Logo: Iowa Department for the Blind; Opportunities for IndependenceIDB Logo

Pre-Employment Transition Services Resource Guide

Iowa Department for the Blind

Division of Vocational Rehabilitation

May 2017

Table of Contents

Pre-Employment Transition Services Documents 4

Pre-Employment Transition Services 5

Job Exploration Counseling 8

Preferred Student Outcomes of Job Exploration Counseling: 8

Possible job exploration activities to be completed in individual or group settings: 8

Resources: 9

Potential Authorized Costs: 10

Work-based Learning Experiences 12

Preferred Student Outcomes of Work-based Learning: 12

Possible Work-based learning activities to be completed in individual or group settings: 12

Resources: 13

Potential Authorized Costs: 14

Counseling on opportunities for enrollment in comprehensive transition or post-secondary educational programs at institutions of higher education 15

Preferred Student Outcomes of Counseling for Post-Secondary Education: 15

Possible post-secondary counseling activities to be completed in individual or group settings: 15

Resources: 16

Potential Authorized Costs: 17

Workplace Readiness Training 19

Preferred Student Outcomes of Workplace Readiness Training 19

Possible Workplace Readiness activities to be completed in individual or group settings: 20

Resources: 21

Potential Authorized Costs: 22

Instruction in Self-Advocacy 23

Preferred Student Outcomes of Instruction in Self Advocacy 23

Possible self-advocacy focused activities to be completed in individual or group settings: 23

Resources: 24

Potential Authorized Costs: 24

Outreach Documents 25

Fact Sheet – Pre-Employment Transition Services 26

Fact Sheet for School Personnel 28

Fact Sheet for Students who are blind or have vision loss 31

Fact Sheet for Parents and Legal Guardians 34

Transition Talking Points 36

Staff Presentation/Initial Meeting Script 38

Referral and Intake Process 39

Referral for IDB-VR Services Process Guide 40

Pre-employment Transition Services Referral Sources 40

Referral for Pre-employment Transition Services 40

Referral for Vocational Rehabilitation Services Process 40

Transition Case Timeframe for Counselors 43

Transition Referral Procedures for the Statewide System for Vision Services 45

Statewide Referral form Information should include: 45

Appendix 47

Consent and Information Release 48

Transition Referral for Post-Secondary Services 49

Pre-Employment Transition Services Documents

Pre-Employment Transition Services

In July of 2014, the reauthorization of the Workforce Investment Act took place. The new act is the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. Under Section 113 of the Act, IDB is required to provide or make available five pre-employment transition services to all students with disabilities who are eligible or potentially eligible for vocational rehabilitation services. The required activities include:

  1. Job exploration counseling;

  2. Work-based learning experiences;

  3. Counseling on opportunities for enrollment in comprehensive transition or post-secondary educational programs at institutions of higher education;

  4. Workplace readiness training to develop social skills and independent living; and

  5. Instruction in self-advocacy, which may include peer mentoring.

The Iowa Department for the Blind offers these services to all students in the state of Iowa who are blind, deaf-blind or have vision loss. The following are examples of the types of activities the Iowa Department for the Blind can offer to students:

Job exploration counseling: IDB will work with the student, school and other team members to assist in exploring the world of work and career choices. This could include:

  1. Information regarding in-demand industry sectors and occupations;

  2. Information regarding non-traditional employment;

  3. Administration of vocational interest and abilities surveys;

  4. Discussion about labor market composition;

  5. Discussion of career pathways of interest to the students;

  6. Review and discussion of career websites;

Work-based learning experiences: IDB-VR can facilitate paid or non-paid work-based learning experiences in the community. IDB may be able to pay for the wages and employment costs, technology, and additional costs to allow students to attend these options. This could include:

  1. Coordination of job training and informational interviews to research employers or business;

  2. Worksite tours to learn about necessary job skills or workplace culture;

  3. Job shadowing;

  4. Developing internships, on-the-job training, apprenticeships or other short-term employment or volunteer opportunities; and

  5. Establishing mentoring opportunities with community-based businesses.

Counseling on opportunities for enrollment in comprehensive transition or post-secondary educational programs at institutions of higher education: For those students interested in seeking further education, IDB can assist with exploring those options. This could include:

  1. Exploration of career paths offered through programs;

  2. Providing information on college application processes and entrance requirements;

  3. Assistance with completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA);

  4. Providing resources that may be used to support student success (disability support services);

  5. Campus Visits

  6. College preparation camps; and

  7. Providing information on training needed to succeed in the workplace.

Workplace readiness training to develop social skills and independent living: These services focus on preparing the student for the workplace. Services may include:

  1. Teaching financial literacy skills;

  2. Providing instruction in job-seeking skills;

  3. Group orientation and mobility training for the purpose of accessing a work environment or to travel independently;

  4. Providing training in the areas of communication and interpersonal skills;

  5. Independent living skills;

  6. Summer and weekend programs at the Iowa Department for the Blind that focus on these skills;

  7. Classes at adult education programs or Workforce Development locations.

Instruction in self-advocacy, which may include peer mentoring: Helping a student understand more about themselves and how to interact with the world is important. These services include:

  1. Opportunity to conduct informational interviews;

  2. Mentoring with successfully employed individuals who are blind;

  3. Participation in youth leadership activities offered through community settings;

  4. Learning about assistive technology and having access to a variety of options;

  5. Learning about and understanding reasonable accommodations in the workplace.

Job Exploration Counseling

Exploring the world of work and identifying career options

Job exploration counseling may be provided individually or in a group setting in the community. It should include information regarding in-demand industry sectors and occupations as well as non-traditional employment, labor market composition, administration of vocational interest inventories, and identification of career pathways of interest to the students. Job exploration counseling provided on an individual basis might be provided in the school or the community and include discussion of the student’s vocational interest inventory results, in-demand occupations, career pathways, and local labor market information that applies to those particular interests.

Preferred Student Outcomes of Job Exploration Counseling:

Possible job exploration activities to be completed in individual or group settings:

NOTE: It is important to note that these assessments and inventories are not to be used to determine eligibility for services. These activities are also not to be used to persuade against any career path, but rather to assist an individual in choosing their own career path.


Potential Authorized Costs:

Work-based Learning Experiences

Engaging in paid or non-paid work experiences.

Work-based learning experiences are provided in an integrated environment in the community to the maximum extent possible. Work-based learning experiences in a group setting may include coordinating a school-based program of job training and informational interviews to research employers, worksite tours, to learn about necessary job skills, job shadowing, or mentoring opportunities in the community. Work-based learning experiences on an individual basis could include work experiences to explore the student’s area of interest through paid and unpaid internships, apprenticeships (notion luring pre-apprenticeships and registered apprenticeships), short-term employment, fellowships, or on-the-job trainings located in the community. These services are those that would be most beneficial to an individual in the early stages of employment exploration during the transition process from school to post-school activities including employment.

Preferred Student Outcomes of Work-based Learning:

Possible Work-based learning activities to be completed in individual or group settings:

Consideration: All of the above activities must incorporate consideration for assistive technology, reader service, guide service, and other accommodations to allow a student to fully participate in and benefit from a work-based learning activity. (For example, a student who is blind will require auditory descriptions provided of what is being shown during a company tour. We must also consider providing instruction in the self-advocacy skills to request these accommodations.)

Note: Should a student require more individualized services (I.e. Job coaching, travel expenses, or assessment services), these would be addressed as VR services, rather than pre-employment transition services. If the student has not applied for services, they will need to apply and be determined eligible and develop and have an approved individualized plan for employment.

Successful work-based learning experiences require collaboration among the vocational rehabilitation counselor, student, family and employer.


Potential Authorized Costs:

Counseling on opportunities for enrollment in comprehensive transition or post-secondary educational programs at institutions of higher education

Counseling on opportunities for enrollment in post-secondary education in a group setting may include information on course offerings, career options, the types of academic and occupational training needed to succeed in the workplace, and post-secondary opportunities associated with career fields or pathways. This information may also be provided on an individual basis and may include advising students and parents or guardians on academic curricula, college application and admission processes, completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), and resources that may be used to support individual student success in education and training, which could include disability support services.

Preferred Student Outcomes of Counseling for Post-Secondary Education:

Possible post-secondary counseling activities to be completed in individual or group settings:


Potential Authorized Costs:

Workplace Readiness Training

Workplace readiness training may include programming to develop social communication and interpersonal skills; financial literacy; orientation and mobility skills; job seeking skills; and understanding employer expectations for punctuality and performance along with other “soft” skills necessary for employment. These services may include instruction, as well as opportunities to acquire and apply knowledge. Workplace readiness skills are sometimes referred to as employability skills, job readiness skills, and soft skills. They are the skills that employers seek from most employees and are necessary for almost any job. They may be provided in a generalized manner in a group setting or be tailored to an individual’s needs in a training program provided in the community or an educational setting.

Preferred Student Outcomes of Workplace Readiness Training

Possible Workplace Readiness activities to be completed in individual or group settings:


Potential Authorized Costs:

Instruction in Self-Advocacy

Instruction in self-advocacy in a group setting may include generalized lessons in which students learn about their rights, responsibilities, and how to request accommodations or services and supports needed during the transition from secondary to post-secondary education and employment. Students have opportunities to share their thoughts, concerns, and needs, in order to prepare them for peer entering opportunities with individuals working in their areas of interest. Individualized opportunities may be arranged for students to conduct informational interviews or mentor with employed individuals such as, nurses, teachers, office staff, public relations staff or maintenance staff; or they may mentor with individuals employed by or volunteering for employers, boards, associations, or organizations in integrated community settings. Students may also participate in local youth leadership activities offered in the community.

Preferred Student Outcomes of Instruction in Self Advocacy

Possible self-advocacy focused activities to be completed in individual or group settings:


Potential Authorized Costs:

Outreach Documents

Fact Sheet – Pre-Employment Transition Services

In July of 2014, the reauthorization of the Workforce Investment Act took place. The new act is the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. Under Section 113 of the Act, IDB is required to provide or make available five pre-employment transition services to all students with disabilities who are eligible or potentially eligible for vocational rehabilitation services. The Iowa Department for the Blind offers these pre-employment transition services to all students in the state of Iowa who are blind, deaf-blind or have vision loss. The following are examples of the types of activities the Iowa Department for the Blind can offer to students:

Job exploration counseling:

IDB will work with the student, school and other team members to assist in exploring the world of work and career choices. This could include: information regarding in-demand industry sectors and occupations; information regarding non-traditional employment; administration of vocational interest and abilities surveys; discussion about labor market composition; discussion of career pathways of interest to the students; and a review and discussion of career websites.

Work-based learning experiences:

IDB-VR can facilitate paid or non-paid work-based learning experiences in the community. IDB may be able to pay for the wages and employment costs, technology, and additional costs to allow students to attend these options. This could include: coordination of job training and informational interviews to research employers or business; worksite tours to learn about necessary job skills or workplace culture; job shadowing; developing internships, on-the-job training, apprenticeships or other short-term employment or volunteer opportunities; and establishing mentoring opportunities with community-based businesses.

Counseling on opportunities for enrollment in comprehensive transition or post-secondary educational programs at institutions of higher education:

For those students interested in seeking further education, IDB can assist with exploring those options. This could include: exploration of career paths offered through programs; providing information on college application processes and entrance requirements; assistance with completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA); providing resources that may be used to support student success (disability support services); campus Visits; college preparation camps; and providing information on training needed to succeed in the workplace.

Workplace readiness training to develop social skills and independent living:

These services focus on preparing the student for the workplace. Services may include: teaching financial literacy skills; providing instruction in job-seeking skills; group orientation and mobility training for the purpose of accessing a work environment or to travel independently; providing training in the areas of communication and interpersonal skills; independent living skills; summer and weekend programs at the Iowa Department for the Blind that focus on these skills; classes at adult education programs or Workforce Development locations.

Instruction in self-advocacy, which may include peer mentoring:

Helping a student understand more about themselves and how to interact with the world is important. These services include: opportunity to conduct informational interviews; mentoring with successfully employed individuals who are blind; participation in youth leadership activities offered through community settings; learning about assistive technology and having access to a variety of options; and earning about and understanding reasonable accommodations in the workplace.



Iowa Department for the Blind

Vocational Rehabilitation Program



Phone: 515-281-1333 or Toll free: 1-800-362-2587

Fact Sheet for School Personnel

Who should be referred to the Iowa Department for the Blind-Vocational Rehabilitation Program (IDB-VR)?

Students who may need pre-employment transition services or additional VR services to prepare them for college, post-secondary training, or competitive integrated employment; and

When should I refer students to IDB-VR?

There is no specific time or age when a student with a disability may be referred to vocational rehabilitation because services are based upon the unique needs of each individual student. However, students interested in transition services, including pre-employment transition services should be referred to the Iowa Department for the Blind for Vocational Rehabilitation services once they begin secondary school and are at least 14 years of age. Referrals can be made by contacting the IDB-VR Counselor that serves your school district, calling the Iowa Department for the Blind, or by completing our online referral form.

What is the Process for Receiving Services?

For Pre-Employment Transition Services: A student with a disability of blindness or low vision who requests or is recommended for pre-employment transition services, and documentation of the disability is provided to IDB-VR, may receive pre-employment transition services without applying for VR services or being determined eligible.

IDB-VR will provide pre-employment transition services, in coordination with the local education agency, to students with disabilities who are eligible or potentially eligible, and need those services to obtain successful competitive, integrated employment.

Pre-employment transition services are designed to help students with disabilities begin to identify career interests that may be further explored through additional VR services, such as transition services. Pre-employment transition services may include one or more of the following five required activities:

  1. Job exploration counseling

  2. Work-based learning experiences, which may include in-school, after school, or community-based opportunities

  3. Counseling on opportunities for enrollment in comprehensive transition or postsecondary educational programs at IHEs

  4. Workplace readiness training to develop social skills and independent living

  5. Instruction in self-advocacy, including peer mentoring.

For Any Other VR Services: For students with blindness or low vision who may require additional, individualized or other VR services, including individualized transition services, the student must apply for and be determined eligible for VR services. Any other VR service must be identified on an approved Individualized Plan for Employment.

Once a student is eligible for vocational rehabilitation (VR) services), the student will complete an Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE). Their IDB-VR counselor, family or school personnel may assist. The student may also receive individualized transition services through an (IPE). Transition services are out-come oriented, and promote movement from school to post-school activities, including post-secondary education, vocational training, and competitive integrated employment. Transition services may include job-related services such as job-search and job placement assistance, job retention services, and other individualized services. The student’s IPE will be developed in coordination with their IEP, if applicable, will include their projected post-school employment outcome, and will outline the services and activities that will guide the student’s career exploration.

The IPE is developed in consideration of the goals and objectives of the student’s IEP.  The IPE lists:

The IPE also describes the responsibilities of both the individual and the IDB. The IPE must be approved by IDB before VR services can begin. The IPE will be reviewed (and can be updated) each year unless a more frequent review is needed. IDB-VR counselors work with school personnel to assist students with disabilities getting ready to leave high school.



Iowa Department for the Blind

Vocational Rehabilitation Program



Phone: 515-281-1333 or Toll free: 1-800-362-2587

Fact Sheet for Students who are blind or have vision loss

If your answer is YES, then the Iowa Department for the Blind Vocational Rehabilitation (IDB-VR) program is a great place to start!


IDB-VR offers two programs to help students with documented disabilities prepare for employment:

Pre-employment transition services (Pre-ETS) are designed to help you begin to identify your career interests. While in high school, IDB-VR can help prepare you for future employment or training through the following activities:

Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) services are available once you have been determined eligible, for IDB-VR services, and the VR counselor can work with you to develop an employment goal and plan for the individualized services you will need to be successfully employed.

Some of these types of services might include, but are not limited to:

• Job counseling and guidance • Career decision making • Assistance with college •Technical/vocational training • Assistive technology • Job preparation • Job search assistance •On-the-job training and support • Supported employment/job coaching • Rehabilitation Technology • Reader services • Orientation and mobility services


There is no cost to you or your family for Pre-employment Transition Services, however some VR services are based on financial need.


If you have been determined eligible for IDB-VR services, the VR counselor may be able provide some financial assistance with college or other education after high school if it is necessary to achieve your individual employment goal.  This assistance is based on financial need, and you must apply for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) first at https://fafsa.ed.gov/.


IDB-VR vocational rehabilitation counselors can arrange summer employment and internships with businesses and government agencies to help you gain valuable work experience.


IDB-VR vocational rehabilitation counselors work with high schools throughout Iowa to find and assist students who may be eligible for IDB-VR services.  If you are at least 14 years of age, have a disability, and are interested in participating in a pre-employment transition service listed above (or vocational rehabilitation services, if eligible), you can:



Iowa Department for the Blind

Vocational Rehabilitation Program



Phone: 515-281-1333 or Toll free: 1-800-362-2587


Students at least 14 years old and no more than 21, who are in high school or an approved educational program, and have a documented disability (i.e., on a IEP or 504 plan), can receive IDB-VR Pre-Employment Transition Services to prepare them for employment.

Students are also encouraged to apply for IDB-VR services if they require more individualized vocational rehabilitation services. All applicants work with an IDB-VR counselor to determine eligibility for services.


IDB-VR begins to serve students while they are still in high school at age 14 by providing Pre-employment Transition Services.  These services prepare students for future employment, training, or college opportunities.

Your child may also request or need additional individualized vocational rehabilitation (VR) services to assist them in moving into higher education, vocational training and employment.

IDB-VR counselors will collaborate with school personnel, family members and advocates as needed to help identify interests, abilities and goals.  The VR counselor may also gather school, medical, and psychological reports to help with establishing eligibility for individualized vocational rehabilitation services beyond Pre-employment Transition Services.


Referrals can be made by contacting the IDB-VR Counselor that serves your school district, calling the Iowa Department for the Blind at 1-800-362-2587, or by completing an online referral form. An IDB-VR counselor is assigned to every public high school in Iowa.


Pre-employment Transition Services as well as services such as career guidance and counseling, assessment and job placement are provided at no cost to the student or family.

To help as many people as possible, and as required by law, IDB-VR counselors help look for other sources of funding for most services. IDB-VR will only pay for services that have been pre-approved and authorized by an IDB-VR official in writing. This means that IDB-VR is not able to reimburse for any goods and services purchased without IDB-VR written approval.



IDB-VR may provide financial assistance to eligible individuals who have the ability to succeed in college and require post-secondary education to achieve their employment goal.

IDB-VR may only provide financial assistance with higher education after an individual has applied for all other grants and financial aid.  The amount of assistance is based on state regulations and IDB-VR policy.

If your child only qualifies to receive Pre-employment Transition Services, IDB-VR may not provide financial assistance for college or post-secondary education at that time. Talk to your IDB-VR counselor for additional information about financial assistance with college.



Iowa Department for the Blind

Vocational Rehabilitation Program

Email: info@blind.state.ia.us

Phone: 515-281-1333 or Toll free: 1-800-362-2587

Transition Talking Points

What can the Iowa Department for the Blind (IDB) offer transition students?

As Iowa’s vocational rehabilitation agency for individuals who are blind or visually impaired, IDB is dedicated to students and is uniquely positioned to support and partner with Teachers of the Visually Impaired (TVI), Orientation and Mobility Specialists (OMS), Local Education Agencies (LEA), Area Education Agencies (AEA), as well as families and other service providers. The focus is to actively collaborate with IEP and 504 team members to enable students to thrive and be as independent as possible. IDB offers opportunities for students to build skills that the time constraints of the school day may not allow; through networking activities with peers, mentoring with positive blind role models, engaging programming, and employment experiences.

Programming Opportunities:

With the implementation of the Rehabilitation Act, as amended by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act and Pre-Employment Transition Services, IDB set aside funds particularly for programs for students with disabilities. Program emphasis includes workplace readiness, job exploration, post-secondary educational opportunities, self-advocacy, and work based learning opportunities (Pre-Employment Transition Services).

The IDB has been and continues to be dedicated to providing meaningful and high quality transition vocational rehabilitation services. We are in the midst of expanding and enhancing existing services as well as developing new strategies to serve more blind youth across the state. The focus of our IDB LEAP Transition Program is to provide opportunities for students to build positive attitudes and confidence and motivate them to learn skills for independence and workplace readiness, explore careers and educational opportunities, advocate and take charge, and to prepare for the future through work-based learning experiences.

Referring Students:

IDB believes that it is never too early to begin building a partnership to ensure a student’s success. The counselors and other staff have the ability to work with students starting at age 14 and as they transition through the school system and into adulthood.

An early collaboration with the Iowa Educational Service for the Blind and Visually Impaired (IESBVI), the schools, service providers and IDB can ease the transition from school to adult life. IDB can also help parents and families; providing education, counseling and connections to resources. Although IDB is based in Des Moines; VR counselors, teachers, and technology specialists travel across the state to serve Iowans who are blind or experiencing low vision.

Once IDB receives a referral for pre-employment transition services or for other VR transition-related services, it is entered into the agency’s case management system and assigned to an IDB vocational rehabilitation counselor. The counselor will follow up with the student/family to set an appointment to begin coordination of services (See Transition Referral Process Guide for more information).

Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services / General VR

School districts and parents often wonder if they need to contact the Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services (IVRS) agency, in addition to the Iowa Department for the Blind (IDB). The short answer is no.” As one of two VR agencies in the state, the IDB-VR program serves Iowans who are blind or experiencing low vision. This includes students who have vision loss in combination with other disabilities and individuals who are deaf-blind. IVRS, or the general VR agency serves all other students with disabilities. If IDB-VR determines that a student is not eligible based on blindness / low vision, he/she can be referred to IVRS and other resources (if desired by the parent/guardian/student).



Iowa Department for the Blind

Vocational Rehabilitation Program

Email: info@blind.state.ia.us

Phone: 515-281-1333 or Toll free: 1-800-362-2587

Staff Presentation/Initial Meeting Script

My name is ______and I am a counselor with the Iowa Department for the Blind vocational rehabilitation program.  We are the Vocational Rehabilitation agency that serves individuals who are blind and deaf blind, including those who are functionally blind, and including students who have multiple disabilities or other barriers to education and employment. We are able to travel to and work with students and schools throughout the state of Iowa.

We have been providing extensive transition service since 2002.  Here is a list of the programs we provide. (Share the flyer)

We are interested in meeting with school personnel to share information about our agency and identifying students who are ages of 14-21 that are potentially eligible for our services.  We can partner with the school to provide vocational counseling, additional tutoring, and readers, provide technology and assistive technology, paid work experiences, job coaching, transportation. 

Changes with WIOA stress the importance of partnering with Schools, Workforce and VR. With 511, no student can graduate and go from school to sheltered employment without having work experiences in integrated settings. Only after that will the full IEP team determine that work in the community is not viable for that student.

We want to support schools so students who are blind, deaf-blind or functionally blind have the academic, vocational, technology and independent living skills they need to make a smooth transition from school to work or post-secondary education.

(***The presentation will need to be short but if there is time can elaborate on the individual training for IL skills that we provide.  Ask about providing technology training to students during a study hall or home room class.   Asking what is their greatest need? It is about a partnership.)

Referral and Intake Process

Referral for IDB-VR Services Process Guide

Pre-employment Transition Services Referral Sources

Students who are blind or have vision loss, students receiving vision services, and students who are suspected of having vision loss and receiving services under an IEP or a 504 Accommodation Plan should be referred for pre-employment transition services. The following are typical referral sources:

Referral for Pre-employment Transition Services

Students may be referred at age 14 to begin the process of engaging in Pre-Employment Transition Services from IDB-VR.

What is the referral process? Complete a Pre-employment Transition Services Consent and Information Release form and submit to the IDB-VR program or any VR counselor. A VR counselor will be assigned to contact the student and parent or guardian (par­ent/guardian consent is required for students under the age of 19) within 14 days of the referral. An appointment will be scheduled at the earliest possible time to provide an orientation to IDB-VR services and to complete a Pre-Employment Transition Services Consent and Release form or an application for VR services.

A parent/guardian signature on the Pre-Employment Transition Consent and Release form is sufficient to verify the student’s disability for the purposes of Pre-Employment Transition Services. Further information can be gathered to assist with planning, includ­ing the IEP, medical information, etc.

Referral for Vocational Rehabilitation Services Process

All IDB transition referrals for VR services are initially routed to transition specialist:

Julie Aufdenkamp

Transition Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor

515-242-5768 (Office)

515-724-3167 (Mobile)


  1. The referral information will be entered into the IDB case management system and assigned to a VR Counselor for initial contact. All supporting documents will be placed in the case file and copies will be emailed or sent to the assigned counselor.

  2. The VR counselor contacts the referred transition student and parent or guardian to discuss IDB services, set meeting date, etc.

  3. VR counselor will close referral if:

NOTE: If, after unsuccessful attempts to contact and, before referral is closed, the counselor should connect with IESBVI TVI and/or OMS for possible assistance in facilitating contact.


  1. If a transition student is determined eligible for IDB services; the counselor, student and parent / guardian will jointly develop an IPE (Individual Plan for Employment). Counselor will keep IESBVI TVI / OMS appraised of case status and will provide IPE to IEP / 504 Team members.

  2. If all attempted contacts with transition student or parent / guardian are unsuccessful, another attempt will be made no more than 12 months later. (eFORCE tickler)

  3. IDB counselors and IESBVI teachers of the visually impaired and orientation and mobility specialists (As well as other IEP / 504 team members) should maintain communication and collaboration at least until the transition student officially exits the secondary education system.

Transition Case Timeframe for Counselors

For Pre-Employment Transition Services:

  1. From the date of the referral for Pre-Employment Transition Services only, the VR counselor has fourteen (14) days to make contact.

  2. The counselor will provide the following documents and a cover letter requesting required documentation if not already provided:

    1. Pre-Employment Transition Services Fact Sheet for Students

    2. Pre-Employment Transition Services Fact Sheet for Parents and legal guardians

    3. Fact Sheet - Pre-Employment Transition Services

    4. Iowa Client Assistance Program Brochure

  3. If contact is made and an appointment is scheduled, the referral is closed, indicating the reason as interview pending.” A case note is then created within the referral screen.

  4. If services are declined or at least three (3) attempted contacts are unsuccessful, the referral is closed, indicating the reason as “declined services” or unable to contact.” The student is then informed of the action. A case note is then created within the referral screen and should indicate that the case be placed or remain in juvenile files.

A student with a disability who is receiving or has received pre-employment transition services, may apply for VR services at any time. The steps below outline the process and timeline for any student or youth who is blind or has vision loss who may be in need of individualized VR services beyond the scope of pre-employment transition services.

For VR Services: (RE: Referral, Application, Eligibility, IPE)

  1. From the date of the referral, counselor has fourteen (14) days to make contact.

    1. If contact is made and an appointment is scheduled, the referral is closed, indicating the reason as interview pending.” A case note is then created within the referral screen.

    2. If services are declined or at least three (3) attempted contacts are unsuccessful, the referral is closed, indicating the reason as “declined services” or unable to contact.” A case note is then created within the referral screen and should indicate that the case be placed or remain in juvenile files.

  2. From the date of application, counselor has sixty (60) days to determine eligibility.

    1. If eligibility has not been determined by day thirty (30), counselor should set up a meeting with the applicant to discuss the reason for delay and obtain an extension form signed by both the parent/guardian and client.

  3. From the date of eligibility, counselor has ninety (90) days to develop an IPE.

Transition Referral Procedures for the Statewide System for Vision Services

Statewide Referral form Information should include:

  1. Completed Statewide Referral Form including the signed release of information.

  2. Most recent IEP / 504

  3. Eye / medical documentation (i.e: reports from - low vision clinic, eye doctor, and other medical professionals). This will assist in timely eligibility determination.

  4. Other assessment reports addressing — functional vision, daily living skills, academic proficiency, interests, etc. If a referral is from a source other than IESBVI / Statewide Referral System, IDB should obtain signed release of information forms so that the above information can be acquired.

Iowa Educational Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired (IESBVI)

NOTE: Below is the referral procedures developed by the Statewide System for Vision Services for Teachers of the Visually Impaired or Orientation and Mobility Specialists to ensure students who are blind or have vision loss are referred for vocational rehabilitation services through the Iowa Department for the Blind. This procedure is followed by IESBVI.

All students who are blind or visually impaired will be referred to the Statewide System for Vision Services (IESBVI/IDB).

Ninety Days prior to the transition IEP (no later than age 14) send home a completed referral form for parent signature. Inform the Family Services Specialist via email the referral has been sent to the parent(s).

Mail or Fax form to Family Services Specialist, (contact information below).

Keep a copy for the student’s cumulative record.

When an IDB counselor is assigned, the name and contact information will be given to the referring TVI for inclusion on the IEP Invitation. Be sure the assigned counselor receives an invitation to the transition IEP with at least 30-day notice. If the counselor is unable to attend information regarding services and transition opportunities will be submitted for the transition IEP team.

Invite the assigned counselor to future IEP meetings.

** For students who are not eligible for IDB services, the TVI will be notified and the Family Services Specialist will be notified. Additional supports may be solicited from other resources.

Iowa Educational Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired/Iowa Braille School

Family Services Specialist

1002 G Avenue

Vinton, IA 52349

Office: 319-472-5221, Extension 1028

Cell: 319- 361-9124


IDB LogoIDB Logo

Pre-employment Transition Services

Please provide IDB-VR with the following information about the interested student:

Name (First, MI, Last):      

Student Street Address:      

City:       State:       Zip Code:      

Phone Number:       Email:      


Social Security Number:       Date of Birth:       Gender:      

Are you (Pick one or more):

White Asian Black or African American

American Indian Alaska Native Pacific Islander Native Hawaiian

Are you Hispanic or Latino? Yes No

Select one of the following:

This student has a section 504 accommodation plan based on blindness or vision loss:

This student has an individualized education plan (IEP) based on blindness or vision loss:

This student is an individual with a disability which includes blindness or vision loss and does not have an IEP or 504 plan:

If yes” is checked above, please provide documentation from a medical provider.


I authorize the student listed above to participate in Pre-employment Transition Services. I authorize release of the information disclosed on this form to the Iowa Department for the Blind. I understand that this form will be treated in a confidential manner by IDB-VR.

Student Signature: Date:      

Signature: Date:      

Parent , Guardian or Adult Student

Printed Name:      

Transition Referral for Post-Secondary Services

Statewide System for Vision Services

Iowa Education Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired (IESBVI)

and Iowa Department for the Blind (IDB)

Complete at transition IEP at age 14 and submit to:

Family/Transition Services Specialist (IESBVI)

Student Name: Parent(s) Name:

DOB: Transition IEP Date: Date of Referral:

School District: AEA:

Referring Staff:

Staff Address:

Staff Phone:

Staff Email:

Brief description of visual impairment (visual acuity and etiology):

Brief description of student’s plan for post-secondary placement (i.e., work, technical school 2 or 4 year college, other):

Brief description of student’s career goals:

List disabilities other than blindness or visual impairment

Is this student listed on the deafblind registry?

___ I give permission for information to be exchanged between the entities listed to coordinate transition services. This release covers information related to the referral process and communicating ongoing case information as it relates to educational and vocational training and planning for post-secondary programming. IESBVI,IDB, Area Education Agency(AEA), Local Education Agency(LEA), Department of Education(DE), Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services(IVRS),Helen Keller National Center(HKNC),Central Point of Contact(CPC); as appropriate, and the Statewide System for Vision Services.

___ I do not give permission for information to be exchanged between IESBVI, IDB, AEA, LEA,DE, IVRS, HKNC), CPC, as appropriate, and the Statewide System for Vision Services in order to initiate a referral for transition services to coordinate post-secondary transition programming.

___ I prefer not to participate in the transition referral process at this time. ** see below or back page

______________________________ Date: ________________

Parent Signature


Student Signature Date: ________________

Parent/Student Address: __________________________________________________

Home Phone: ___________________________ Mobile: ________________________

Parent/Student email: _______________________________________________

Please mail or fax the completed form to:

Family/Transition Services Specialist:

Iowa Educational Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired

1002 G Avenue

Vinton, IA 52349

FAX: 319-472-5174

Office: 319-472-5221, Extension 1028

Mobile: 319-361-9124

A copy of the IEP will be sent electronically to the Statewide system.

**Follow up at next IEP to encourage coordination of post-secondary transition services.

Iowa Department for the Blind

Added February 9, 2024 under

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