Day 2 — February 14, 2024

Instructor Non-Admin Training

Training overview:

The purpose of this training is to provide trainees with a broad overview of the Vocational Rehabilitation Case Management System. Not all categories will have activities due to time constraints.

Home screen > Left Menu

These are the options available to users in the left menu:


Queues are used to display relevant records to the specific user and alert them to which records need to be processed, assigned, or other actions.

The different queues available are:

This is a search interface that You can use to search for:

The System automatically saves last search within the same session which gives you the ability to re-run last search’

This allows users to create coplicated searches, save searches, and share searches with other users in the same role. Saved searches may also be displayed as a link on the dashboard.

Search Criteria Tab

Columns Tab

Display Options Tab

Properties Tab

Tracking Inbox

Every major category of data has its own Tracking Inbox’ and it is located in the left menu. The tracking inbox will appear differently to the user based on their role.

The Tracking Inbox allows the user to navigate throughout the system accessing different information. The Tracking Inbox Consists of:

Program Notes

Program notes are what case notes used to be. The interface is actually simpler than in eforce though. Only use Program Notes unless a client doesn’t have an open program, that is the only time to use a Client Note instead.

Creating Program Notes

  1. Locate a client either through search or through your tracking inbox.
  2. Click on program and choos their active program from the table.
  3. Click on Program Note. The lis of program notes will appear.
  4. Choose New.
  5. If you provided a service, choose type Services Verified.” If you are noting an email or conversation, etc. choose the appropriate note type from the drop down list. Note for center and YATPchoose services veerified for monthly reports so services that month will be counted.Note: if you choose anything other than Services Verified, the service search and provided by fields will not appear.
  6. Put today’s date in the note date field.
  7. Hit enter on the search service categories field” it will become an editfield. you can type in this field to narrow down options or just down arrow to the list box and hit spacebar on all that apply. If something isn’t in the list, that means it isn’t on the plan and you should contact the case manager.
  8. Put the date the service was provided in the Service date field
  9. Choose Service provided in whole or part by agency staff” if you or another IDB staff performed the service. If you are entering contracted services, choose services provided in whole or part by purchasedby the agency.” If it is acomparable service (like from a school district or waiver services) then select comparable /Benefits Provider.”
  10. Choose the appropriat communication type from the drop down.
  11. Type in your subject.
  12. Type or paste in your note text. 13. Hit the save button.


Create an Authorization ON a Plan

  1. Navigate to a client and click on their plan which requires an Authorization to be created.

  2. When the Program Information form displays, navigate to the Plan tab. Note: The Authorization can be created from the Authorization tab on the Program form also. Once clicked the listing will display; click +New under Authorization but above the listing section. The difference between the Authorization tab and the Plan: If created through the Authorization tab the link on the Authorization will take the user back to the program form as opposed to the client’s plan. Creating the Authorization from the Plan will allow the user to click the link and be navigated to the client’s plan where the Authorization was created.

  3. At the bottom of the plan click on the Create New Authorization’ button.

  4. The Authorization form (New Authorization) will display.

  5. There are 4 sections on this form: Authorization, Service Category, Service Details and Workflow Actions.

  6. The version number, like the plan, will reflect which iteration of the Authorization it is. For this example, this is a new Authorization so it will reflect Version Number 1. If the Authorization is amended in any way the number will update accordingly (1, 2, 3…).

  7. The office will default to Iowa Department for the Blind. Note: this is specific to creating the Authorization on the plan; when created as a standalone authorization the user will need to select the office.

  8. The Authorized By drop down is a required field and will include any individual who has the permissions to create an authorization.

  9. The Authorization Entered By field will auto-populate to the user creating the Authorization. This field is read only and cannot be modified.

  10. The Client Name is auto populated on the screen and is read only. There is a hyperlink next to the Client name to navigate back to the client’s program. Note: If the user has filled anything out on the Authorization form and has not clicked save and navigates using the hyperlink to View Program, any information entered will be lost.. SO DO NOT DO This

  11. Program Type is a required field; this is a drop-down selection.

  12. The next section is the Service Category. Click Search Service Category to get the multi-select to display.

  13. The Services will display all service categories that are listed on the plan under the Services Categories section.

  14. Below Services is the Client Pay buttons, Yes/No, this is not required. 15.The following fields are on the form in the Authorization section and are not required yet: Federal Fiscal Year, Budget Type, Budget, Budget Description, and Accounting Code.

  15. The next field is the Provider field; this field is required. To enter the Provider, click the magnifying glass to the right of the field. Note: You will not be able to click directly into the field until the magnifying glass is clicked on.

  16. Once the magnifying glass has been clicked on the field will change slightly and a cursor will display inside.

  17. Begin typing the Providers name in the field. Note: This will only populate based on Providers who have been entered into the system under the Tracking Inbox > Provider > +New Provider and who are authorized to provide the designated services. When typing, if the Provider is not populating it will need to be confirmed the provider has been set up previously. When a provider has been set up, upon typing it will display the Providers who match what is being typed; these will display under the Provider listing header.

  18. The remaining fields on the form are not required yet: Authorized Start Date, Authorized End Date, Authorized Amount, (Under Service Details) Services Notes and Description.

  19. Once all the required fields have been entered the Save button can be selected but the Authorization will be in a Draft status (this is helpful if the user is not ready to submit the Authorization yet and does not want to lose work). Upon clicking Save, the Authorization will update to a Status of Draft, will have an auto-populated Authorization Number. The Version Number, Office, Authorized By, and Authorized Entered By Fields are now read only. The Authorized Amount and fields below it are also read only. A new button will also display on the bottom of the screen, Clone Authorization. Clone Authorization can be used to create a duplicate authorization to prevent double work if the client is receiving multiple similar authorizations for services. Once Save is selected the Workflow Actions fields display at the top of the form. Once the Authorization has been saved, the user can navigate away from this form if needed. To come back follow previous navigation steps to the Authorization listing. The Authorization will display.

  20. The bottom buttons have updated to include a Clone Authorization button and a Delete button. In the event a client will be receiving another Authorization (or even multiples) the one Authorization can be cloned to prevent multiple data entries.

  21. When the Authorization is ready to be approved a Workflow Action needs to be selected and the Case Manager needs to sign however, for the Authorization to move forward for approval some of the fields that were not required to save are now required to progress (Authorized Start Date, Authorized End Date, and Authorized Amount). If not populated the Workflow Messages (errors) will display.

  22. Navigate to the newly required fields and populate the information.

  23. After the required fields have been populated. Navigate to the top right side of the form where Workflow Actions is located. Select the drop-down and click Submit for Review/Approval.

  24. A new drop-down will display on the screen: Send for Review/Approval. This drop-down will have any user who can approve an Authorization.

  25. Choose the approver.

  26. Scroll to the bottom of the Authorization form; a new section of Signatures is displaying which has the Counselor Signature field and is required.

  27. The Case Manager creating the authorization will click the pencil icon (JAWS may announce this as Signature’) to the right of the Counselor Signature label and the password entry pop-up will display.

  28. Enter your user password (this is the same password you enter upon login).

  29. The Case Managers name will populate on the screen and will also include the time and date stamp of when the signature was entered. This field becomes read only.

  30. Click the Save button at the bottom of the screen. The screen will refresh. The Authorization will now reflect the Authorization Status as Draft Pending Review/Approval. The Send for Review/Approval will also display who the Authorization was sent to for approval as read only. The Authorization has now been added to the Approver’s Authorizations Pending Review Queue. Note: In the blue banner at the top of the form the Status is also visible there as well as the Last Event for the Authorization.

  31. Once the Authorization has been sent for approval the user who will be reviewing/approving will receive an email alerting them of the Authorization. For these next steps: A Supervisor is required to complete the Authorization workflow. Once the Supervisor has approved the authorization, . In the blue banner at the top of the screen the Status of the Authorization will reflect Issued with the Last Event being Draft Authorization Approved. It will also reflect the Remaining Budget Amount (As payments are being applied to this authorization, the balance remaining will update).

The Case Manager who created the Authorization will receive a notification email showing that the Supervisor has approved the Authorization.

. The Authorization can be printed now, if required/requested. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and two new buttons display: Print Authorization When Print Authorization is clicked a PDF is generated; this can be saved to your computer or printed to paper.

Amending an Authorization

  1. If an Authorization needs to be modified after it has been issued navigate to the Authorization. Locate the Workflow Actions on the right side of the form. In the drop-down select Amend.
  2. A new field will display Amendment Reason’. Select the reason in the drop-down.
  3. Fill out the required fields. Click Save. Note: When an Authorization is amended the Version Number of the Authorization will update.
  4. The Authorization Status will update to Issued; the additional service is now populated under the Service Category.
  5. The Authorization can again be Printed or Cloned.
  6. To review the history of the Authorization and see the Amendment, click the History tab at the top of the screen and the history will display.

Closing an Authorization

  1. If an Authorization needs to be closed after it has been issued navigate to the Authorization. Locate the Workflow Actions on the right side of the form. In the drop-down select Authorization Closed.
  2. Upon Save the Authorization Status will update to Closed. Note: Once an Authorization has been closed it can no longer be amended; there are no further Workflow Actions.
  3. To view the history, just like before, click the History tab.
  4. When an Authorization is closed it is still visible on the bottom of the plan for the associated program. Clicking into it will reflect the closed status. It is also visible on the programs Authorization tab and will show a Workflow Status of Closed. Note: If an authorization is closed and there is a remaining balance then the total paid to date field becomes the Total Amount Encumbered to Date (any excess encumbered amount is returned to its corresponding budget) and the remaining balance is set to 0 for that authorization.

Work Requests

Creating Work Requests

  1. Navigate to the client record requiring a Work Request through Search.
  2. Navigate to the client’s program.
  3. Once the Program Information displays click on Work Request in the top ribbon.
  4. The Work Request Listing will display. Any previous work requests will be listed on this screen.
  5. Click +New.
  6. The Work Request form will display.
  7. The only required field on this form is the Task drop-down. Note: Although the Assigned To drop-down is not a required field, if not populated the work request will remain in the queue for the client, there will not be any notifications sent. The Assigned To’ drop down populates with all users who are associated with the Office selected on the Program tab.
  8. Clicking the Task drop-down will display the three options for a work request
  9. Fill out the fields needed and, if needed, upload any required documentation via the File upload section.
  10. To upload a file click on the arrow pointing up with the line below it.
  11. This will bring up the user’s files where the appropriate file can be selected. Locate the appropriate file and click on it, the upload will automatically begin.
  12. Once the document has been uploaded the green bar along the bottom will display and the status will read Upload complete.
  13. Click Save.
  14. The screen will refresh and open to the Work Request Listing screen. The newly created work request will display on the screen.
  15. For the staff who is required to process the work request they will receive a notification that the work request has been created.
  16. When a work request is assigned to Support Staff personnel. Those records are viewable through the client Work Request page as described above or through the Open Tasks Assigned to Me Queue.
  17. Click on the record will open the Work Request.
  18. The work request form will display informing the user of what needs to be completed. There is also new fields: Work Request Number, Status and Action. The Work Request Number is auto-populated by the system and cannot be changed. The Status is also auto-populated by the system and will populate based on where in the workflow the work request resides.
  19. The staff will need to choose an action from the Action drop-down.
  20. Choosing Cancelled will Cancel the work request. Choosing Completed will reflect that all tasks required have been completed.
  21. Click Save.
  22. The screen will refresh and take the user back to the Work Request Listing. The work request will display and the status will reflect Completed (or canceled).
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