IDB Rehabilitation Manual - Client Authorizations - Overview
eFORCE Authorization Screens Overview


Below are descriptions of the fields on all eFORCE Authorization Screens. If you prefer to have text descriptions only, choose the …


eFORCE Home Page with My Authorization Reminders

You can use your eFORCE home page to review and access authorizations that are assigned to you.


Case Authorizations Screen

The Case Authorizations screen lists all of the authorizations written for the client’s current case. You can use the Case Authorizations screen to lookup information about past authorizations and to create new authorizations. To access the Case Authorizations screen:

1. Open the client’s record in eFORCE.

2. Choose the Case Number on the client’s summary page.

3. Choose the Authorizations link in the Navigation bar.

The graphic below describes the fields and their function. Choose the Case Authorizations Screen textual description link to go to a page that describes the screen’s fields.




New Authorization Screen

When you choose the Add Authorization button on the Case Authorization screen, the New Authorization screen will open. Use the New Authorization Screen to select the authorization type (template), corresponding case note, and person who authorized the letter or purchase order.



Client Authorization Screen

To open an authorization screen, choose the authorization ID number that corresponds to the authorization on which you want more information. A blank Client Authorization screen will open if you choose the



Two fields on the authorization screen have been created to indicate the status of the authorization and the person currently responsible for the authorization. These fields are Current Status and Assigned To. The Current Status will be In Progress, Paid, or Void. In Progress means that the authorization has been created but not yet paid. Once accounting has issued and recorded payment for the authorization, the status will be Paid. Void means the authorization has been cancelled before ….

The Assigned To field will list the person responsible for taking an action on the authorization. If your name appears in the Assigned To field, the authorization will not move forward until you have … such as make a correction. To assign the authorization to someone else, check the Reassign To check box at the bottom of the screen. Then, choose the person’s name in the Reassign To combo box. Finally, choose the Submit button. (A notice will appear on that person’s eFORCE home page, under the My Authorizations heading.)






Added November 28, 2023 under

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