Counselor and Support Staff Checklist
Forms to take to the meeting: 2
Send to support staff (Make sure all is filled out and signed) 3
Forms and completed and signed: 3
Complete case note (see appendix 2) 5
Enter case note (see appendix 5) 8
Enter authorization into eFORCE 8
Forms to take to the meeting:
VR Application release for services
VR Application (if not entering it on computer at the meeting)
SSN entered correctly
Health assessment form
General release of information (minimum of 5)
U of I release of information
SSA releases
Work history
Client rights and responsibilities
Voter registration
Eligibility aid
Enter into eFORCE *As soon as possible*
Start new case
Application screen
Application case note (See appendix 1)
Work history
Blind journal
Send to support staff (Make sure all is filled out and signed) *Within 1 week*
Application release for services
Health assessment
Voter registration
Support Staff
Forms and completed and signed:
Application release for services
Health assessment
Voter registration
Eligibility aid (not required to sign)
Enter into eFORCE
External assessments (IESBVI, IEPs, etc)
Send/Fax ROIs
File paperwork
Review medical reports
Complete the eligibility aid with client
Complete the eligibility screen
List of barriers
Check boxes of barriers
List of services required based on barriers
SD or MSD determined
If MSD selected, secondary diagnosis documentation on file
Diagnosis(es) are documented with date of report and doctor name
Analysis of psychological, educational, vocational, and social completed
If secondary diagnosis, there is medical documentation to support it
Print the eligibility certificate
Sign and send the eligibility certificate and eligibility aid
Support staff
List of barriers completed
Barriers are check boxed
SD or MSD determined
If MSD selected, secondary diagnosis documentation on file
List of services completed
Diagnosis(es) are documented with date of report and doctor name
Analysis of psychological, educational, vocational, and social completed
If secondary diagnosis, there is medical documentation to support it
Eligibility certificate signed
File eligibility certificate
Interest/skills inventories (or some other assessment) completed
Labor market research complete
LMI form
Complete case note (see appendix 2)
Enter IPE into eFORCE and reassign to support staff
After approval
Print IPE and sign
Send IPE to support staff
Support staff
Review to ensure all components are entered
Ensure case note is complete
Reassign to supervisor for approval
After approval
Send IPE to client with a client response form
File the IPE into permanent paper file
IPE Review
Enter in review date
Enter in next review date
Enter case note (See appendix 3)
IPE Amendment
Review plan
Enter amendment
Enter case note (See appendix 4)
After approval
Print IPE amendment and sign
Send IPE amendment to support staff
Support staff
Review to ensure all components are entered
Ensure case note is complete
Reassign to supervisor for approval
After approval
Send IPE amendment to client with a client response form
File the IPE amendment into permanent paper file
Enter case note (see appendix 5)
Enter authorization into eFORCE
Correct authorization type
Appropriate service for the authorization
Authorized item and amount
Correct address and phone number for delivery
Complete dates the authorization is in effect
Reassign to support staff
Maintenance voucher signed (if maintenance authorization)
Support staff
Correct authorization type
Correct service type
Proofread item description(s)
Correct case note is attached
Check case note for justification
Reassign to supervisor for approval
Once approved, print authorization for file
Send to vendor (and client if appropriate)
Service history screen
Programs closed
Closure screen
Closure case note (See appendix 6)
Closure letter to support staff
Print closure amendment and sign
Send closure amendment
Support staff
Closure letter into eFORCE
Closure and closure letter sent
Survey and survey letter sent
Appendix 1
Purpose: Complete the application
Statement indicating the individual is interested in going to work
Summary of client’s current situation:
What is their living situation?
Do they have a support system?Have they worked in the past?
Why aren’t they working now?What skills/training do they have?
What skills/training do they need to work again?
Medical issues that will impact their work?
Any other pertinent information
Intervention by counselor:
Describe VR services and the rehab process
Complete health assessment
Complete ROIs for necessary parties
Review rights and responsibilities and CAP
Start the eligibility aid (assess barriers-mobility, communication, self-care, self-direction, interpersonal skills, work skills, work tolerance)
Explain eligibility process
Plan: Send in ROIs for medical documentation. Meet again once eligibility is determined.
Appendix 2
Purpose: Develop plan for employment
Current knowledge, skills, abilities
Current situation (school, working part time, wanting to change career, recent change in health, etc)
Related experience to career goal identified
Training requirements (travel skills, accessing public transportation, computer skills)
Supports that may be required to be successful (transportation, job coach, etc)
Labor Market Information (LMI)
Skills/abilities/education required
Essential functions of the job
Wage and hours for the area
If necessary, is individual willing to move for more opportunities?
Completed assessments/researched LMI
Provided guidance and counseling by jointly developing plan for employment with career goal of…
Established services required to obtain goal
Criteria for review were set
Rights/responsibilities and CAP
Plan: Begin services once plan is approved. Client’s next steps (Johnny will….research education programs, send current resume, etc)
Appendix 3
IPE Review
Purpose: Review plan for employment
Review of progress with criteria for review
Review services and service dates
Provide guidance and counseling
Plan: Meet again (date) to (next activity)
Appendix 4
IPE Amendment
Purpose: Amend plan for employment
Current situation
Reason for amendment
Provide guidance and counseling
Review plan
Review rights and responsibilities and CAP
Plan: Amend plan and identify next steps
Appendix 5
Summary of the client’s current situation
Reason/need for the authorized item
Comparable benefits have been explored
Technology recommendation and summary of quotes are in eFORCE if over $500
Guidance and counseling provided and checked
Plans for delivery and training of the authorized item
College training
Summary of the client’s current situation (college name, progress, etc)
Statement indicating required paperwork has been received
Comparable benefits have been explored (grants/scholarships)
Guidance and counseling provided and checked
Plan for next meeting
All other authorizations
Summary of the client’s current situation
Reason/need for the authorized item/service
Guidance and counseling
Appendix 6
Purpose: Close case
Current situation
If working: wages, hours, benefits, etc. Identify that it aligns with IPE
If not working: reason for closing case unsuccessfully
Summary of services provided over life of case
Education level at closure
Provide guidance and counseling
Review rights and responsibilities and CAP
Plan: Close case and send closure letter