Slide 1: Referral and Application
February 1, 2021
Slide 2: Training Objectives
Review current referral and application practices.
Understand requirements for application
Slide 3: Case Status Flow
Service provision
Job Ready
Slide 4: Referral Discussion
Where are we getting new referrals?
Slide 5: Referral Sources
Most referrals begin with a phone call to our Intake Specialist
Staff are assigned to specific referred individuals
By providing your sources with IDB information, knowledge about IDB services is available in the community
Maintaining a relationship helps ensure you get the documentation you need to expedite the Application and Eligibility process
Referrals can also be submitted on-line using the on-line referral at These are then automatically submitted to the office via email.
Slide 6: Referral Process
Within fourteen (14) working days of receipt of a referral, intake specialist or counselor shall contact the individual and provide:
General overview of IDB services
Application procedures
Additional information and resources as appropriate
Assistance with completing an application for VR services
Mail out initial application materials.
Review: Vocational Rehabilitation Referral and Initial Application Process
Slide 7: Referral Discussion Questions
What happens when you get a referral and it does not move to application?
What about when it does move to application?
What services are planned at this point?
How do you market VR services and develop referral sources?
What tools do we need or use at the time of referral or following up with a referral?
Slide 8: Key Points: Referrals
Case must be in referral before an Application can be taken in most cases.
Referral, Application, Eligibility and Plan may be done on the same day.
Slide 9: Case Status Flow (2)
Service provision
Job Ready
Slide 10: Intake
Application and Interview
Become familiar with the client and be able to respond to his or her needs.
Explain the VR purpose and process
Analyze barriers to employment
Begin discussions related to employment goals
Slide 11: Application Expectations
Staff will review and discuss the purpose of Vocational Rehabilitation services to help clients obtain and maintain employment.
Counselors and staff should understand what the identity of IDB is and how to convey our purpose to new applicants.
Slide 12: Preparing for an Application
Setting up meetings — phone calls, emails, letters; timeframes
Brochures used:
Rights and Responsibilities;
Importance of integrating the discussion of brochures into the initial meeting.
Slide 13: Application Documents
Basic information contained in client intake such as medical, psychological, employment, education, social and family history.
Application Release for Services / Signatures
Release of information forms
Health Assessment Questionnaire
Work History Form
Voter Registration form
Case note
Social Security
Eligibility Aid
Additional information requested (scholarships, directory assistance, housing, library application)
Slide 14: Application Process
An applicant is assigned to a VR counselor once support staff receive the application materials.
Within 14 working days, a VR counselor will contact the individual to schedule an initial interview and to complete the application process.
The VR counselor will make every effort to meet individually with the Client within 30 days of the date of application at a location and time mutually agreed to, whether or not such an individual meeting is preceded by group intake/orientation.
Slide 15: The Initial Interview
Need to first establish a counseling relationship, to include:
Rapport and Trust
Positive Regard
Belief in the individual
Observe and assess possible supports needed for the individual to be successful in reaching their employment goals
Career Counseling
Individual goals and expectations
“Informed Choice” and individualized coordination of services
During the initial interview, the counselor will provide:
Emphasis on employment throughout the rehabilitation process
Encouragement, support and assistance with problem solving and clarification of values
Information and referral to community resources
Slide 16: The Initial Interview Discussion
Points to discuss during the initial interview
Description of VR Program, Rehab Process and Available Services
Financial Participation/Comparable Benefits
Need for Information (documentation of disability, financial information, benefits documentation)
Rights and Responsibilities
Informed Choice
Medical, career and assistive technology assessments possibly needed for eligibility decision-making, and vocational planning
Next Steps for the counselor and the client
Slide 17: Initial Interview Assessments
Preliminary Assessment during Initial Interview
Counselor’s professional judgment matters! Share assessment with client as judgement should be objective
Practical considerations related to employment, counselors need to be aware of their own biases and value judgments, and remain objective in their observations:
Limited English Proficiency
Lack of Transportation
Substance Abuse Issues
Criminal History
Presume the individual employable and will benefit from services until otherwise demonstrated by clear and convincing evidence
Slide 18: Preliminary Assessment in Application Status
Begins at the first meeting with the applicant as we learn about their work history, education, disability, interests, etc.
Use of existing information
Assessments we may use:
Medical reports
IEP’s and other educational data
Job Shadowing
Career Exploration
Worksite assessments in the community
Eligibility Aid
Slide 19: Eligibility Aid
What are the seven impediments to employment?
Slide 20: Behavioral Observations During Initial Interview
Social interaction skills
Involvement in the interview
Family input
Adjustment to Blindness
Ability to respond to questions asked
Ability to complete the application independently
Presenting problem is not always the main issue
Client may not know how to communicate what they need
Counselor needs to determine what the true need is
Slide 21: Application Medical/Psychological
Obtaining Medical/Psychological Information from the client
Confirmation of Social Security benefits due to disability
Obtaining Medical/Psychological Information from the provider:
Release of Information
Purchase of assessments
Slide 22: Additional Assessments and Evaluations
Other assessments to document disability and determine eligibility
Assistive Technology
Career Counseling to focus on career exploration activities
Research job possibilities through local resources
Use of online career resources, such as those available under ONET or the I Have a Plan Iowa Website
Slide 23: Use of the computer during the initial interview
If client provides a signed, hard copy of the application, the counselor can choose to complete the other application pages after the client leaves
Completing the personal information page of the application in eFORCE is necessary to complete other forms frequently used during the initial interview through eFORCE
Do not allow the computer to rule your Initial Interview session – get to know your client before you turn to the computer. Take time to start with a conversation.
Slide: 24: Application Expectations
Does client understand the purpose of vocational rehabilitation?
Key information gathered:
Household income — current and needed
Does client receive SSI or SSDI?
Does the information contained in a case note give a complete picture of the person?
What do the functional limitations appear to be? Did I use the eligibility aid?
Were there any unusual characteristics?
What were the client’s expectations of VR?
What are the next steps? Does the client know these?
Did I review client rights and responsibilities?
Slide 25: Application — Key questions/considerations
What does timely case management look like for cases in status 02?
Delegating work and providing oversight
Meeting deadlines (60 days to determine eligibility for services)
Adequate information to establish or deny the existence of a disability which constitutes a substantial impediment to employment
Can I explain the impediments to employment in functional terms?
Does the client understand the process in determining eligibility?
What can the client expect from the counselor during this process?
Slide 26: Application Next Steps
Returning to the office
Enter any missing information into eFORCE.
Turn in all paperwork to support staff for filing and sending out ROI’s to medical providers and partners.
Enter a case note documenting the initial interview meeting.
On the Client Data Screen — enter initial interview date (if not already completed)
Follow up with medical providers and partners if no medical information has been gathered within 30 days or 2 weeks prior to eligibility deadline (60 days from application date).
Slide 27: Common Questions
Q: Can Application and Eligibility be completed on the same day?
A: Yes. For example, in cases of presumed eligibility for SSI/SSDI, or if you already have all of the diagnostic information you need at the Initial Interview.
Q: What do I do if a Client applies who does not have or cannot secure a work permit?
A: You still take an Application - not having a work permit is not reason to deny taking an application but it should be part of the discussion that you have with the Client.
Q: What do I do when a Client does not check “U.S. Citizen” on the application?
A: You will need to request that the Client provide documentation that they can work in the U.S.
Q: Does the eFORCE application have to be signed?
A: An Application Release for Services needs to be signed and placed in the hard copy file. It does not need to be the eFORCE application, as long as the necessary application information is included in the electronic file.
Q: Should I get a career assessment to determine eligibility?
A: No. This is not part of the preliminary assessment done at application, but could be part of the comprehensive assessment that follows eligibility determination.
Slide 28: Questions?
Next Training: March 1, 2021 — Eligibility Determination