#Iowa Department for the Blind

Created 3//16 Last Revise 6/23

AT Contractor Approval Process

Step 1: Contractor Application

Please visit this link to complete the application. Each individual or business must submit a completed application form. Please be aware that information regarding education, certification, and experience will be available to case managers in order to help them match the contractors skillsets to their clients’ needs. The list of hardware and software that contractors have been qualified to teach ((see below) will be made available to case managers as well.

Step 2: Performance based knowledge testing and Teaching Sample evaluation

Each contractor must pass a teaching sample evaluation and a separate knowledge test for each category they would like to contract to train.

Part A: Trainer Performance Evaluation

Applicant will prepare and teach a lesson based on a scenario distributed at the time the test is arranged. One IDB staff member will act as student while another observes and scores based on pre-defined criteria. Applicant will also submit a lesson plan and report. (See Teaching Sample Test Outline and Scoring)”

Part B: Subject Matter Tests

Applicant must pass the subject matter test for each area they wish to teach. For a list of tests and what will be tested in each, see Subject Matter Test List and Scoring”.

Step 3: Sign confidentiality agreement, and submit to background check

In order to protect our clients, all contractors providing AT training must sign a confidentiality agreement and pass a criminal background check.

Step 4: Sign contract

Contractor must complete W9 and all required accounting paperwork before contracting begins. IDB will pay $80 per hour portal to portal for travel and training time. Contractor is responsible for all expense incurred in the provision of service.

Teaching Sample Scoring for AT Contractors


When testing is scheduled, applicant will receive a general topic on which to prepare a 60 minute lesson. These topics may include, but are not limited to:

Applicant will also be given information regarding the mock students current knowledge base in order to aid preparation.

Topic will be assigned randomly from the topic list and given to the applicant one week before the test date.

Applicant will teach the lesson to a IDB staff member acting as a student while another staff member completes the scoring sheet. After the lesson, applicant will have 3 business days to submit the report to the test administrator.

Applicant must achieve a score of 85% on each section to pass this test. If an applicant fails to pass the teaching sample section, he or she must wait three months to re-test. One re-test submission is allowed on the lesson plan and report sections before the entire test must be repeated.

In order to prevent any potential conflicts of interest or bias, if an applicant is a current or former agency client, any current or former case manager or instructor who has submitted more than 2 case notes to the applicant’s case file will not be allowed to participate in the testing process IDB staff not meeting this criteria who feel that they could be potentially biased will be expected to remove themselves from the process as well. Counselors scoring the report section will not be given the applicant name or any personally identifiable information about the applicant.

Part 1: Lesson Plans

Applicant will bring a copy of his/her lesson plan or submit it electronically to the test administrator the day of the test. This lesson plan will be reviewed and scored by the same test administrator who scores the teaching portion after the completion of the teaching test.

Lesson Plan Scoring Criteria

Sample Lesson Plan

Material Covered: navigating the ribbons


Student will be able to locate options within the ribbons and activate those options Methods:

· Review assignments since last visit and answer questions

Discuss ribbons, how they are similar and different from menu bars, introduce concepts of split buttons, groupings), tabs, upper and lower ribbons, backstage Go through keystrokes and commands list and give copy to client Work through worksheet 1 with client If satisfactory, watch client work through worksheet 2 independently, if not, work through together If satisfactory, watch client work through worksheet 3 independently, if not, work through together Before leaving, review commands, answer questions, and give assignments Evaluation Criteria:

Number of questions asked after first worksheet Time it takes to complete worksheet Track specific problems (navigating between grouped of items, manipulating split buttons, remembering keystrokes, etc.) Assignments for continuing practice:

Leave copies of all remaining worksheets Express to client that the minimum expectation is the completion of 2 worksheets but additional practice would be highly beneficial

Part 2: Teaching Test

Applicant will teach a 60 minute lesson on the pre-assigned topic

Scoring Criteria

Definitions of Scoring Categories Note: The expectations listed below are those expected of all IDB trainers and employed by the department are evaluated on the same criteria.

Part 3: Report Sample

Applicant will submit a report on the teaching sample within three business days to the test administrator. This report will be evaluated and scored by a rehab counselor.

Report Scoring Criteria

Sample Report

Client Name: Student

Instruction Date: January 20, 2024 Instruction Time: 10:00-11:30 AM

Instruction Objectives and Material Covered: Reading text review and Windows commands

Objective: To read text in a document and learn how JAWS speaks cursor movement. To learn how to check system time and window title.



Student completed only 1 of 3 homework assignments. We discussed for the second time the importance of practicing between lessons. Student said that she had been too busy preparing for her Super Bowl party to work on her assignments. I pointed out that these skills are critical if she intends to start her college program in the fall.

Student maintained focus on the task at hand and worked for the entire 90 minutes with one five minute break in the middle. At the end of the lesson, she said that she was happy with her performance today and assured me that she would do the assignments for me this week. I reminded her that she isn’t doing the assignments for me, she is doing them for herself. The repetition of the commands that comes from the completion of these assignments should greatly improve her retention and make her more consistent in her ability to recall and use these key commands.

Next Steps:

I gave her three assignment files to complete in order to practice what she learned and asked her to have them completed when I return next Tuesday. In our next lesson, if assignments are completed and with less than 3 errors each, we will move on to practicing navigating between open windows. If not, we will review reading commands and complete one or more assignments on this topic before moving on because if she cannot efficiently read text, everything that follows will be significantly more difficult for her.


Applicant will be notified of results no later than 15 business days after submission of the report.

Subject Matter Test List

IDB administers performance based tests in each of the following subject areas. Contractors must pass the test for each section before they will be allowed to contract with us to provide training in that area. These tests will be performance based and timed. These tests may change as necessitated by changes in hardware and software.

Successful completion is defined as completion of all test tasks within the allotted time frame. Please note that no task will be tested that is not on the list at the time the test is scheduled, but not every item listed will necessarily appear on every version of the test. There may be several versions of each test. Each test version will be tested by IDB staff to ensure that it can be reasonably completed within the time frame specified.

Successful completion of a test qualifies a trainer to contract in that area for up to five years at which point re-testing will be required. Applicants must wait one month to re-test a failed test the first time and three months every time thereafter.

All tests will be performed on the applicant’s equipment unless the applicant wishes to use IDB provided equipment. Applicants are expected to use the latest release of each screen reader or magnifier.No screen usage will be allowed for screen reader tests. Additional equipment information may be noted in each test section. Device models for phones, braille devices, and video magnifirers will be discussed and agreed upon at the time test arrangements are made. If you wish to be certified to teach a device not on this list, please contact us and we will work with you to develop a certification process.

Windows with Screen Reader

Note: each screen reader must be demonstrated separately.

Time: 2 hours

Competencies to demonstrate:

Mac with VoiceOver or Zoom

Note: each screen reader/magnifier must be demonstrated separately.

Time: 2 hours

Competencies to demonstrate:

Microsoft Office with Speech

Time: 2 hours

Competencies to demonstrate:



Power Point


iOS devices with VoiceOver and Android devices with Talkback

Time: 1 hour

Note: all items must be demonstrated without using voice assistant unless otherwise specified

Competencies to demonstrate:

Video Magnifiers

Time: 10 minutes per device

Competencies to demonstrate

Braille displays and smart displays

Time: 30 minutes per device

Competencies to demonstrate:

Magnification Software

Time: 30 minutes per application Note” a testing device will be provided to demonstrate installation

Competencies to demonstrate:

Search IDB Intranet Accounting Procedures BEP Procedures Center & VRT Procedures ETT Procedures IL Procedures Library Procedures Tech Procedures IDB Policy and Procedure Home IDB Building Evacuation Plan AT Overview VR Intranet Home VR Forms VR Policies and Guidelines
IDB Policies and Procedures