Transition Services
Time Allocation Guide
document is to assist IDB staff in accurately and consistently complete the
work report on time sheets in HRIS / z/Scope.�
Staff time should only be counted when providing pre-employment transition services to students with disabilities. In Iowa, the age range for a student with a disability is 14-21 years of age. **Students with disabilities must be connected or participating in an educational program.
Direct Services/Required Activities:
HRIS / z/Scope Work
Report says: PETS Required
a. The five �required� activities of pre-employment transition services are:
● �Job exploration counseling;
● Work-based learning experiences, which
may include in-school, after school, or community-based opportunities;
● Counseling on opportunities for
enrollment in comprehensive transition or postsecondary educational programs at
Institutions of Higher Education (IHEs);
● Workplace readiness training to
develop social skills and independent living; and
● Instruction in self-advocacy,
including peer mentoring.
b. Tracking time for providing or arranging pre-employment transition services directly toward the required activities:
● Staff will document the time spent
directly providing the required pre-employment transition service activities,
but do not need to track time spent on each of the required activities. The
specific pre-employment transition services the student receives would be
tracked in the student�s case record.
● This can include staff travel time.
● Staff may also document the time
spent arranging for the provision of pre-employment transition services.
● This may include time spent working
with the student and providers to identify and arrange the service(s) that best
meet the student�s needs.
Example A: If the counselor is providing job exploration counseling off site from 1:00-2:00 pm and they left their office at 12:30 to travel to the site and returned at 2:30 from providing the service, then they would document 2 hours of direct staff time providing pre-employment transition services.
Note that if the counselor spent an additional hour meeting with this student or another to discuss any other service (other than pre-employment transition services), that additional time cannot be counted toward the pre-ets direct service time. �
Example B: If the counselor spent an hour
researching providers and coordinating availability of pre-employment
transition services for the student, the counselor would then document 1 hour
of staff time arranging for the provision of pre-employment transition
Example C: If the staff person spends an hour developing a pre-employment training activity or reviewing curriculum for the student, the staff person would document 1 hour of staff time arranging for the provision of pre-employment transition services.
2.� Coordination Activities:
HRIS / z/Scope Work Report says: PETS Coordination
���� a. Pre-employment transition coordination consists of:
● Attending individualized education
program meetings for students with disabilities, when invited;
● Working with the local workforce
development boards, one-stop centers, and employers to develop work
opportunities for students with disabilities, including internships, summer
employment and other employment opportunities available throughout the school
year, and apprenticeships;
● Working with schools, including those
carrying out activities under section 614(d) of the IDEA, to coordinate and
ensure the provision of pre-employment transition services;
● When invited, attending
person-centered planning meetings for individuals receiving services under title
XIX of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396 et seq.);
���� b. Tracking time for coordination activities:
● Staff will document the time they
spend conducting these four specific coordination activities.
Example A: If the counselor attended three IEP
meetings for students with disabilities from 9:00 am to 12 noon, the counselor
could document 3 hours under pre-employment transition services as a
coordination activity.�
Note that if the counselor was at the high school until 1pm discussing other students receiving other additional VR services, they would not be able to charge that additional one hour to pre-employment transition services. �
Example B: If the staff person participates in a
3 hour meeting with the local one-stop center to develop a summer work
experience or job exploration program for a group of students with
disabilities, the staff person could document 3 hours as a coordination
Note that if the staff person was at
the one-stop for 4 hours discussing other partner activities such as regional
plan development work, they would not be able to charge that additional one
hour to pre-employment transition services.
3.� Authorized Activities:
HRIS / z/Scope Work Report says: PETS Authorized or �PETS Other�
The authorized activities are those
pre-employment transition services that may be provided only
after a state has determined that funds remain after provision of the required
and coordination activities.
The Iowa
Department for the Blind is currently working to determine how we will be
providing the following authorized activities:
● These authorized activities include:
○ implement
effective strategies that increase�
independent living and inclusion in their communities and competitive
integrated workplaces;
○ develop
and improve strategies for individuals with intellectual and significant
disabilities to live independently, participate in postsecondary education
experiences, and obtain and retain competitive integrated employment;
○ provide
training to vocational rehabilitation counselors, school transition staff, and
others supporting students with disabilities;
○ disseminate
information on innovative, effective, and efficient approaches to implement pre-employment
transition services;
○ coordinate
activities with transition services provided by local educational agencies
under IDEA;
○ apply
evidence-based findings to improve policy, procedure, practice, and the
preparation of personnel;
○ develop
model transition demonstration projects;
○ establish
or support multistate or regional partnerships that involve States, local
educational agencies, designated State units, developmental disability
agencies, private businesses, or others; and
○ disseminate
information and strategies to improve the transition to postsecondary
activities of those who are traditionally unserved.
b. Tracking time for authorized activities:
● Staff will document the time they
spend carrying out **name of ** authorized activities identified in the
Rehabilitation Act, as amended by WIOA.�
Example: Staff will track the time spent preparing and providing staff training to VR and DE staff on supporting students who are blind.� A staff training workshop conducted by VR for LEA staff about students who are blind on self-advocacy and independent living, including financial literacy, Counselor X spent 5 hours preparing for and conducting this workshop. �The counselor’s time to develop the materials can be reported as an �authorized� activity, for pre-employment transition services. Note: Clerical time may not be charged to provision of pre-employment transition services because their time meets the definition of �administrative costs� which is not an allowable charge to pre-employment transition services. ��
4. All Other Activities and Services Provided:
a. Note the following are examples of
activities that staff would track time as other than pre-employment transition
Case management
Creating case notes or authorizations
IPE development
Providing or arranging other VR services
such as:
Guidance and Counseling
Vocational training
Job Coaching
Job development and placement services
Diagnosis and treatment
Assessment for the purpose of determining
eligibility or to determine individual services needs for purpose of developing
the IPE.
Questions or inquiries on tracking staff time should be directed to your Supervisor.