IDB Rehab Manual - IL Plan Development
Status 10 - Plan Development
    ~ Chapter Contents


Once an individual has been determined eligible for IL services from the Department and moved to Status 10, you should begin joint planning on the independent living services to be provided with the individual or the individual and his/her authorized representative. Eligible individuals may choose to develop a formalized Independent Living Rehabilitation Plan (ILRP) or to simply identify IL objectives by completing a Waiver.

An ILRP must indicate the goals or objectives to be achieved, the services and training to be provided to meet those goals, and the anticipated duration of the plan and each service. The purpose of the ILRP is to clearly define the client�s independent living goal and the services he or she will require to achieve it. The plan is an individualized and clearly-defined road map for achieving the individual�s IL goal. It is a plan of action that must be reviewed with the individual at least once a year, and is, therefore, subject to future amendments and revisions. Emphasize to the client that it is not a legal contract and there is nothing about it which is legally binding on either the client or the agency.

The Rehab Act of 1998, as amended, gives individuals the option of waiving the right to develop a formal ILRP. Working under a Waiver, the individual simply sets the IL objectives he/she wants to meet.

ILRP/Waiver Development Process

Teachers have several responsibilities to carry out during the development of an ILRP or the objectives in Waiver cases. The ILRP/Waiver development process involves:

1. Assessing the client’s independent living goals and needs.

2. Identifying ILRP services needed.

3. Completing the ILRP or Waiver Form and Case Note.

The ILRP/Waiver development process is not considered complete until you have performed all steps and submitted necessary paperwork.

For the majority of clients, it is reasonable to expect that they should complete their IL goals in two years. You should talk with individuals with that time-frame in mind. However, some individual will require longer periods of service. Take this into consideration when planning services.

Remember, IL clients must have a current ILRP or Waiver as long as they remain in an active status. Before the expiration date of the ILRP or the Waiver, be sure to either close the case or extend the date. (An extension requires that you prepare an ILRP amendment or a new Waiver).

Chapter Topics

Assessing the Client’s Independent Living Goals and Needs.

Completing the ILRP

ILRP Service and Objective Planning.
Completing the ILRP & Case Note.

eFORCE Procedures

Entering ILRP Data into eFORCE and Distributing Paperwork.

ILRP Review - Amending an ILRP

Completing the Waiver

Completing the Waiver Form & Case Note.

eFORCE Procedures

Entering Waiver Data into eFORCE and Distributing Paperwork.


Added November 28, 2023 under

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