Last Updated July 2021


This procedure explains the process for documenting authorizations for items or services provided to clients.


Section 1: Procedure for all authorizations:


1.       The staff authorizing the item or service will enter a case note that contains the following:

a.       The item or service to be authorized

b.       The reason the item is being authorized

c.       The specific service category under which the item is being authorized. Note: The justification text must show how the item or service being authorized fits into the category chosen.

d.       The vendor from whom the item or service will be purchased

e.       The dollar amount being authorized.

f.        The effective date range for the authorization. Note: an authorization may not remain effective beyond the end of a quarter, March 31, June 30, September 30, or December 31, except in cases where it is essential, such as with tuition authorizations.

2.       All authorizations are approved by a Program Administrator.

3.       After approval authorizations are sent via eFORCE to the Accounting Technician 3 to be matched with invoices.

4.       Authorizations that are no longer needed must be voided by the authorizer or the authorizer�s support staff within one week of the authorizer becoming aware that the authorization is no longer needed.

5.       Proof of receipt is obtained according to Section 2.

6.       When Accounting receives an invoice, the Accounting Clerk 2 verifies it against the authorization, and a request is sent to the appropriate employee in order to obtain confirmation that the bill can be paid if approval has not already been received.

7.       Once an invoice is paid, The Resource Specialist or Accounting Clerk 2 marks the corresponding authorization Paid. In cases where the final bill was less than the amount authorized, if the difference is immaterial (defined as under $100) the authorization is adjusted at this time.If the difference is material the originator of the authorization is contacted to confirm that the authorization is complete and then the authorization is adjusted.

8.       The Data Analyst runs a monthly authorization report to locate authorizations that have not been paid. The Accounting Clerk 2 and support staff contact authorizing employees and vendors to track down invoices or void no longer needed authorizations as appropriate.


Section 2: Documentation procedure by authorization type:

Authorizations are broken up into three categories to determine how they are handled.

1.       Authorizations not connected to a specific IDB run program such as the Orientation Center, LEAP, YATP, or Self Week exceeding $100.

2.       Authorizations not connected to a specific IDB run program such as the Orientation Center, LEAP, YATP, or Self Week up to and including $100.

3.       Authorizations for a client to participate in a specific IDB run group program such as the Orientation Center, LEAP, YATP, or Self Week regardless of the amount.

Whether an authorization falls into category 1 or 2 is determined by the entire amount of the authorization, not separate items being authorized. IDB staff will not separate items into multiple authorizations to avoid the $100 threshold.


Specific documentation procedures by category.

Type 1: Authorizations not connected to a specific IDB run program such as the Orientation Center, LEAP, YATP, or Self Week exceeding $100.

1.       The staff member handing off an item to the client will enter a case note documenting that the item was provided to the client.

2.       The staff member will have the client sign the eFORCE equipment receipt, and turn the receipt in to support staff.

3.       Support staff will scan and email the equipment receipt to the Accounting Technician 3, and then file the receipt in the client�s paper case file.

Type 2: Note: If a counselor chooses to have an item mailed directly to the client from a vendor, the counselor is responsible for obtaining the equipment receipt.

Type 2: Authorizations not connected to a specific IDB run program such as the Orientation Center, LEAP, YATP, or Self Week up to and including $100.

1.       The staff member handing off the item to the client will enter a case note documenting that the item was provided to the client. If a counselor chooses to have an item mailed directly to the client from a vendor, the counselor is responsible for obtaining verbal confirmation that the item was received.

2.       The staff member will email a PDF of the case note documenting delivery or receipt of the item to the Accounting Technician 3.

Type 3: Authorizations for a client to participate in a specific IDB run group program such as the Orientation Center, LEAP, YATP, or Self Week regardless of the amount.

1.       The authorizing case note will mention the specific program for which the item or service is being authorized in addition to the other required information.

2.       Program staff are responsible for ensuring that all items authorized for clients are provided to the clients as determined by the procedures of that specific program.

3.       A staff member will be assigned for each program or event to provide the approval to pay to accounting.

4.       For items or services being split among multiple clients, where there is not a distinct per-person charge, accounting will be provided a list of the persons covered by the bill and the amount to be charged to each person as part of the approval to pay.

5.       Case notes documenting the client�s participation in the program, such as monthly and end of program reports, will serve as documentation that the client participated.

6.       If a client withdraws from a program, a case note will be entered to that affect, authorizations will be voided, and accounting will be notified.


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