Purpose: To outline the process that staff will use for obtaining client signatures via alternative methods in response to operational disruption to delivery of services or irregular operations due to unforeseen or extreme circumstances.
Background: Physical signatures are generally the only allowable method for obtaining client signatures. Due to the need for IDB to telework and follow social distancing recommendations in response to operational disruption to delivery of services or irregular operations due to unforeseen or extreme circumstances, a new procedure is put into place to allow for verbal agreements or email agreements in place of a physical signature on the IL Applicant Rights & Responsibilities Form, Independent Living Rehabilitation Plan or Waiver Plan Signature Form, and other documents used by IDB staff for internal purposes.
Frequency: IDB will use the following process in response to operational disruption to delivery of services or irregular operations due to unforeseen or extreme circumstances. Utilization of verbal or email agreement is limited and only allowable under the approval of the IL Program Administrator during special circumstances. The IL Program Administrator will determine the allowable start and end dates to allow verbal agreements. Note: An actual signature is preferable whenever possible. Please work with your client to determine whether getting their signature is possible prior to resorting to this type of agreement. Consider other options for getting signatures-for example e-mailing a copy of the document, customer prints, signs, and sends back a photo of the document using their phone.
Client Signature Options during IDB Approved Special Circumstances
Any document requiring signature will be signed by the person authorized to make decisions regarding the applicant/client’s IL case using one of the following methods:
Direct signature on the document;
Email approval attached to the document; or
Verbal approval (allowed only during IDB approved special circumstances).
The date IDB/IL staff received the signed document is the “Date of signature.”
If the document is signed in the IL office, the date of signature will be considered the date of receipt.
If the document is signed and mailed/faxed or otherwise sent to the IDB/IL office, the document will be date stamped/written upon receipt by office staff and the stamped/written date will be considered the date of receipt.
If the document is approved via email and emailed to the IL office, the date stamp on the email will be the date of receipt. The email is placed in the electronic file and the paper file with the document requiring a direct signature.
If the document is approved via verbal approval, the date of documented verbal approval will be considered the date of receipt.
Process Steps for Obtaining and Documenting Verbal Agreement/Signature from clients
For approvals/signatures obtained verbally during IDB approved special circumstances; that is, when there is an operational disruption to delivery of services or irregular operations due to unforeseen or extreme circumstances, staff will:
Contact the person authorized to make decisions regarding the applicant/client’s IL case to obtain verbal agreement/signature for any document requiring a signature;
Verbally review all details of the document with the individual, address any questions or concerns the individual has about the document; and
Ask if the individual understands and agrees with the all details of the document.
If the individual agrees with all details of the document, staff will:
Inform the individual that due to special circumstances, IDB is allowing verbal agreement as a method of signature for a limited period of time and that staff will document the individual’s verbal agreement, including method of agreement (e.g. phone call) and document details, in the case file and electronically sign/type and date the document on behalf of the client;
Electronically sign the document on behalf of the client/authorized representative by entering/typing the appropriate name on the document’s signature line and entering the date of verbal approval into the date field; and
Provide a copy of the completed, signed document to the individual via email, mail, or in person appointment, as soon as circumstances allow.
In the event a document must be mailed, and staff do not have access to office mail, staff will:
Print/save the signed document as a PDF and email it to a staff member who does have access to office mail for processing. If this method is not available, staff will:
Maintain a spreadsheet of documents that must be mailed to individuals once circumstances allow staff to have access to office mail. Staff will mail documents within 2 business days of regaining access to office mail.
Staff will document the details of the conversation with the individual in a case note. This case note will include the individual’s verbal agreement, method of agreement (e.g. phone call/email), document details and method of which a copy of the completed and signed document will be provided to the individual.
Process for obtaining staff signatures on documents.
IDB staff will continue to sign paperwork in the following ways:
Direct signature on the document;
Electronic signature on the document;
Staff may scan and send the document to office staff for processing.
If using a direct signature on the document, staff will maintain the original until able to send to the office for filing.
The date IDB staff complete the document with the IL client is the “Date of signature.”
Exceptions to this process:
Releases of Information and non-IDB created documents (i.e. Voter Registration Forms)
Due to the nature of some documents such as Releases of Information forms, a direct signature from the client is still required. If you find yourself in a situation, where you require a release and are unable to get a signature, please work with your supervisor to determine what steps to take next.
Documents that generate a payment when issued such as maintenance, reimbursement request, driver forms, etc.
Due to state requirements, signatures in ink are required for these documents.
Contact: Questions related to document should be directed to the Independent Living Program Administrator.
Kimberley Barber