EFFECTIVE DATE: March 1, 2023
STAFF: All IDB Staff
-Expense Reports must be submitted within 30 days of travel to receive reimbursement.
When using forms of travel including cabs, trolleys, trains, or buses, you will need a receipt with the company name and date of travel on it. When a printed receipt is not available the staff member will need to request a handwritten receipt with the name of the company, city, state, date, and fare amount. The driver and staff member will need to sign the handwritten receipt.
When using Uber, Lyft or cab more than one staff member can ride together. Only one staff member will be reimbursed for the trip. When the outgoing and return trips are split between two staff members this will need to be documented in the memo line of the expense report.
Tips for Uber, Lyft and Cab drivers are reimbursable up to 15% of the total fare.
Approved drivers for staff will be reimbursed up to $14.00 per hour when driving a state vehicle.
Approved drivers for staff will be reimbursed up to $14.00 per hour and $.50 per mile hour when driving a personal vehicle.
-Expense Reports must be submitted within 30 days of travel to receive reimbursement.
- Staff members are only reimbursed for meals when they are gone overnight. When a staff member doesn’t eat an allowed meal the dollars are allowed to go to the next meal in that day. To get breakfast on the first day, the staff member must leave before 6:00 a.m. and to get dinner on the last day the staff member must arrive back after 7:00 p.m.
Below is your meal allowance in Iowa:
Breakfast: $8.00, Lunch: $10.00, Dinner: $19.00, TOTAL: $37.00
Staff members will need an itemized receipt to file an expense report. When the restaurant does not provide a printed itemized receipt request a handwritten (non-standard) itemized receipt that includes items consumed and the individual price. When a staff member does not get an itemized receipt and one cannot be obtained the staff member can contact the restaurant to obtain the individual amounts for items consumed and create a non-standard receipt. The staff member will need to contact Accounting staff prior to submitting a non-standard receipt.
Staff members can have two separate receipts for a meal when the meals are within the meal dollar limit and are under an hour in time. Staff members are not reimbursed for in between meal snacks, beverages or items consumed throughout the day between meals.
Staff members will only be reimbursed for tips up to 15% of the sub-total receipt amount, however a staff member is not restricted to a 15% tip.
When a staff member purchases a meal from a vending machine the staff member will need to create a non-standard receipt. The receipt will need to include where the vending machine is located (name of place, city, and state), the date, and the amount paid. These items must be included on a NON-STANDARD receipt with the staff member’s signature in order to qualify for reimbursement.
Staff members will be reimbursed for approved driver meals in accordance with this procedure.
-Expense Reports must be submitted within 30 days of travel to receive reimbursement.
As of 8/1/2021 the daily reimbursement rate for in-state hotel is $80.00 plus applicable taxes. Grand total is $89.60.
Staff members will be reimbursed for approved driver lodging in accordance with this procedure.
When a Staff member attends a conference, the agenda will need to be turned in with the expense report when filing for reimbursement. When meals are included with the conference fee, the staff member will not be reimbursed for eating elsewhere.
-Expense Reports must be submitted within 30 days of travel to receive reimbursement.
When a staff member is attending a conference or training out of state, they need to work with the Accounting staff to complete a Spend Authorization document and arrange for hotel and travel prior to registration.
When a staff member is traveling outside of Iowa by more than 50 miles, different rates apply. Please contact accounting to get any rates outside of Iowa that will be needed before traveling.
Keep all plane tickets and any baggage check tickets for your bags that show the price. These must be listed on separate lines on the expense report.
For any items not referred to in this document refer to Department of Administrative Services Accounting Procedure 210.