Pre-employment Transition Services
Information and Consent Release
Please provide IDB-VR with the following information about the interested student:
Name (First, MI, Last):
Student Street Address:
City: State: Zip Code:
Phone Number: Email:
Social Security Number: Date of Birth: Gender:
Are you (Pick one or more):
White Asian Black or African American
American Indian Alaska Native Pacific Islander Native Hawaiian
Are you Hispanic or Latino? Yes No
Select one of the following:
This student has a section 504 accommodation plan based on blindness or vision loss:
This student has an individualized education plan (IEP) based on blindness or vision loss:
This student is an individual with a disability which includes blindness or vision loss and does not have an IEP or 504 plan. ***If checked, please provide documentation from a medical provider.
I authorize the student listed above to participate in Pre-employment Transition Services. I authorize release of the information disclosed on this form to the Iowa Department for the Blind. I understand that this form will be treated in a confidential manner by IDB-VR.
Student Signature: Date:
Signature: Date:
Parent , Guardian or Adult Student
Printed Name: