VR Application Worksheet
First Name | |
Last Name | |
Date of Birth | |
Student with a Disability? | |
If yes, IEP or 504? | |
Social Security Number | |
Are you your own guardian? | |
Primary Email | |
Secondary Email | |
Phone Number | |
Secondary Number | |
Preferred Method of Contact | |
Preferred Media (Electronic, large print, Braille) | |
Other Contact Information | |
Marital Status | Divorced Married Never Married Separated Widowed |
Citizenship | Naturalized U.S. Citizen U.S. Citizen or National by Birth in the U.S. or U.S. Territory/Commonwealth U.S. Citizen or Nation by Birth, Born to U.S. Parents in a Foreign Country Not a U.S. Citizen |
Ethnicity | Did Not Self Identify Hispanic or Latino Not Hispanic or Latino |
Veteran? | |
If yes, do you receive veteran benefits? | |
Gender | Male Female Did not identify |
Race-choose all that apply | American Indian or Alaska Native Asian Black or African American Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander White Did not self-identify his/her race |
Languages-choose all that apply | English Spanish American Sign Language (ASL) French German Italian Japanese Portuguese Vietnamese Greek Other: |
Mailing Address | Street: City: State: County: |
Physical Address (if different) | Street: City: State: County: |
Registered to Vote? | |
State issued driver’s license? | |
State issued ID? |
Program Information
Source of referral | |
Living arrangement | |
What is your disability | |
What is the cause of your disability? | |
SSI due to blindness? | |
SSDI due to blindness? | |
Public support | 0 - Individual does not receive public support 1 - Individual receives Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) 2 - Individual receives Supplemental Security Income (SSI) 3 - Individual receives Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) 4 - Individual receives other public support from another source |
Medical insurance coverage at application | 0 - Applicant does not have medical insurance coverage 1 - Applicant has Medicaid 2 - Applicant has Medicare 3 - Applicant is receiving benefits through the State or Federal Affordable Care Act Exchange at the time of application 4 - Applicant has public insurance outside of Medicare, Medicaid, or the Affordable Care Act exchange 5 - Applicant has private insurance through employer 6 - Applicant is not eligible for private insurance through a current employer, but will be eligible for private insurance after a certain period of employment 7 - Applicant has private insurance through other means |
Educational Information: Highest level of education Date of graduation |
Social/Recreational | |
Work History/Vocational Goals: | |
Attitude regarding blindness |