New company setup checklist




Required Paperwork�������������������������������������������������������




Client�s contact information and preferred media format

Make sure to have CAP and Application Release for Services, Rights and Responsibilities in appropriate format.

Application Form, Copy of eFORCE application

Is it complete, accurate, and includes social security number?

Copy of intake case note

For verification of information and purpose of application

Application Release for Services, 2 copies

Client and counselor sign this, Client keeps one for records.

Health Assessment form

Client and counselor sign this.

Release of Information (minimum of 5)

Client must sign both sides of the form to ensure all information is returned.

Medical provider (vision and others), educators, institutions, waiver providers, etc.

Work History Form

Review information with client, does client have a resume to share?

Client Rights and Responsibilities

Review and leave with client

CAP brochure

Review and leave with client

Voter Registration (Motor Voter Law)

Client must sign regardless of response

Social Security Documents

If client is a beneficiary based on blindness and does not have documentation.

Eligibility Aid

Use to begin moving toward eligibility/plan development










Expectation of Services

What does client hope to get out of services, reason for applying, what services did client feel were needed (client may not know this).


Medical, psychological and disability related needs

Eligibility aid and health assessment form should lead into this.


Employment needs

What is client�s expectation for employment, what has client done in the past, what is the goal, hours per week, type of job, need for benefits, location, etc.


Educational background

What has client done in the past, types of education, needs in regard to education, plan for additional education



What type of supports does client currently have, what type of supports does client need, areas outside of work that are important to client (client may not work on Wednesday due to religion, family or other commitments, etc.)


Connecting Activities

Connect client to appropriate resources.


Plan for moving forward

Discuss homework and next steps.






Case Review Elements





Contact Client within 14 days of status 02 date.

Ensures early engagement. Ask for support staff assistance if needed.


Complete application process within 30 days of 02 date. This is an in-person interview.

Ensures early engagement.


Case notes show that the client wants to pursue competitive integrated employment.

If no � process is done; if yes, move forward.


Case notes show that client is / is not a recipient of SSI / SSDI benefits based on blindness / vision loss.

If yes � client is presumed eligible � complete eligibility.

If no � collect releases to gather medical documentation providers.


Case notes show education information: Date (MM/DD/YY) of graduation / earn highest level of education, and institution name.

Needed for reporting on quarterly reports.


Case notes document purpose, assessment, interventions and plan for moving case forward and applicant assignments.

Follow Application Guidelines


Enter individual into the Iowa Blind Journal.

If documentation is gathered. This is a state requirement.


All paperwork on checklist is completed, signed by client, guardian as appropriate, and counselor as appropriate. Give to support staff within 1 week of intake / application meeting.


It is important that support staff have all documentation so that they can check for errors, build the paper case file, and address documentation needs � i.e. turn in the Voter Registration form, send out releases of information.

Eligibility aid-documents that a comprehensive assessment was completed, assists in eligibility determination.




Early Engagement Tip Sheet

Strategies for Success:

� Set up meeting with client ASAP and follow-up on any missed appointments.

� Set-up and run a short productive meeting: Set-up, Share Information, Close Out.

� Begin building trust and respect � be on time, follow through and follow-up, have alternate formats for materials being provided, connect clients to resources.

� Explain the role of the IDB Vocational Rehabilitation Program.

� Explain the role of the VR Counselor, Client and guardian if appropriate.

� Listen to clients about what they want, when they want it by and why they want it � everyone has a motivation for contacting us, find out what it is early.

� Meet people where they are - Be careful not to tell them what you believe they need early in the relationship.

� Use experiences instead of assessments when you can � listen to your client.

� Write the IPE - Include Assessments (if necessary).

� If an assessment is necessary, explain the experience, the purpose, what other information will be used, how the assessment will move them forward and ALWAYS provide feedback.

� Include their ideas in the IPE and explore the possibilities -Failure is also learning and Success may surprise you!

� Address provider wait times honestly - Make appointments at the time of referral to a provider.

� Get clients to an interview of any kind.

� Debrief with every step.

� Ask clients to identify their personal resources for job information, friends and family included.

� Close out all interactions with an active �To Do� plan for the client.

� Reduce the wait time for EVERYTHING! The longer a client waits, the less likely they are to engage and reach successful employment.



Case Note Documentation Guidelines



  • A statement that VR services were explained to the individual.


  • Individual�s apparent or self� reported level of independent functioning (eligibility aid will guide this, in addition to conversation topics above).
  • Individual�s apparent or self� reported limitations imposed by the visual disability (eligibility aid and conversation topics above will guide this).
  • Individual�s family situation (is family supportive, where is the client living, who is currently assisting individual if anyone?).
  • VR counselor’s observations as to apparent rehabilitation potential (what did you notice? What did you observe while with the individual?).


  • Statement indicating any services that were provided � information and referral to another entity, review rights and responsibilities, assisted in completing application process, etc.
  • A statement that the individual has been informed of his/her civil rights, rights to confidentiality of personal information, rights to administrative review and fair hearing, right to pursue mediation with respect to determinations made by the VR counselor that affect the provision of vocational rehabilitation services, the names and addresses of individuals with whom requests for mediation or due process hearings may be filed, and rights to the Iowa Client Assistance Program (ICAP).


  • Identify additional assessments/reports that may be needed in order to make an eligibility decision, and what is being done to obtain these assessments/reports.
  • Authorizations completed if providing assistance to fund an eye exam if there are no others available.


Required Paperwork�������������������������������������������������������

Added May 15, 2023 under

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