft Pending Approval.
8. On the counselor dashboard, the COE will now appear in the COE in Progress Queue with the status of Draft Pending Approval.
9. When a COE is sent to a supervisor for approval, it will appear on the supervisor’s Dashboard Queue COE Pending Approval. Note: Depending on your role during this training, you will not have access to this portion.
10. From the queue a supervisor can review it, make any required changes, approve it, or return it for revisions. The Supervisor can provide comments to the Case Manager when returning it for revisions.
11. After the Supervisor clicks the Approved button, they still must sign the COE. Click the pencil icon (signing icon) to the right of the Supervisor Signature and then Save.
12. The Supervisor must enter the password value associated with their profile and click the OK button. On successful entry of the password the status will change to Draft Approved. The date and the time of the approval is captured.
13. The Counselor must then pull up the Draft Approved COE and sign it as well, using the same signing process as the Supervisor. On completion of that step the status changes to Final. Once Final, the Eligibility letter can be generated and the Certificate of Eligibility can be printed.
13. A COE can be returned by the Supervisor to the Counselor. The supervisor will enter any supervisor comments and then complete the Workflow Actions ‘Return for Revisions’. The COE is now automatically sent back to the counselor and, it will appear on counselor’s the Dashboard Queue COE In Progress with the status of Draft Requires Revisions.
14. From there a Counselor can pull up the COE and make any requested changes. The Supervisor Comments are available for review.
15. When ready, the COE can be sent back to the Supervisor for review/approval and the same process is used for approval.
16. If Establish Eligibility = Yes then the Certificate of Eligibility has been approved by a supervisor all fields on the form become read only for all users except the Administrator role and roles with the VR Administration function permission.
Generate Eligibility Letters
1. Navigate to the client’s Program > Certificate of Eligibility and scroll to the bottom of the screen. The Generate Eligibility Letter button now displays.
Note: The Certificate of Eligibility can also be generated directly from the Program Document tab; if generating from this tab ensure to select the correct Document Type.
2. Click the Generate Eligibility Letter button, this will automatically take the user to the Program Document tab with Letter Generation displaying with the Letter Template type of Eligibility Letter.
3. Ensure all required fields are populated.
4. The Eligibility Letter can be modified as needed in the Content section of the form which will only be effective for this particular letter. The letter template will not be saved for future use or revise the existing template.
5. When document is ready click Save.
6. The Program Document Listing page will display and the COE Letter will be located there.
7. A second option to generate a letter from the Certificate Eligibility form is to click the Print COE button on the bottom of the form.
9. This will create the Certificate of Eligibility in the Downloads folder of your computer.
8. The Certificate of Eligibility letter can then be opened as a Word docx file and saved locally.
1. To create a plan navigate to the client’s program form and click Plan tab near the top of the screen.
2. The plan form will display in a status of Draft.
3. Enter the Client’s Employment Goal, Service Start Date, Goal Completion Date, SOC, Job Title and Signature Date.
4. Enter the Responsibility and Resources related information for the plan. The system provides default responsibility options in the ‘Responsibility’ drop-down menu.
5. Complete the Plan Review Details section
6. Add Services to the plan by selecting the Add Service Category button.
7. The table will expand allowing the user to select the services by clicking the drop down, filling in the Service Start Date, Service End Date and Provider. To add additional services, click the Add Service Category button again. This can be done as many times as needed.
8. There is a comments section for any necessary remarks.
9. The Plan Data Elements (Employment and Initial IPE and Education) must be completed before the Plan can move into approvals and finalization.
Note: this information can be entered prior to the plan being created via the Plan Data Elements tab on the program form but if you are already on the plan you will not be able to save the plan without populating these fields.
10. Scroll back to the top of the screen and click on the Quick Menu; this will open a window on the right side of the screen. Here is where the IPE Data Elements and Employment can be completed without having to navigate away from the plan. IPE Data Elements and Employment are required before a plan can be submitted for approval.
11. Complete the Review/Approval section by selecting Send to Support Staff for Review in the drop down.
12. Click save.
Plan Data Elements
1. Click the IPE Data Elements tab.
2. Click the Pencil icon on the IPE Data Elements tab.
3. This will display the IPE Data Elements form. Complete all the required fields.
4. Click Save.
5. Once saved the form will populate.
6. To edit it at any time simply click the pencil icon (JAWS may announce this as ‘Signature’ or ‘Edit’) again.
7. On the same menu click the Employment tab. This can also be access via the Program Link breadcrumbs.
8. This will display the Employment at Initial IPE, Employment Outcome, and Employment at Exit. Click the pencil icon next to the Employment at Initial IPE.
9. The Employment form will display. Fill in the required fields.
10. Click Save.
11. Once save is clicked the employment screen will refresh and the record will display.
Note: If the square with the arrow pointing right is clicked this will open the employment form in a new window.
Entering Employment through the Program Form
1. Navigate to the specific client through Search.
2. Click on the Employment tab on the top of the screen in the ribbon.
3. The Employment screen will display and include the Employment at Initial IPE, the Employment Outcome, and Employment at exit.
4. Clicking into any of these three items will display the Employment form.
5. On the employment form the required fields are marked. There is also a hyperlink to O*Net Online that when clicked will take the user to the O*New website in a different browser window to locate the needed Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code.
6. Once the employment information is entered and Save is clicked the window will refresh and the employment listing will display.
7. Clicking into the employment record, the entered information will display.
Plan Extension
Once a client is eligible there are so many days to create a plan. The plan extension can be used to extend the due date to complete the plan.
Note: Currently there is no notification or queue for this functionality; a ticket has been entered and it will be fixed.
1. Click the Plan Extension tab to enter an IPE Extension record.
2. Enter in all required fields, the IPE Extension Rationale List is a multi-select field where more than one choice is acceptable.
3. Select the Supervisor who is going to approve this plan extension.
4. Click the ‘Save’ button.
5. After the Plan Extension has been saved as a draft, the Supervisor can then go in and approve the extension.
6. Once approved, the form becomes read only for all roles except users with a role of Administrator or who have the VR Administration function.
Plan History
The Plan History tab displays all records associated with updates to a plan.
1. Navigate to a client’s program and click the Plan tab in the top ribbon.
2. The current plan will display.
3. At the top of the plan form are three tabs: Plan (current form), Event, and Plan History. Click Plan History. Click the Plan History tab.
4. The Plan History Listing will display. Click on the designated Plan to view the Plan’s details.
Plan Event
The Plan Event tab displays all events associated with the plan.
1. Navigate to a client’s program and click the Plan tab in the top ribbon.
2. The plan will display.
3. At the top of the plan form are three tabs: Plan (current form), Event, and Plan History. Click Event.
4. The Event Listing will display.
5. Any of these listings can be clicked on. This will take the user to a new form where comments can be viewed in full for any of the Event records (if they’ve been entered).
Create an Authorization ON a Plan
1. Navigate to a client and click on their plan which requires an Authorization to be created.
2. When the Program Information form displays, navigate to the Plan tab.
Note: The Authorization can be created from the Authorization tab on the Program form also. Once clicked the listing will display; click +New under Authorization but above the listing section.
The difference between the Authorization tab and the Plan: If created through the Authorization tab the link on the Authorization will take the user back to the program form as opposed to the client’s plan. Creating the Authorization from the Plan will allow the user to click the link and be navigated to the client’s plan where the Authorization was created.
3. At the bottom of the plan click on the ‘Create New Authorization’ button.
4. The Authorization form (New Authorization) will display.
5. There are 4 sections on this form: Authorization, Service Category, Service Details and Workflow Actions.
6. The version number, like the plan, will reflect which iteration of the Authorization it is. For this example, this is a new Authorization so it will reflect Version Number 1. If the Authorization is amended in any way the number will update accordingly (1, 2, 3…).
7. The office will default to Iowa Department for the Blind.
Note: this is specific to creating the Authorization on the plan; when created as a standalone authorization the user will need to select the office.
8. The Authorized By drop down is a required field and will include any individual who has the permissions to create an authorization.
9. The Authorization Entered By field will auto-populate to the user creating the Authorization. This field is read only and cannot be modified.
10. The Client Name is auto populated on the screen and is read only. There is a hyperlink next to the Client name to navigate back to the client’s program.
Note: If the user has filled anything out on the Authorization form and has not clicked save and navigates using the hyperlink to View Program, any information entered will be lost.
11. Program Type is a required field; this is a drop-down selection.
12. The next section is the Service Category. Click Search Service Category to get the multi-select to display.
13. The Services will display all service categories that are listed on the plan under the Services Categories section.
14. Below Services is the Client Pay buttons, Yes/No, this is not required.
15.The following fields are on the form in the Authorization section and are not required yet: Federal Fiscal Year, Budget Type, Budget, Budget Description, and Accounting Code.
16. The next field is the Provider field; this field is required. To enter the Provider, click the magnifying glass to the right of the field.
Note: You will not be able to click directly into the field until the magnifying glass is clicked on.
17. Once the magnifying glass has been clicked on the field will change slightly and a cursor will display inside.
18. Begin typing the Providers name in the field.
Note: This will only populate based on Providers who have been entered into the system under the Tracking Inbox > Provider > +New Provider and who are authorized to provide the designated services. When typing, if the Provider is not populating it will need to be confirmed the provider has been set up previously.
When a provider has been set up, upon typing it will display the Providers who match what is being typed; these will display under the Provider listing header.
19. The remaining fields on the form are not required yet: Authorized Start Date, Authorized End Date, Authorized Amount, (Under Service Details) Services Notes and Description.
20. Once all the required fields have been entered the Save button can be selected but the Authorization will be in a Draft status (this is helpful if the user is not ready to submit the Authorization yet and does not want to lose work).
Upon clicking Save, the Authorization will update to a Status of Draft, will have an auto-populated Authorization Number. The Version Number, Office, Authorized By, and Authorized Entered By Fields are now read only. The Authorized Amount and fields below it are also read only. A new button will also display on the bottom of the screen, Clone Authorization. Clone Authorization can be used to create a duplicate authorization to prevent double work if the client is receiving multiple similar authorizations for services.
Once Save is selected the Workflow Actions fields display at the top of the form.
Once the Authorization has been saved, the user can navigate away from this form if needed. To come back follow previous navigation steps to the Authorization listing. The Authorization will display.
21. The bottom buttons have updated to include a Clone Authorization button and a Delete button. In the event a client will be receiving another Authorization (or even multiples) the one Authorization can be cloned to prevent multiple data entries.
22. When the Authorization is ready to be approved a Workflow Action needs to be selected and the Case Manager needs to sign however, for the Authorization to move forward for approval some of the fields that were not required to save are now required to progress (Authorized Start Date, Authorized End Date, and Authorized Amount). If not populated the Workflow Messages (errors) will display.
23. Navigate to the newly required fields and populate the information.
24. After the required fields have been populated. Navigate to the top right side of the form where Workflow Actions is located. Select the drop-down and click Submit for Review/Approval.
25. A new drop-down will display on the screen: Send for Review/Approval. This drop-down will have any user who can approve an Authorization.
26. Choose the approver.
27. Scroll to the bottom of the Authorization form; a new section of Signatures is displaying which has the Counselor Signature field and is required.
28. The Case Manager creating the authorization will click the pencil icon (JAWS may announce this as ‘Signature’) to the right of the Counselor Signature label and the password entry pop-up will display.
29. Enter your user password (this is the same password you enter upon login).
30. The Case Managers name will populate on the screen and will also include the time and date stamp of when the signature was entered. This field becomes read only.
31. Click the Save button at the bottom of the screen. The screen will refresh. The Authorization will now reflect the Authorization Status as Draft Pending Review/Approval. The Send for Review/Approval will also display who the Authorization was sent to for approval as read only. The Authorization has now been added to the Approver’s Authorizations Pending Review Queue.
Note: In the blue banner at the top of the form the Status is also visible there as well as the Last Event for the Authorization.
32. Once the Authorization has been sent for approval the user who will be reviewing/approving will receive an email alerting them of the Authorization.
For these next steps: A Supervisor is required to complete the Authorization workflow.
33. Navigate to the client’s Authorization. This can be done a few different ways. One way was mentioned previously by locating the client, going through program then to the Authorization tab. You can also go through the Supervisor’s Authorization Pending Approval queue located on the left side of the screen.
34. Clicking the Authorizations Pending Review Queue will display all the Authorizations that are pending review for the specific supervisor.
35. Locate the Authorization and click it.
36. As the Supervisor reviewing the Authorization, if it looks good, navigate to the Workflow Actions section. Click the Workflow Action drop-down and select Draft Authorization Approved.
37. Scroll to the bottom where the signature section is located and click the pencil icon (JAWS may announce this as ‘Signature’) to the right of Reviewer Signature.
38. Like before the Password Prompt will display, enter password (same password as used to login).
39. Scroll to the bottom and click Save.
40. Once save has been clicked the screen will refresh. In the blue banner at the top of the screen the Status of the Authorization will reflect Issued with the Last Event being Draft Authorization Approved. It will also reflect the Remaining Budget Amount (As payments are being applied to this authorization, the balance remaining will update).
41. The Case Manager who created the Authorization will receive a notification email showing that the Supervisor has approved the Authorization.
42. The Authorization can be printed now, if required/requested. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and two new buttons display: Print Authorization
When Print Authorization is clicked a PDF is generated; this can be saved to your computer or printed to paper.
43. At the top of the screen near the blue banner are some additional tabs. Next to the main Authorization tab (where you are currently) are the Print Log, Payment, History and Audit Log tabs.
44. Click the Print Log tab. This will display each time the Authorization has been printed (the Print Authorization button has been used), which user printed it and when.
45. The Payment tab will display any payments that have been applied to the Authorization. Currently in this example we have not applied any payments however, this is where they would appear in a listing.
46. The History tab will display the Events of the Authorization, whether it was approved, returned for revisions, cancelled, etc.
47. The Audit Log tab will display a full list of everything that occurred on the Authorization from start to finish and who did it.
Create an Authorization from the Tracking Inbox (not on a plan)
1. Login with your system provided account and navigate to the Tracking Inbox on the left side of the screen, when the menu expands choose Authorization.
2. When the Tracking Inbox opens Authorizations that are visible to the user (if any) will show.
3. Click +New near the top of the screen.
4. Similar to the previous steps fill in the required fields on the form.
Note: Because this Authorization is not being created from the Plan you will have to search for a client to link it to.
5 Continue through the fields, to prevent errors, fill in each field (not only required). Be sure to populate the Service Category (expanding the multi-select and selecting the services needed).
6. Near the client field there is a magnifying glass, just like with Provider, click the magnifying glass then it will allow you to type in the field.
7. Once all the fields have been populated click the Save button at the bottom of the form. The Authorization will be saved in Draft status.
8. Just like before, to move the Authorization through the workflow the Workflow Actions needs to be completed. In the Workflow Actions drop-down click on Submit for Review/Approval.
9. A new box will display Send for Review/Approval, choose the person who will need to approve the Authorization.
10. Navigate to the Signatures section and just like before, click the pencil icon next to Counselor Signature label.
11. Password confirmation pop-up will display. Enter password (same password used to login).
12. Case Managers name will display, be read only, and have the time and date stamp.
13. Once Save has been clicked an email will be sent to the Supervisor alerting them of an Authorization pending review and the status of the Authorization will be changed to Draft Pending Review/Approval.
14. This Authorization workflow is exactly as the one before ON a plan.
*Due to time constraint skip remaining steps; the steps are the same as previously covered
*Briefly review the next items — activity is not needed
Amending an Authorization
1. If an Authorization needs to be modified after it has been issued navigate to the Authorization. Locate the Workflow Actions on the right side of the form. In the drop-down select Amend.
2. A new field will display ‘Amendment Reason’. Select the reason in the drop-down.
3. Fill out the required fields. Click Save.
Note: When an Authorization is amended the Version Number of the Authorization will update.
4. The Authorization Status will update to Issued; the additional service is now populated under the Service Category.
5. The Authorization can again be Printed or Cloned.
6. To review the history of the Authorization and see the Amendment, click the History tab at the top of the screen and the history will display.
Closing an Authorization
1. If an Authorization needs to be closed after it has been issued navigate to the Authorization. Locate the Workflow Actions on the right side of the form. In the drop-down select Authorization Closed.
2. Upon Save the Authorization Status will update to Closed.
Note: Once an Authorization has been closed it can no longer be amended; there are no further Workflow Actions.
3. To view the history, just like before, click the History tab.
4. When an Authorization is closed it is still visible on the bottom of the plan for the associated program. Clicking into it will reflect the closed status.
It is also visible on the programs Authorization tab and will show a Workflow Status of Closed.
Note: If an authorization is closed and there is a remaining balance then the total paid to date field becomes the Total Amount Encumbered to Date (any excess encumbered amount is returned to its corresponding budget) and the remaining balance is set to 0 for that authorization.
Return an Authorization for Revisions (as a Supervisor)
1. If an Authorization needs to be Returned to the Case Manager before it can be approved navigate to the Authorization. Locate the Workflow Actions on the right side of the form. In the drop-down select Return for Revisions.
2. A new field will display Returned Comments.
3. Upon Save the system will send an email to the Case Manager alerting them that the Authorization has been returned to them and needs revising. The authorization will then be routed to the Case Manager’s Authorization Returned for Revisions queue.
4. To make the revisions navigate back to the Authorization, make the revisions and follow the steps previously described to advance the Authorization through the workflow.
Authorization is Canceled (Case Manager or Supervisor)
1. If an Authorization needs to be Canceled, navigate to the Authorization. Locate the Workflow Actions on the right side of the form. In the drop-down select Authorization Canceled.
Note: If there is already a payment in Final Paid status associated to that Authorization then the Authorization cannot be cancelled.
2. A new field will display, Cancel Reason. Choose the appropriate cancellation reason.
3. If Cancel Reason = Other, a new field labeled Other Cancel Reason will display; this field is required and is a free text field.
Applying Payments to an Authorization
*Briefly review the next items — activity is not needed as the payment interface is not complete. Will be complete Post Go-Live.
1. Navigate to the Authorization that is ready to have a payment applied. This can be done two ways either through the Tracking Inbox on the left menu or through the Client > Program > Plan. For this example, the client’s plan is used.
Note: Authorizations have to be in a Status= Issued to have payments applied to them
2. Locate the Add Payment button under the Service Category section. Payments can only be applied to services listed on the authorization.
3. Click Add Payment.
4. The Payment Screen will display.
5. Enter in the required fields including uploading the Invoice file/document.
Note: The service provided date must fall within the parameters of the Authorization dates or user will get a Workflow Message.
Note: The Invoice Amount will update the Remaining Amount field automatically. If there is a balance remaining it will display, if paid in full it will be zero.
6. After all required fields are populated in the Workflow Actions select Submit for Review.
7. A second field will populate labeled Assign to Approver.
8. In the drop down select who the payment would need to be approved by.
9. Click Save.
10. The screen will refresh and display the Payment Detail screen.
The Payment Status will be In Process.
11. Upon save an email was sent to the approver notifying them that a payment is ready to be approved on this Authorization.
12. To locate the payment requiring review and approval you can navigate to the queues and choose Payments Pending Review (as a Supervisor role).
13. If this option is selected the Payments Pending Review queue will display and the payment will be in the table; clicking the payment record will take you to the Authorization where the payment has been applied.
14. Or, navigate to Search, click Authorization.
15. When the search criteria displays select the Payment checkbox and enter the Payment Number field with the Payment Number value located in the email.
16. Click Search and the payment will display in the Search Results. Clicking the payment record will take you to the Authorization where the payment has been applied.
17. On the Authorization screen near the top are tabs, click the Payment tab.
18. The Payment Listing will display.
19. Click the payment record needing approval; the Payment record will display.
20. Verify all information entered is correct. Scroll down to the Workflow Actions section and in the Payment Action drop down select the appropriate action from Return for Revisions, Ready for Payment or Payment Canceled. For this example, Ready for Payment is chosen.
Note: If Return for Revisions is chosen this will send the payment back to whoever entered it to revise as needed.
If Payment is cancelled an additional box will display labeled ‘Cancel Reason’ and it is a required field. This is a drop-down box.
If the Cancel Reason and ‘Other’ is selected an additional text box will display that requires the user to enter in the cancelation reason.
Note: If the payment is canceled the user who entered the payment will receive an email notification.
21. Upon choosing Ready for Payment, choosing the Assigned Approver and clicking Save the Password Confirmation box will display. Enter in the password used to log into the system and click Ok.
22. The Payment screen will refresh and the Payment Status will be Ready to Pay.
23. The system will send an email that the payment is in a Ready to Pay status to Fiscal Staff.
24. As fiscal staff. To navigate to the payment that is Ready to Pay; this can be done a few ways for this example it is being accessed through the Home Screen view in the Payments Ready to Pay section.
25. Click the record.
26. The Payment screen will display.
27. Scroll to the Workflow Actions near the bottom of the screen and in the Payment Action drop-down select the appropriate value. For this example, Payment Submitted is selected.
28. Click Save.
29. Upon clicking save the screen will refresh and the Payment Status will now be Submitted.
30. When the payment is ready to be processed and the payment to reflect a status of Final Paid (still as Fiscal Staff) scroll to the Workflow Actions on the Payment screen and choose the Payment Action drop-down for Final Paid.
Note: Additional options include Returned from Fiscal System and Payment Canceled. Like previously if any of these options are chosen it will trigger a notification to the user who entered the payment to either make revisions for whatever the needed reason is, or, the payment has been canceled and will not be applied.
31. Once Final Paid is selected two new boxes will display labeled Warrant Number where the check number is to be entered and Warrant Date which is a calendar picker field.
32. Fill in the newly required fields.
33. Click Save.
34. The window will refresh and the Payment Status will now reflect Final Paid. This task is complete.
35. At the top of the Payment screen are two additional tabs: Document and Event
36. Click Document, this will display documents that have been associated to this payment such as the invoice.
37. Click the Event tab, it will display all events related to this payment.
Adding Events
The event tab is where the end user can implement a workflow step to enforce a process such as employment, verified employment, etc.
1. Select the Event tab from the Program listing.
2. Select +New to create a new event.
3. The Event form will display.
4. The event categories automatically populate in the drop-down based on the program type and current workflow status.
5. The Event drop-down populates based on what is chosen as the Event Category.
6. The date will auto-populate to the current date but can be edited.
7. The comments section is optional.
8. Once all fields are populated click Save.
9. Once the event is saved the screen will refresh and open to the Event Listing.
Entering Exit Information
The Exit Record captures the information related to the individual client’s exit from the VR program and used to report on the RSA 911 report.
Before creating an exit the end user must:
Complete the XVII.D Employment at Exit
Create an Employment Event using the Event Tab (section 13).
The Event must be Employed
All authorizations must be either Cancelled or Closed.
There are many business rules around exits where based on what is chosen as the Event Category will determine what Event Options are displayed/available. For a full list of variations see the Custom User Guide.
Once the Exit record has initially been created, ‘Event Category’ and ‘Event’ will become read only for all roles.
1. Select the Exit tab from the Program Record.
2. The Exit form will display
3. Search Consultation and provide rationale for any consultation items not completed if required. The fields and selection list presented will vary dependent on the Event selected earlier.
4. Search Compatibility and provide rationale for any Compatibility items not completed and provide rational for ineligibility or Case Exit if required.
5. Complete the remainder of the fields on the form. If Other Public Support Received is checked, you will be required to enter Other Public Support Amount.
6. Complete the required fields. Some fields will become required that were not previously when the status of the Exit is changed from Draft to Final. Click Save.
7. Once save is clicked, the screen will refresh and display the Exit Listing.
Adding Post Exit Information
*Briefly review the next items — activity is not needed
1. Once the Exit Record has been completed the Post Exit Tab will become available.
2. Select ‘Post Exit’ and complete the required fields. You will be required to complete each of the quarterly sections.
First Quarter After Exit Quarter
Second Quarter After Exit Quarter
Third Quarter After Exit Quarter
Fourth Quarter After Exit Quarter
3. This information is used for reporting purposes.
Creating Work Requests
*Briefly review the next items — activity is not needed
1. Navigate to the client record requiring a Work Request through Search.
2. Navigate to the client’s program.
3. Once the Program Information displays click on Work Request in the top ribbon.
4. The Work Request Listing will display. Any previous work requests will be listed on this screen.
5. Click +New.
6. The Work Request form will display.
7. The only required field on this form is the Task drop-down.
Note: Although the Assigned To drop-down is not a required field, if not populated the work request will remain in the queue for the client, there will not be any notifications sent.
The ‘Assigned To’ drop down populates with all users who are associated with the Office selected on the Program tab.
8. Clicking the Task drop-down will display the three options for a work request
9. Fill out the fields needed and, if needed, upload any required documentation via the File upload section.
10. To upload a file click on the arrow pointing up with the line below it.
11. This will bring up the user’s files where the appropriate file can be selected. Locate the appropriate file and click on it, the upload will automatically begin.
12. Once the document has been uploaded the green bar along the bottom will display and the status will read Upload complete.
13. Click Save.
14. The screen will refresh and open to the Work Request Listing screen. The newly created work request will display on the screen.
15. For the staff who is required to process the work request they will receive a notification that the work request has been created.
16. When a work request is assigned to Support Staff personnel. Those records are viewable through the client Work Request page as described above or through the Open Tasks Assigned to Me Queue.
17. Click on the record will open the Work Request.
18. The work request form will display informing the user of what needs to be completed. There is also new fields: Work Request Number, Status and Action.
The Work Request Number is auto-populated by the system and cannot be changed. The Status is also auto-populated by the system and will populate based on where in the workflow the work request resides.
19. The staff will need to choose an action from the Action drop-down.
20. Choosing Cancelled will Cancel the work request. Choosing Completed will reflect that all tasks required have been completed.
21. Click Save.
22. The screen will refresh and take the user back to the Work Request Listing. The work request will display and the status will reflect Completed (or canceled).
*Not all users have the ability to run reports. Walk through reports at a high level.
The system provides extensive reporting capabilities using a standard set of reports. Reports can be accessed from your dashboard or by navigating to the Reporting tab. The Reporting screen contains the My Reports and Shared Reports tabs. The federal reports such as the RSA911 and RSA17 are located under the Federal Reports tab in the menu.
These reports are easy to run by selecting the report filling in the required information and selecting ‘Run’.