IDB Rehab Manual - Status 02 - Application
Status 02 - VR Applicant
    ~Application Documents

Below are the documents contained in the application packet. Not all documents are currently available for download. If you require a document that is not downloadable, contact your support staff.

Application for Vocational Rehabilitation Services (pdf).

Application for Vocational Rehabilitation Services (Word Form).

Health Assessment Questionnaire.

Work History / Job Skills Form.

IDBs Applicant’s Rights and Responsibilities Brochure.

Voter Registration Information. (Go to the Iowa Secretary of State web site for the Voter Registration form in other languages.)

Iowa Client Assistance Program Brochure.

Eligibility Determination Waiver.

Ticket to Work Assignment Form.

University of Iowa Hospitals Consent to Release of Information.

Authority for Release and Exchange of Information.

Authorization to Release Information - Employment & Earnings.


Return to Completing an Application.

Status 02 - Application Documents

Added November 28, 2023 under

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